MAC - Dazzle Lash Discussion


Well-known member
I tried this yesterday in my store and it worked great with the little disposable wands so bought Star Brunette. Lots of separation and some lengthening. It really flaked off into my eyes when I was taking it off in the evening though and I get freaked out whenever there anything in my eye. I don't know how to remove it without this happening? Well, I tried the tube I bought this morning and it went on great again, but now looks blah, like I don't even have it on.
Overall, I'm dissapointed.


Well-known member
I really like this mascara. I like the fact that it doesn't smudge on me at all. I hate having little dots of black under my eyes which I get from mascara/fluidline/bootblack.

But not this one! yay!

and I have thick full, long lashes so I love that this enhances them and separates them.. no thanks to spider leg lashes!


Well-known member
As you guys know, I work at MAC, so I've used my time at work this weekend to investigate this mascara.

My final impression: Not all that special, and just okay.

It applies easily and fairly evenly in one coat. It dramatically lengthens and separates. I couldn't get it to thicken the lashes very much, which is important to me personally, so I wasn't all that impressed when I wore it on myself.

It lengthens even short lashes nicely, but they remain fairly slim and not very thick, so I wouldn't recommend this for people with very sparse lashes. I didn't notice much curl unfortunately.

If you LOVE the length and separation but are looking for more thickness, you could try Prep + Prime. I tried it on myself and customers, and it does add a bit of thickness, but not much.

Like I said, I am not all that impressed. I still prefer Prolong Lash and Plushlash. Those are my goto mascaras, and I have tried Lancome, Clinique, Prescriptives, Estee Lauder, Chanel, Dior, and NARS. People say they dislike MAC Mascaras, but I think you just have to try them all (at counter to save money!) and try them in different ways just to find something that works.


Well-known member
well I've heard from my three fav ma's, - my friend who works at MAC, bunnyx3, and erine, and they all say its good but not spectacular. That is all I need to know
I will not be buying it.


Well-known member
I think it's all about expectations and this product was not really named well. Instead of naming it Dazzle Lash, which conjured up voluminous lashes to some and glittery lashes to others, they should have called it HD Lash. Working high defintion in there would have been more trendy and more in keeping with what the product really does, IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
The packaging is really pretty though, for those that haven't checked it out yet!

Originally Posted by Stormy
That I agree with, the packaging is very nice!

oh yeah, it is a pretty tube!


Well-known member
i do like the packaging. and i've been using it a couple days now and i'm still loving it.

i put on a coat this morning along with filling in my eyebrows, a little studio fix and e-z baby tendertone and it was the perfect no-makeup look. i'm really diggin' that look lately, so dazzlelash definately has got my vote. right now, i curled my lashes (with one coat of dazzlelash still on them) and put another coat on and it looks like i'm wearing faux lashes they're so long and perfectly seperated.

i do agree though that if you're looking for volume, this probably isn't for you. it gives a bit of volume, but it's much better for those who are already happy with their natural volume and just want colour/lengthening/seperating effects. i haven't noticed any flaking or smudging, which is big for me because it's relatively humid where i live during the summer and most mascaras run/smudge which just isn't a good look at all, imho. i'm pretty excited to try this out in the summertime and see how it holds up in the humidity.
it's also easy to clean off, too, which i love. i hate having to scrub my eye makeup off, but this just comes right off when you wash your face and it doesn't leave those gross charcoaly stains around your lashlines like most mascaras do.

srsly, i suggest at least trying this stuff out if you're near a counter. it's definately worth checking out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
I think it's all about expectations and this product was not really named well. Instead of naming it Dazzle Lash, which conjured up voluminous lashes to some and glittery lashes to others, they should have called it HD Lash. Working high defintion in there would have been more trendy and more in keeping with what the product really does, IMO.

Excellent point!


Well-known member
Good mascara, love the brush, and it was really easy to layer with literally no clumping. Not AMAZING, I still think Givenchy's Phenomen'eyes is the best I've tried lately (Lancome's Oscillation left a lot to be desired for me, unfortunately). But for a $12 or so mascara, it definitely holds its own among the pricier brands. Not a lot of added volume, but I'll take long, fluttery lashes over thicker ones any day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
I think it's all about expectations and this product was not really named well. Instead of naming it Dazzle Lash, which conjured up voluminous lashes to some and glittery lashes to others, they should have called it HD Lash. Working high defintion in there would have been more trendy and more in keeping with what the product really does, IMO.

I agree! They really wasted a good name on this product. Dazzlelash could have been so great and glittery. I think I am boycotting this mascara just because of the name. Nothing should have the word dazzle in it if it doesn't "dazzle".


Well-known member
They're just loving the words "dazzle" and "flash", methinks. Someone needs to get them a dictionary and possibly thesaurus so they can expand their vocabulary.


Well-known member
LoL MAC was on a dazzle/flash kick for awhile there.

I want this mascara, even though its not spectacular. Hmmmmm. Maybe one day Ill pick it up, when I run out of mascara


Well-known member
I'm going to pick this up today, hopefully it lives up the the hype

if it doesn't I'm gonna come knocking at your door, Kimmy!


Well-known member
Hmm, I picked this up today but haven't tried it yet because I was already wearing mascara when I hit up MAC on my lunch break.

The MA was saying how she loooves it and its so much better than Plushlash which she hates apparently (I probably wouldn't admit to hating a product from the line I'm trying to sell but *shrug*). I happen to like Plushlash when paired with Prep+prime but I'm hoping this will be better. I don't really need tons of volume so I think I'll like this.
Can't wait to try it out!


Well-known member
i wore this today. yeah, i didn't like it very much. i'm gonna give it away and stick with my black x like originally planned.


Well-known member
I really, really like Plushlash (one of the proud and few, haha), but I think I'm going to try this too. I'm pretty satisfied with my natural length and thickness - I just need color and separation, and it seems like Dazzle Lash will do this.

Thanks for all the helpful reviews!


Well-known member
I bought this mascara the other day after a special event at my counter, and got to try it out and LOVED it. It's because I already have thick "volumized" lashes that are somewhat long. But the smaller wand just seems to really do it for me. Oh, and the pretty packaging is nice too.


Well-known member
Ooh.. tried this for the first time this morning, with P+P Lash, and I really like it!

I have pretty long lashes that hold a curl naturally so I don't know if someone with short, sparse lashes would feel the same.. but I do love the separation, and the shorter wand makes it easy to get the lashes in the corners so my eyes appear wider. So far so good! I'm gonna try it without the Prep n Prime tomorrow and I'll let you guys know.