MAC Divine Night Collection (October 17, 2013)


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Centre of Attention


Thank you soooooooooooo much!!!


Well-known member
Thank you Honi and Fancieland for the additional pics! While I like a lot of things, every time I look at the MES I've a flashback to 2009 and see the MES from Magic, Mirth and Mischief with the half moon design. Not a big fan of those and not a big fan of the squares this year. The blushes, lippies and CSG -


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for the pics, Fancieland!

Oh boy, I really won't now what to get until I see lots of good swatches of everything. I'm sad I only have a tiny budget for the holiday collection this year, so I have to pick wisely. And I hope that I can get some stuff later in the clearance bin/evilbay/through a CP, because it will sell out immediately over here as always.


Well-known member
Thank you, Fancieland!!! I need that purple blush. I hope it's purple and not with too much pink in it. Everything looks so purrdy.


Well-known member
Oh My Those pictures. at first I didn't think I wanted any of MB becuase they have a tendancy to be too glittery for my tastes but maybe I think I want them all now :S I am going to be flat out broke and Riri hasn't even hit the stores here yet!

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I know people were pretty upset about the lack of royal purple fluid line and I was out shopping today (To comfort myself over the Riri sitch!) and picked up these "Soul Colour Waterproof Shadows" by an Italian Brand called Astra. They were 2euro each and are amaze! I am wearing the purple as a liner now, had to be gentle with it as it is softer than a fluid line but once it's set that is it. No budging. And it is the purrrfect Dairy Milk purple, it even has the same sheen as a dairy milk bar :) Hope it's Ok for me to post that here.
