MAC - Electroflash Discussion


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Meh. It's looking like I'll only grab that Lil' Hot Pepper l/g. I don't use the one MES e/s duo I have now, that pink and purple one ("Interview" something?)

I gotta tell ya, ITA with another Specktra member who said in another thread that it's good we can see all these collections in advance like this, that way we can kind of pick and choose, budget for what we want. It has certainly helped having those previews!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Jesus Specktra, are you trying to give me a heart attack with all this info? LOL. This is awesome though, there's so many things I want (from this collection and all the others). Looks like I'll pretty busy over the next while doing some budgeting. Maybe I should just get it all. Seriously, who needs food and clothes? Rent? What's that?

I know I for sure I want Sonic Vibe l/g and Fast Thrill l/s. Still trying to figure out which MES's I want. They all look so pretty...


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Originally Posted by glamqueen1
I gave MES a second chance with Engaging this winter, but it's still all chunky glitter! so I'll be passing on this collection.

Thats what I was thinking.... I swapped/gave everything away from Flashtronic because of the MESS they make, so even though I do like the look of Hot Contrast I am going to wait and see some reviews here first. I think in the end I will pass unless its really something special and I would only want one with a LOT of red veining anyway. I am holding out for the pigment releases with Colour Forms and Overrich!!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Hot Contrast, Odd Couple, Play On Plums please!

I love the MES purples. I loved Earthly Riches and use it so much, I really need more of their purples! Forget the perm collection.. lol. Odd Couple looks like it could be a good replacement for Parfait Amour, and I've been wanting that.


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

they look so pretty, but i'm probably just going to get love connection. it's gonna be my first MES purchase!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Ahh, these are so pretty and I think I've finally made up my mind. I want for sure Love Connection and Two to Glow and I'm thinking about Play on Plums (hafta see how the bronzed burgundy turns out, but I have an inkling it will be stunning with my eyes...not to toot my own horn or anything
) and Fresh Green (that lime is calling my name) and possibly Polar Opposites if the purplish side turns out really nicely. Of course all these could go right down the drain if they end up being glitter bombs!! (MAC I hope you're reading and getting all this...we want shimmering, not glittering!!)

I also am loving Sonic Vibe and Culture Clash l/g and Mellow Mood and Fast Thrill l/s. Those pinks are so pretty!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Hey much are the MES?

They are $16.50 US/ $20 CAD


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Fast Thrill lipstick and the Fresh Green duo, that's really all, but from what I tell from the pics, I really want these!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Originally Posted by glamqueen1
I gave MES a second chance with Engaging this winter, but it's still all chunky glitter! so I'll be passing on this collection.

Me too!! I wanted to love my Mi'lady but I ended up selling it because the glitter was way too chunky and hurt my eyes. Not to mention it got everywhere. I'm just not big on MES, or most MSF for that matter. I'm glad I can pass these up, I'm trying to budget as much as I can for all these upcoming collections!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

this is going to be an awesome mes collection! I want more than I have for the past few I've seen!
Yay pinks!

Hot contrast looks kicking but black....not good for me. I'll dream about the other side of it....


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

These look so gorgoeus! I really wanna give these a try but I'm a bit fearful of MSFs/MES. They tend to make my oily skin look gross. The black one looks hot, though!!!!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Lovely MES! I still want a really nice pink one though! Awesome!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

omg so many collections coming out. i was not expecting all of
them lOl, geez should have saved up haha.
but i'm definately looking forward to this one. love the colors, im
thinking of getting all the l/s (im not really a l/s person but the
colors are to die for!) and of course the l/g's too. nvm. might get
all of it hahahha /= i need help !


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

I hope that Hot Contrast finally gives me that glossy, shiny black shadow that I have been longing for.



Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

I almost fell out of the chair and fainted when I saw this collection. I keep saying I don't need any more color!!! I have not scratched the surface of possibilities with what I have and then I see this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sea and Sky! Wow is that dark blue just what I wanted! I wonder if I should pass on cool heat!!!!


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I hope that Hot Contrast finally gives me that glossy, shiny black shadow that I have been longing for.


ita! that's only 1 i'm really interested in, and i hope i can find 1 that has lots of black & red, not a big fan of the white veinings


Well-known member
Re: Electroflash Discussion

Omg, those MES Duos look freaking amazing. I can't wait to see them in person!

And I'm totally going to be snatching up Vanity's Child. I love neutral lippies. :]