MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


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Re: I got a demo interview!

i knew u would do it!!! i just hopei get the phone call


Well-known member
I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

My demo was completely nerve racking at first.

Yesterday, I had demo interview at a local MAC. They were having a ‘job fair.’ Meaning it was a one stop shop to get hired. As the regional trainer explained, it’s like American Idol. The first stage is the demo and the next stage is the interview.

I was the first one to arrive with my model. I arrived 15 minutes early, and had to wait outside because the store had not opened yet. At 10AM Macy’s opened up and we all met at the counter. There were 6 girls trying out, including myself. I looked around to see the other girls’ skill by judging their make-up. My model pointed out mine was the most put together.

We followed the manager for counter to the training room. The tables were set up with the MAC chairs next to them. On the table they had tissues, beakers with alcohol, brushes, sharpeners, mirrors, disposable lip and mascara wands.

There were about 6-7 MAC employees. They ranged from managers to the regional trainer, and even the regional recruiter. Everyone was extremely helpful and nice. They separated the models and the candidates. The models were asked to choose a seat and us to follow our model. Once settled down they threw a curve ball at us. We, the candidates, were asked to move one spot up. This way it simulates a real customer. I am so thankful, my model had wonderful skin. I introduced myself to my new model and got to know her name. Then we were paired up with one of the MAC employees.

At this point, I was stressing out because I was paired up with the regional trainer. I tried out 4 years ago, when I tried out before I was paired with him. I didn’t make it last time, so you can figure how nervous I was to be paired up with him again. Each candidate was given a scenario. Mine was rather difficult. My model was a mother of 2, with a 3rd one on the way. She was married to a politician and often goes with him to parties. She has a pink clutch she would like her make-up to match.

So I keep thinking in my head, keep the eyes neutral and her lips/cheek pink. I need to make something that she can do in 5-10 minutes for day because of her kids and make it more dramatic for night. They gave us 5 minutes to gather supplies. Not everything was up there. They had some skincare, no prep+prime (except for lash), no studio fix liquid and all colors were NW, not NC. I grab all my eye shadows first. I picked up Naked Lunch, Handwritten and Soba. Then I grabbed the blush, which was Dolly Mix, and eye liner pencil in Teddy. I made sure to grab MSF natural because I swear by this stuff. They didn’t have Medium Dark and just Medium Plus. The last items I grabbed were Soar l/l, Wildly Lush p/g, Snob l/s and Select Tint in NW30 (I needed NW35 but couldn’t find it).

They then explained sanitation. I asked if the brushes were already sanitized, and they said yes. Right before I started I asked them if they have hand sanitizer. They gave it to me, and I made sure to use it when they were looking right before I touched anything else. They gave one last warning, if we put any product, brushes, anything outside the tissues they will take the item away.

I set up my tissues so I can place items down easier without worrying were I put everything.. And made sure everything was within reach. Then we were off.

I started to talk to my model and used her first name as I spoke to her. Then started to restate the situation to her confirming with my model that she needed a look she can take from day to night, which matched her clutch and is quick and easy because she has two young ones. I realized I didn’t have strobe liquid, so I went and grabbed it. I asked the ages of her two children and the genders. I tried to get her to talk about her family a little bit as I sanitized everything before hand. I made sure to sanitize the petri dish too. The trainer was about 4 feet away sitting in a chair and seemed to be paying attention, but at the same time not. I suppose to not make me feel so nervous.

I pumped the strobe liquid on the petri dish and grabbed the 190 brush. I explained the benefits of the brush and why I am using it, then I went to explain the benefits of strobe liquid. I pointed out how wonderful her skin was and the soft-focus diffusers in the strobe liquid will help give her a glow that shows how gorgeous her skin is. I told her I put this one first because it is the moisturizer too and I want it to soak in her skin before I put the foundation on.

I then went to her eye make-up. I forgot grab a base for it so I went right into applying the eye shadows. I grabbed the 239 brush and explained the benefits. Explained how this was my favorite eye shadow brush because you have an easier time controlling how much eye shadow to put on, and how it is the best brush to pack colors in to intensify the look. I applied Naked Lunch first on the lid, then packed Soba in her crease, then put some Handwritten in the outer 3rd of her lid. I grabbed the 224 brush to blend. I explained benefits of the brush, and how the tapered edge will help blend the eye shadows. I pulled a line that I heard the trainer once said in one of his seminars he did recently. “Blend, blend, blend to no end because blending is your friend.” At that moment I saw him freeze and grabbed all the MAC employees to say, “I think this girl just said my line!” He couldn’t stop talking about it positively. My confidence started to boost.

I went back creating small talk with my customer about the new baby that is on they way, finding out if she knows the sex yet, what is she hoping for and does she have a name picked out. I brought conversation back to what I was doing. I had her check her eyes so far. She said she liked them. I explained how this was the unfinished day look because of no mascara. I then explained to her about packing more Handwritten into the crease and outer 3rd to create more of a night look for the parties she goes with her husband. To make it more dramatic I told her to line her eyes with Teddy, which I did and then I put the mascara on her. I explained to her about the Plush Lash mascara. The formula instantly pumps her lashes with volume, but it’s the wand that makes it so unique. I showed her the wand and explained the oval shape and the purpose. The long side is to place a lot of product on her lashes to make them pop, but the short side is used to separate the lashes so they aren't clumped together. I finished with her brows and shaped them. I finally added more Naked Lunch on her brow bone and under the brow as a highlight. I then put a little more on the inside a corner of her eyes, explaining it gives her an elusion her eyes are brighter and open.

My allergies were getting the best of me, and my nose started to run. I grabbed a tissue, excused myself from my customer, walked away and blew my nose. I throw out the issue so it wouldn’t be mixed up with my current tissues and used hand sanitizer as soon as I got back to my customer.

I then started her foundation explaining I prefer to do it last because of eye shadow fall out possibly ruining her perfect foundation. I used the 190 brush again to apply the Select Tint SP15 in NW30. I explained the benefits of the spf. Then to set it and give her more of a glowing look that all the hot Hollywood actresses are doing I went to apply MSF natural. I explained the warmth it gives her faces, especially when she is photographed at events with her husband. I used the 187 brush to apply it. I explained if I was stuck on an island the two items I would have to bring with me would be the 187 and the MSF natural. I told her about the 187 how it gives an airbrush look and can help create a polished look she is looking for. I told her that the 187 is the perfect brush for liquid, cream and even powders. I then used it with Dollymix explaining the benefit of blending with the 187.

Lastly, I lined her lips, applied Snob and then Wildly Lush. I asked her to look at the finished product and ask if she likes it and if there was anything she would change. She stated her lip liner. I then went to correct my mistake when the trainer came over and asked me what I think of my look. I said it was an 8 and that it could be more polished. He asked me what I can fix on my work, I explained the lip liner and maybe the blush. He then corrected one side of her face with lip liner and blush. He asked me what is different. I told him it is more defined and would match her clutch better. Right before he stepped away he told me to finish the other side like he did. I did exactly what he said and he came back to exam my work. He did not say anything. At this point, I was very please with what I did.

They went to explain that if you get a tap on the shoulder you are asked to meet out side. They tapped everyone, but me. I, at first, thought I was mistaken or they forgot to. Then the trainer comes up to me asking was I tapped and I said no. He said there was a reason for that. He explained I am going to the next stage which is the interview. I was so ecstatic and jumped up and down for a bit.

Before the interview they needed to clean up because they were having another round later that day. They started cleaning up and I jumped right to it. I cleaned up my station and others. I guess they were shocked to see me take the initiative to clean up. The trainer did tell me the only criticism he had was to keep a cleaner work station. (I had tissues in a pile and a tissues with lipstick rubbed on it was showing). As soon as I use a tissue to toss it out, he explained.

Now my interview…

I was interviewed by the Regional Recruiter and a manager from one of the regional stores. Before they took place we chatted a little bit. As I said earlier, they were wonderful and so nice. The manager interviewing me was telling me about a training they are having with one of their pro artists, Victor, she wants me to go to because it is about diva glamour. I was so excited and told her I was very interested, and she’ll take my number later.

I don’t remember all the questions they asked me.

*What is your style like.
I told them I have a bit of a punk style, but I try to have it follow the trend at the same time. I explained my love for Japanese fashion too because of how creative they are.
*What is my make-up style.
I told them my signature is the smokey eye, but I love to do a variety. I explained to them the night before I talked to my boyfriend about what make-up I should do and he pointed out I always do heavier looks, so to lighten it up a bit. I told them I also read Allure as my bible foe the latest make-up trends.

*They asked if I like working with a team.
I told them I am great individually, but I love working with a team because I can learn from others. I used an example of if I see a girl that has make up I like I’d asked what she used and the technique. This way I can expand my arsenal of make-up tricks.

*They asked me what I liked about MAC.
I explained MAC sets the trends and not a follower, the company encourages growth and creativity, the programs then have. B2M – I love getting my lip sticks, Viva Glam – helps AIDs by donating the full retail price of the Viva Glam lipstick to local AIDS charities. Cruelty Free beauty – I don’t want to feel guilty purchasing a product that animals were used in tests for the final product. Also, even the hairs in the brushes are humanely gathered.

They also went into my background in customer service and made me choose one product I love from MAC and sell it to them. I choose MSF natural. They loved how I reference celebrities’ glowing skin in magazine to point out what the product can help achieve.

I can’t remember what else they asked me, but the asked for me to step out of the room and the closed the door behind me. I waited for about 2 minutes and then they opened the door and said they wanted to start filling out the paperwork. They asked me how I was feeling and I explained euphoria and everything seemed so surreal.

The manager I approached about Freelancing was there and she was excited I made it. She said she’ll call me as soon as she has hours after my paperwork goes through. I thanked her, and I told her I will see her on Thursday because of Heatherette.

I am very sorry for any grammatical errors and I am every sorry for it being so long. I am not that great as a story teller. I hope providing what happened to me will help others.


Well-known member
Re: I got a demo interview!

Thank you girls! I posted up a description ofn my demo and verbal interview.

glam8babe - do you have a number you can ring to follow up? I would highly suggest it.


Well-known member
Re: I got a demo interview!

Originally Posted by miss_supra
Thank you girls! I posted up a description ofn my demo and verbal interview.

glam8babe - do you have a number you can ring to follow up? I would highly suggest it.

woo im gonna read your new thread now im soo excited lol

and not yet.. i might look on the website for it or something, ill give them a ring as soon as i get it


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

That is so awesome, congratulations! I'm so excited for you!


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

WOW that sounded so nerve wrecking, yet fun! congrats on an awesome demo/interview & getting the job!


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

sounds like you did an AMAZING job!! i also like how you spoke to your model as if the scenario was real... i dont think ive seen any other threads where people doing a demo have explained they speak to the customer like you did.. apart from telling them about the makeup etc.

Im soo happy for you

also you know when you explained to the model about the plush lash brush.. well was the disposable wand exactly the same as plush lash's or did you just tell her about it then use a normal disposable wand? Iv always been curious about this... i always thought the wands were all the same for disposable


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

WOW. you were very thorough and knowledgeable!!! well done


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by glam8babe
also you know when you explained to the model about the plush lash brush.. well was the disposable wand exactly the same as plush lash's or did you just tell her about it then use a normal disposable wand? Iv always been curious about this... i always thought the wands were all the same for disposable

All disposable wands are the same, but the Plush Lash mascara I had still had the want portion. I showed it to her, but still used the disposable wand on her. I have seen the trainer do this in a seminar I went to so I decided to take the same apporach. Even though they can't see the same results as using the correct wand, they are aware of it.


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Congratulations on what sounds like a job extremely well done! Thanks for going into so much detail about the demo and interview; it was really interesting and full of useful tips too.


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by miss_supra
All disposable wands are the same, but the Plush Lash mascara I had still had the want portion. I showed it to her, but still used the disposable wand on her. I have seen the trainer do this in a seminar I went to so I decided to take the same apporach. Even though they can't see the same results as using the correct wand, they are aware of it.

thanks so much
i thought that was the case lol


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

You are the perfect example of just going for what you love. And, if at first you don't succeed...
I admire you for that & I think you will be a great inspiration for others!


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

that was great! thank you so much for sharing!

i had no idea they did group demos like that. it sounds like you did an amazing job! & congrats on getting hired! you're gonna be great!


Active member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Congrats!!!! You did a great job of explainining everything you went through, I think your attention to detail like that will help you so much in your new job


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Your interview sounds like it went very smoothly.


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post
