MAC Retro Matte collection (September 12, 2013)


Well-known member
I'm all
Her shop is magical.  I started out with 3 sample perfumes because a friend loved her shop, and now I own almost everything she's released since I found her.
I'm all for good lip products, do you use a primer too? If not, how long does lipstick last on top ? How does it do as a base? I find I can't do lipstick usually on top of balm..


Well-known member
I'm all for good lip products, do you use a primer too? If not, how long does lipstick last on top ? How does it do as a base? I find I can't do lipstick usually on top of balm..
I don't use a primer, but only because I don't have much of a need for it. Just using her balm as a base under RiRi Woo, I was able to get over 12 hours of wear with only one touch-up. I can't promise that it will work that well for everyone, but it works perfectly for me.


Well-known member
Wait, are these in standard bullets or palettes? (Sorry if this was asked already)
I was just come back to say I was thinking about the Antonio Lopez collection.
Thanks MACina.


Well-known member
The retro mattes are standard bullets.

Antonio Lopez collection inculdes lip palettes.
Yay for standard bullets! I guess AL collection with the palettes is the Moxie repromo we heard about? It isn't coming back as a standard bullet, right??? Or are we still holding out hope for that? (I guess it doesn't matter b/c I am getting the palette with the Moxie in it if I can get my grubby paws on one before it sells out. Now, the question is, do I sell/swap off my CYY and Moxie in the tube?)


Well-known member

Maybe Moxie will come back in a standard bullet one day....I wouldn' t be surprised.
But as far as I know (please correct me if I am wrong) it won' t with the collections we have information
on so far.
Yay for standard bullets! I guess AL collection with the palettes is the Moxie repromo we heard about? It isn't coming back as a standard bullet, right??? Or are we still holding out hope for that? (I guess it doesn't matter b/c I am getting the palette with the Moxie in it if I can get my grubby paws on one before it sells out. Now, the question is, do I sell/swap off my CYY and Moxie in the tube?)


Well-known member
Wow, if all Retro Mattes wear like RiRi Woo does on me.. my wallet is in trouble! I was afraid RiRi was going to be drying (feels dry putting it on, but can't feel it after a minute or so). Also, I decided to eat a few pieces of fudge off a fork, and my lipstick did not even move. Super impressed- looking forward to more colors!!


Well-known member
Yay for standard bullets!  I guess AL collection with the palettes is the Moxie repromo we heard about?  It isn't coming back as a standard bullet, right???  Or are we still holding out hope for that? (I guess it doesn't matter b/c I am getting the palette with the Moxie in it if I can get my grubby paws on one before it sells out.  Now, the question is, do I sell/swap off my CYY and Moxie in the tube?)
I'd say save your money and skip the palette! Buy violetta in a bullet and you're set. Besides, bullets have more product in them compared to palettes, so you're ahead of the game!


Well-known member
Now they r up there for 120 bucks! It was a unique color but not that unique to me! I love Gladiola, but I would not pay $120 for it.
Seriously, I was on ebay before. Just out of curiousity I thought I'd see what the RiRi lipsticks were going for in the UK. There's one for Heaux - Buy It Now for £150. The WORST part? EIGHT people are watching it! Fricking 8! WHY are people considering it?!


Well-known member
Seriously, I was on ebay before. Just out of curiousity I thought I'd see what the RiRi lipsticks were going for in the UK. There's one for Heaux - Buy It Now for £150. The WORST part? EIGHT people are watching it! Fricking 8! WHY are people considering it?!
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaat


Well-known member

Seriously, I was on ebay before. Just out of curiousity I thought I'd see what the RiRi lipsticks were going for in the UK. There's one for Heaux - Buy It Now for £150. The WORST part? EIGHT people are watching it! Fricking 8! WHY are people considering it?!