MAC - Sonic Chic Discussion


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by xpucu
Susanne can i ask what e/s you have on the picture? The colors look amazing on you

Thanks. I know that you have already found it:


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

The 181se is amaaaaazing!!
I looove mine from the Novel Twist set last year. I highly suggest everyone get one! I have never had a problem with shedding with mine either. Granted, its not as soft as my 182 but its size and performance more than makes up for it. I'm thinking about getting another one also.

Well I'm not looking forward to this collection. Not because I don't want anything, its the exact opposite! I want it all
but there is no way I'm going to get them all. Since I can't see them in person til they hit the European shelves, I'll have to rely on swatches, pictures as usual. BUT these are something that I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to see in person. It sucks because if I wait til I can see them in Europe, some might already be sold out on the US site. So what do I usually do in a case like this? Order them all/most. I really don't want do that anymore.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Ok, which one of those is a peachy color? I only want one (re: I want like 4 but really can't afford that many, so I'm pretending). I NEED a peach though!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by rbella
What about shedding? My 182 is notorious for shedding. Even though I still love it, I hate picking all the little black hairs off my face....

I would email CS, mine was shedding too and i din't have a receipt so i didn't know what to do. A lovely MAC MA told me to email CS and complain beacause it shouldn't happen and the brushes are guaranteed for life. I emailed them (3 times) but in the end they sent me a new one for free!!
I also had a 224 with a cracked handle (from the start!) and they sent me a new one too.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by Fearnotsomuch
Ok, which one of those is a peachy color? I only want one (re: I want like 4 but really can't afford that many, so I'm pretending). I NEED a peach though!

Nuance - Mid-tone peach with gold pearl


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Just got back from the mall, and I got to play with every single one of these amazing blushes (along with Electroflash - already posted in that thread). I wasn't too impressed with the swatches I saw, and didn't see anything that I had to have. When I saw them in person, boy was I wrong! They are AMAZING. Seriously. I did confirm with the MA that these are indeed $21 and the 181se is $30. I don't know if I can remember all of them, but I will try. Ok, first, they remind me alot of the beauty powder blushes. They are smooth and VERY pigmented. There is subtle sparkle in them, but nothing OTT. They are NOT glittery or gritty. They are similar in texture to Porcelain Pink and Lightscapade MSF. The color spectrum reminded me alot of the BPBs too. There is something for every skintone, and several that will flatter both fair ladies and WOC depending on what brush you use. I put Gentle, Pleasantry and Dainty on hold and am pondering at least 3 more. A little goes a LONG way with these babies. Gentle is indeed a raspberry pink, though not a bright raspberry like say, Bobbi Brown Pink Raspberry blush. It is a dirty raspberry, and it appears slightly purple in the pot, but does not apply that way at all. Pleasantry is the typical blue pink. Similar to Barbie's Don't by Shy and Pink Swoon, which are 2 of my favorites, so this was an automatic want for me. Dainty is the lightest of all of the colors, and is a peachy pink, similar to Shy Beauty BPB. Nuance was very pretty, but I am afraid this one might have the same tendency to turn orange on some skintones like Spaced Out from NSF. Love Thing REALLY surprised me. I can't stop thinking about this one, but I am a bit scared of how it will turn out on me. It is a beautiful dark raspberry shade, that I think might work on us fair girls with a 187, and will be PERFECT on WOC. I am going barefaced on launch day to try this one out. I really love the color. Love Joy and Warm Soul were brown on me. Love Joy is darker, and will be another great one for WOC. I think these are definately more flattering for warmer skintones. I have too much pink in my skin for these to work on me. Merrily surprised me too. This one is described as a burned red, but it looks more coral on me. There was a lot of orange tones in this one, but not in a bad way. I don't think this is any kind of dupe for Stereo Rose (I know alot of people were hoping for that) This is the other one that I am pondering. It is different from everything I have, but this one has ALOT of color payoff, so for fair girls, a skunk brush would be absoluately necessary. Last but not least, there is Gleeful. I couldn't compare them directly, but this one reminded me a bit of Afterdusk blush from Moonbathe. I wasn't wowed by this one. Pretty, but not a stand out for me.

I ended up wanting more from this collection, and less from Electroflash than I thought I would. I am very impressed and pleased with Sonic Chic, though I wish the 181se was a little more affordable. I am going to have to pass on that for now, since I want more blushes than I planned. I only wanted 2 originally, and after seeing them in person, I want 5. So, as I said, I have Pleasantry, Gentle and Dainty on hold and am considering Merrily and Love Joy. It's going to be an expensive month for MAC! Hope that helps ladies!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

THANK YOU Audrey!! I haven't been able to make up my mind on a lot of these colors but I've definitely narrowed things down thanks to your reviews-I cannot WAIT for this collection to launch!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

I've just followed this entire thread from beginning to end over the past 2 hours, and let me tell you...that was one hell of a roller coaster ride. Seeing the swatches, I got al excited, then reading through the costs...first 16.50, then, 18.50, then 24.50, then 19.50 and finally settling at $21. Oh my cheeses, I need a breather now.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Thanks for the awesome review Audrey!!!! I really can't wait to get my hands on these blushes!!!!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Thanks so much for the awesome reviews Audrey. I think my order will stay the same!! Yay!! I'm glad the ones I want seem like they look as good in person as in the photos....


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by rbella
Thanks so much for the awesome reviews Audrey. I think my order will stay the same!! Yay!! I'm glad the ones I want seem like they look as good in person as in the photos....

Which ones are you wanting?

I can stop thinking about these. I swore I was only going to get one, and I want 5. I am not sure that I will get all 5, but I want them.


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

I want:
Gleeful-I know you weren't very impressed by this one, but I love the picture! Out of all these, this would be first off my list.

If pleasantry is similar to pink swoon, then I will walk miles and miles to get it!! I love, love, love pink swoon!!!!!!!!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by ilorietta
I would email CS, mine was shedding too and i din't have a receipt so i didn't know what to do. A lovely MAC MA told me to email CS and complain beacause it shouldn't happen and the brushes are guaranteed for life. I emailed them (3 times) but in the end they sent me a new one for free!!
I also had a 224 with a cracked handle (from the start!) and they sent me a new one too.

just an fyi for you and everyone else, brushes aren't guaranteed for life. they aren't even guaranteed for any time period. sorry that your MA misinformed you, but glad to hear you got your brush replaced. were you cleaning it with mac's brush cleanser? as long as you are, the shedding should stop after a few cleansings since it conditions the bristles. shampoo or soap isn't gonna condition the hairs, so cleaning your brush with either of these isn't gonna do anything for the shedding.

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Dainty is the lightest of all of the colors, and is a peachy pink, similar to Shy Beauty BPB. Last but not least, there is Gleeful. I couldn't compare them directly, but this one reminded me a bit of Afterdusk blush from Moonbathe.

oooooooooooooh dainty
and i like afterdusk! i might just have to get gleeful too!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by erine1881
jwere you cleaning it with mac's brush cleanser? as long as you are, the shedding should stop after a few cleansings since it conditions the bristles.

I've been using cinema secrets brush cleanser? Perhaps the difference in formula is a problem?
I've washed it countless times. The shedding isn't large, whole pieces of the bristles, just little pieces that seem like they break off. Sometimes I think it is because I buff to hard....


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by rbella
I've been using cinema secrets brush cleanser? Perhaps the difference in formula is a problem?
I've washed it countless times. The shedding isn't large, whole pieces of the bristles, just little pieces that seem like they break off. Sometimes I think it is because I buff to hard....

you just may be buffing too hard too. try mac's brush cleanser. all brushes tend to shed when you first start using them. nothing too crazy, just a hair here and there cause you're putting them use and putting stress on the hairs, even with gentle use. the black-haired brushes tend to do this more. when you first start off, clean them once a week for a month or so. this will let the cleanser do its job and condition the hairs. the shedding should start to taper off after a while.

and if it continues to shed, at least you can say that you tried the brush cleanser. it might have just been a bad batch and the glue might not have been the best. unfortunately it happens sometimes.

you might wanna inform your MA that they aren't guaranteed for life, or anytime for that matter. cause people are gonna be mad if they hear it from her, and then another artist refuses to return/exchange it cause someone wasn't properly caring for their brushes when they might have thought "hey, they're guaranteed for life. i'll just exchange it for a new one."


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by rbella
I want:
Gleeful-I know you weren't very impressed by this one, but I love the picture! Out of all these, this would be first off my list.

If pleasantry is similar to pink swoon, then I will walk miles and miles to get it!! I love, love, love pink swoon!!!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, Gleeful is pretty, there are just others I like more
I LOVE Pink Swoon too. In fact, I hit the pan a week or so ago, and it's rapidly disappearing, so that's my justification for getting Pleasantry. They are not exact dupes, but in the same blue-pink color family

Originally Posted by erine1881

oooooooooooooh dainty
and i like afterdusk! i might just have to get gleeful too!

I am anxious for you to see these Erine. I want to know what you think of the darker ones (Merrily and Love Joy) for our skintone. My MA was SUPER busy today, so I didn't get to talk with her much about them...


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

Originally Posted by erine1881
you just may be buffing too hard too. try mac's brush cleanser. all brushes tend to shed when you first start using them. nothing too crazy, just a hair here and there cause you're putting them use and putting stress on the hairs, even with gentle use. the black-haired brushes tend to do this more. when you first start off, clean them once a week for a month or so. this will let the cleanser do its job and condition the hairs. the shedding should start to taper off after a while.

and if it continues to shed, at least you can say that you tried the brush cleanser. it might have just been a bad batch and the glue might not have been the best. unfortunately it happens sometimes.

you might wanna inform your MA that they aren't guaranteed for life, or anytime for that matter. cause people are gonna be mad if they hear it from her, and then another artist refuses to return/exchange it cause someone wasn't properly caring for their brushes when they might have thought "hey, they're guaranteed for life. i'll just exchange it for a new one."

She's never mentioned that it is guaranteed to me before. I've even told her about the issue. She just told me that it sometimes happens with the black haired brushes and to continue keeping them clean. She never said it was guaranteed or I could return it. I think her manager would kill her if she said that. I've seen her manager, I wouldn't want to piss off that lady either!!!

I will try the MAC cleanser and see if that makes a difference. If not, it will give me an excuse to try a new one!

Thanks, Erine!


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Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion

I might have a back up of pink swoon... I will have to hunt for it in one of my closets, but I will see and let you know. If I do, you can have it!