Miss California's answer............


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carlierae26
Here's the link to most American's against gay marriage:

Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

Those of opposing views don't necessarily have an "agenda". Well, no more than those in favor.

That's great. And fifty years ago a majority of Americans thought it was perfectly OK to prevent people of different races from getting married. It took the ironically named Supreme Court case Loving vs. Virginia to allow them to marry. Basic civil rights should never be dictated by popular votes.

If most Americans are opposed to gay marriage, then they should stick to "opposite" marriage for THEMSELVES and mind their own business about what other consenting adults are doing.


Let the people in each state vote. If they vote it in, then go for it. It should never be a federal government issue. Let states decide.


Well-known member
Again, why is the majority allowed to vote on what right a minority should have? That is ass backwards.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Again, why is the majority allowed to vote on what right a minority should have? That is ass backwards.

I completely agree.