my marriage is over


Well-known member
hang in there girl this sh*t storm will show you how really strong you are, it will amaze you. you'll come out of this crap and life will be better than you can imagine.


Well-known member
Keep your head.
You need to talk to someone ASAP regarding your legal rights; even though you are not divorced there must be some recourse for you financially for now.


Well-known member
Well that's f'd up! Sorry you're going through this but this new beginning can be exceptional if you make it so. Now you have the power so use it to make a great life for you and your kids. And while you're doing that I'll be mentally kicking the douche in his shriveled nut-sack!


Well-known member
He'll get his sweetie don't you worry about that! Karma always pays it's debts and this S.O.B has got some serious karma coming his way.

You must be an amazing woman (and he's f*cking mental), anyone that can come out of this is something special and this will only make you stronger. Big hugs! xxxooo


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear this

Your kids will come back to you, right now they probably dont even know whats going on and like you said, dad is making everything super fun, when they want a REAL parent, theyll ask for you.

As for him, milk him for all hes worth financially, take his cheating no good ass to court and get him for spousal maintenance, child maintenance and any other financial expenditure you can.
Make sure that at least if nothing else, you dont ever have to worry about money while your kids are growing up, that will let you focus on all the other important things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FlashBang
I am so sorry to hear this

Your kids will come back to you, right now they probably dont even know whats going on and like you said, dad is making everything super fun, when they want a REAL parent, theyll ask for you.

As for him, milk him for all hes worth financially, take his cheating no good ass to court and get him for spousal maintenance, child maintenance and any other financial expenditure you can.
Make sure that at least if nothing else, you dont ever have to worry about money while your kids are growing up, that will let you focus on all the other important things.

I agree! Get the best lawyer you can, and try to obtain as much back as possible.
You sound so strong in your post and you seem to be coping so well, most girls wouldent even know where to start I bet. Keep your head up and get a lawyer asap. Keep us informed!


Well-known member
thank you all for your kind words of support.

i've been up and down. sometimes i'm okay and think things will be fine. sometimes i get really down (like yesterday when i posted)... he has everything and i'm stuck with nothing. i'm not even in my home town, so i'm not even close to friends for support.

he's an ass. ARG.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Things will be fine. Even if your kids are favoring the father now, they'll realize that they do need and want you in their lives. He'll realize life can't always be fun and games.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
My heart aches for you because as a Mother I can not imagine being away from my child. I hope you are reunited soon and that things pick up for you and your children. You deserve to be happy and I hope that this facebook crap ends up biting him in the ass in the long run. You're in my prayers.


Well-known member
no real updates. i'm still at my parents' apartment. still looking for a job. the kids come to see me on the weekends.

i am emotionally drained. i can deal with being broke, not having my own bed, my husband's girly friend, but not having the kids with me is beyond sucky.


Well-known member
Have you talked to a lawyer yet? Considering how long you were married, you should be entitled to alimony.


Well-known member
I'm sooo very sorry to hear about your situation, it'll take a lot of strength and courage to get out there and start all over but you best believe that
GOD truly doesn't put more on us than we can bare....I know it sounds silly but it's true.... People always forget that what goes around comes back and it's always worse than what you dish out. The kids will soon see the light....never underestimate the mind of a child they understand far more than we give them credit for...

I hope things work out for you and you be sure to keep your head up! I've been there...some days willl be easier than others but believe as they go on and time stretches it WILL get easier.....GOOD LUCK and if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to e-mail me.....


Well-known member
I hope things get better...they have to right? I am so sorry to hear about this...what a ASS...wait until he learns the grass is not always greener on the other side...I am not sure what Canadian laws are...But however with 15+ years of marriage and kids...Living in the states...It's cheaper to keep her....He would be paying out his ass in alimony and child support...For real!! His pockets would be filled with nothing but lint after just walking out on his marriage for a Internet trick....and making you leave the house...would not have been an option at all...he would have been the one moving his ass out.


Well-known member
I know my mother would slap my fingers, but "Take that mutha effer for all he's worth." He's the father of yr kids, true, you have history, true, but 15 years? 15 years you made him a home, bore his children and smiled all the way without taking a dime and he leaves you for some tart? WHAT?!?!?! Oh no no no no m'am... Take him for what he's worth and take care of your children. I'm so sick and tired of the lack of value placed on women in today's world. It's your divine right. He should have to take care of your children and you get something for all those years being in that marriage.

I hope everything works out and you come out on top hun. Look toward the future with a light heart though. Do what you must for you and yr children.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Have you talked to a lawyer yet? Considering how long you were married, you should be entitled to alimony.


You bet your ass that after 15 years I'd be asking for alimony!


Well-known member
Are you doing anything about your legal situation? I'm not trying to come across as harsh here, but all I have read so far is that you are complaining about your situation, but it doesn't seem like you're doing anything about it....There are family laws in place for a reason, make use of your rights. I don't know why you are just complaining and not doing everything you can within your power to claim your legal rights?


Well-known member
Echoing Julia here --- But... I don't understand why you haven't started the legal process? I mean, you should be entitled to atleast 50 / 50 custody, if not more... its really unhealthy for children to grow up without their mother...

This situation will never change unless you put the wheels in motion... and you've already waited a very long time, your husband can easily turn this around on you in court and say "well, she didn't want them - thats why I've had them so much - she didn't even make an effort to see them" and of course that wont be true, but its very easy for him to spin it that way... especially since you've waited so long.