New Design for Quads, 15 Pan Palettes, and Blush Palettes???


Well-known member
Ok Ladies, I am super excited about the new design of the quads & palettes!!
I've heard that the empty quads and palettes are re-designed to look the same as the quads that came out with the Spring Color Forecast Collection.
The new 15 pro pan e/s & 6 pro pan blush palette will also have the clear lid! I'm sure that this is true because the manager at my MAC counter confirmed it for me. She doesn't have any in stock yet, and could tell me that they would probably be released with the month.

So, if anyone has pics of the new palettes, a link where I can see them, or any more info about them could you please post them for me? TIA


Well-known member
Although I am super excited for the new 15-pan palette design it bums me out a little bit that all of my palettes won't match. I am totally picky about that stuff.

It will be so nice to have clear lids!


Well-known member
Awesome!! I cannot wait to see what the new 15 Pro Eyeshadow Palettes would look like!! I can finally give labeling the eyeshadows a rest!


Well-known member
Although I like the idea of clear tops - and the fact that they just plain look more sleek - I found out that popping the dividers off is impossible with the SCF quads - and I would hate not being able to house more than 15 eyeshadows in one palette. It saves me so much on buying more palettes - especially when you own as many eyeshadows as I do.


Well-known member
i am pleased that they will all now have clear lids because i really didn't like that i couldn't see what was in each palette!


Well-known member
thats awesome!!! it gets really annoyin trying to find certain colors even though i label everything by color group .. should i just invest in getting the new ones .. i have 11 palettes thats going to cost me over 100 bucks ....?


Well-known member
I don't know how I would feel about clear covers tbh. Its one thing that we can see the colors from the outside but can you imagine them getting dirty too fast? Shadow dust all over the cover mixed in with the others. It will look unkept and sloppy. :\ Just like the quad compacts get dirty, add 11 more shadows and see what happens!

Honey xOo

Well-known member
^thats the first thing i thought of too, they will look dirty if you don't constantly wipe them off. i think clear lids look so unprofessional too if u don't keep them 100% clean and clear. i guess it depends how ocd u are with it lol i love solid lids and a sleek logo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
Although I like the idea of clear tops - and the fact that they just plain look more sleek - I found out that popping the dividers off is impossible with the SCF quads - and I would hate not being able to house more than 15 eyeshadows in one palette. It saves me so much on buying more palettes - especially when you own as many eyeshadows as I do.

I could not agree more!! I don't have the money to stock up on palettes at the moment but I am in desperate need of some new ones-AND if this new packaging makes it impossible to pop out the insert I won't be able to use them
Come on, MAC, why can't we have clear lids AND pop-able inserts?!


Well-known member
I just have one old 15 e/s palette - I will love the new ones!! Great that you look inside now.


Well-known member
I am really excited about the new palettes. I am just starting to build up my eyeshadow collection. I only have one 15 Pan Palette now so it will be easy to replace it with the new one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursee81
are they going to be the same price or are they going to be more?

Oh of course they will be more expensive. MAC is getting really good about price increases lately.
The new prices are: $5-quads, $14-15 palette, $14-6 blush palette. MAC is really starting to get on my nerves with all the more expensive prices, but as far as the new palettes I kind of don't mind b/c the design is sooo much better. Here's the link so you can check it out. They don't have pics of the new design up yet, but the new prices are there, of course. MAC Quads and Palettes


Well-known member
^ of course the new prices would be up! I just bought a new 15 pallet the other day and I usually dont buy their 4 b/c I have bought some from ELF for travel since they are only $1. But the price increase really does suck!


Well-known member
Noooooooooooooooo! I already know I'm going to hate the clear lid lol. I'm going to go order a bunch of the current x15 e/s and x6 blush palettes. I don't want to switch over to the new stuff until I have no choice! 6 x15 and 2 x6 should last awhile... I hope


Well-known member
Does exposure to light have any effect on makeup? Because I would think that solid lids would preserve the pigments better.

But perhaps light has no effect on cosmetics.


Well-known member
Clear lid would not be bad... I like the quad design (the old one) because of that. And I did not have any issues with the lid getting dirty. BUT!!! The new design is not so good IMO
After I have seen several pictures of the new quad I must say that it "looks" more sleek and classy even but in reality the new quad is bulkier and the materials used in its construction are much more impractical - the glossy black plastic is awful for fingerprints and eyeshadow dust and the lid is not much better

And the fact that it is impossible to depot the quads/pop out the divider just adds to my "I-do-not-really-like-it" feeling

What I would LOVE would be keeping the old quads and changing the 15/6-palettes so they would look like the quads - that means old materials but clear lid like the quads

I have just one 15-pan palette so no big deal about keeping my palettes the same... I think I will buy 2 more in the old design and that should keep me safe for some time - I am quite satisfied with my eyeshadow collection so I am not planning on major eyeshadow buys...