New Design for Quads, 15 Pan Palettes, and Blush Palettes???


Well-known member
I only have one 15 palette and I just bought it last week. I don't know if I should be glad because I only have one palette or bummed because I just got it and NOW they're changing. lol IMO, the solid black palettes look more sleek and professional, but the clear lids would be more convienent. Hmm.


Well-known member
I'm just going to miss the ease of depotting/removing the cases from the old quads and 15-palettes. I got a quad from the Spring Color Forecast and I haven't depotted it yet because I'm afraid. I'm a pro at depotting the older quads, now I feel like a newb.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vlcatko
Clear lid would not be bad... I like the quad design (the old one) because of that. And I did not have any issues with the lid getting dirty. BUT!!! The new design is not so good IMO
After I have seen several pictures of the new quad I must say that it "looks" more sleek and classy even but in reality the new quad is bulkier and the materials used in its construction are much more impractical - the glossy black plastic is awful for fingerprints and eyeshadow dust and the lid is not much better

And the fact that it is impossible to depot the quads/pop out the divider just adds to my "I-do-not-really-like-it" feeling

What I would LOVE would be keeping the old quads and changing the 15/6-palettes so they would look like the quads - that means old materials but clear lid like the quads

I have just one 15-pan palette so no big deal about keeping my palettes the same... I think I will buy 2 more in the old design and that should keep me safe for some time - I am quite satisfied with my eyeshadow collection so I am not planning on major eyeshadow buys...

I agree this is the reason why I'm not so amped about the newer design and the clear lids on the the eyeshadows get dirtier than the older design not sure why..

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Those lids better be thick and clear! haha That's kinda cool. :nod:

Although what woulda been better would have been for the piggies to go back to 7.5 grams!! haha

But for real the best would be the creation of a whole new pro blush and eye palette!!! It should be the height of 2 pro 15 palettes vertically side by side plus 1 palette lying horizontal on top of the 2 and the width of 1 pro 15 palette!!!

ARE YOU LISTENING MAC!??! You're not fulfilling a TRUE Need!


Active member
I played with the SCF quads and I am not a fan. I don't like all the finger prints that are left behind easily. I also don't see how it will be easy to switch and rearrange pans because there is no little dip between the shadows....if the quads are exactly the same as the SCF quads.


Well-known member
I sure am glad that I just bought backups (before the price increase) so that all of my palettes will match

Originally Posted by hello_my_apple
thats awesome!!! it gets really annoyin trying to find certain colors even though i label everything by color group .. should i just invest in getting the new ones .. i have 11 palettes thats going to cost me over 100 bucks ....?

I don't think you should repurchase the new palettes just because they're different. Do you have a label on the outside of your palette to let you know what colors are inside of it? I don't nearly have as many as you, but for my 6 or so palettes, I put a small piece of masking tape on the crease (kind of where the clasp is) so that I know what color palette I'm grabbing! Here's a pic for refrence. Since I store my palettes standing up, the tape is in a perfect spot, but if you store they laying down, maybe you'd want to put it on the lid

Silver label : whites, greys, blacks, silvers etc
Black label : browns, i didn't have a brown sharpie lol
Yellow/Orange label : yellows and oranges
Pink label: pinks & purples
Blue/Green label : blues and greens

$100+ is a lot of money to waste on something you already have that works perfectly. Although, alternatively if you've already convinced yourself that you NEED to make the switch, you can always try selling your used palettes on here for like $8-$12 depending on condition. People are always willing to buy palettes & that'll help with the cost


New member
Not really too excited about the clear lid. I really prefer the all black, I think its more sleek. (Personal Thoughts) I think I may have to buy a few of the original 15's for backup's.


Well-known member
Even though I only have one 15-pan palette, I will definitely stock up on the older ones before they're gone... I hate the new packaging ugh!


ahhh I'm not so sure about the clear lids either... anyone know when they are going to switch them out? I want to get back up palettes in a few weeks!!


Well-known member
Another potential problem I see is that I know a lot of people use the inside of the lid for color labels. With the new design the only way to be sure what color you are using would be popping the pan out and reading on the bottom of it.

Personally though, I think the clear lid will be a good change. I've been curious about the Z-palettes for that reason, but the fact that they're made out of paper (!) put me off.

This comparison on the other hand reminds me of the problem of not being able to take the dividers out of the new palettes.

I guess, as with most things, there are both positives and negatives with this change.


Well-known member
Hmmm ... I wish that they will add the new palette in addition to the old one so we have the option to choose!!

Personally I prefer the old pallet but I'm tempted to try the new one as well. I already have 10 palettes and I have them all labeled on the inside cover. I think I will buy one NOW before the change ... Then when the new one comes out I'll also get one and put my most used E/S in it.

Steel Magnolia

Well-known member
I did prefer the old palette. I hate the way clear lids look when they get scratched and dirty. I dont like the way you cant really take out the inserts in the new style and I have heard that these new style cases break a lot easier if dropped. Im also not too mad about the magnetic opening/closing mechanism
I shall be stocking up on the old style palettes it seems!


Well-known member
I agree with what a lot of people are saying here. I picked up both quads from the Spring Colour Forecast and have barely used them and already they're dirty with my fingerprints and eye shadow dust. I was never into depotting my quads, but I do take the dividers out of my 15 pan palettes so they can hold 26 shadows. If you can't take the new dividers out, that would be a problem for me. I like to be able to save space with fitting more shadows in each palette. Not to mention how dirty the new ones would get really quickly!

I like all my palettes to be the same as well, maybe I'll have to get a couple more of the old ones, does anyone know if these are still in stores, or have they switched them out to the new ones?


Well-known member
I guess I need to stock up on the old style since I label the inside of my paettes
thanks mac


Well-known member
I kind of like the idea of it being clear but I agree with most people here in that it would not look very prof. to pull out a dusty palette.

For a quad the new design is not so bad. But not for the 15. I would not like the 15 being made like the quad is now. I've had a few break at the hinge and an m/a was telling me today she has had that problem with the older ones also.

I just depotted last summer and now have I think 12 of the 15 palettes with most being full and others almost. I guess I should pick up a feww. I'm weird in the thing with them all looking the same.


Well-known member
ugh, the 15 pan is going to be clear???? If I order some 15 pans through the canadian MAC website right now will I still get the old design? I want to get a couple because I am not a fan of the new idea at all.


Well-known member
^I'm excited to see the new design. I like change, when its GOOD
On a sort of unrelated note, wouldn't it be nice if MAC also redesigned their eye-shadow pots so that the pan popped out easily and there was a magnet already attached to the bottom? Kind of like MUFE's shadows. I hate having to depot...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
^I'm excited to see the new design. I like change, when its GOOD
On a sort of unrelated note, wouldn't it be nice if MAC also redesigned their eye-shadow pots so that the pan popped out easily and there was a magnet already attached to the bottom? Kind of like MUFE's shadows. I hate having to depot...

I guess I'm weird, I kind of like depotting. I only have to do it for the LE e/s pots that I buy though, I usually just get them in pan form already if they're permanent shades.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
Another potential problem I see is that I know a lot of people use the inside of the lid for color labels. With the new design the only way to be sure what color you are using would be popping the pan out and reading on the bottom of it.

that is what bugs me the most. i guess i'll have to stock up on old paletts, although they, too, will be full eventually and i'll have to switch to the new ones..