New Viva Glam Ad


Well-known member
I think the look and style they went for is stunning, the overall impression they were going for with the photo I like and think is clever. I just don't think they caught Fergie at her best, I think she's absolutely gorgeous but this shot doesn't do her justice. Her body and hair look hot as but it's the face that I don't get. It's almost vacant, there's nothing behind her eyes like in the previous ad shots that says 'I'm fierce, my MAC is fierce'.

Ah the MAs at my counter will have something to say about this, I just remember their comments from the past 'she's a bit errr rough'.


Well-known member
Jeez, it really doesn't look like her. :\ I think she's beautiful, so they shouldn't have photoshopped her like that!

All I can think about the feathers is how much I hope they aren't real. If they're fake, it's fabulous, however.


Well-known member
oh dear oh dear.. after looking closely , twice, three times...I still hardly recognized her. It's still a lovely picture.


Well-known member
I dunno about this one either...her eyes are spooky, and kinda creep me out. I love the purple and feathers and whatnot, but I don't like the angle.


Well-known member
It reminds me of a Mariah Carey perfume ad, what with the purple and everything. That being said, I don't hate it.
I wonder how our VGV sweaters will look like.