Older male stars you find attractive?


Well-known member
haha! this thread is awesome. ummm...
Pierce Brosnan
Hugh Laurie *swoon*
Bruce Willis

I was surprised at the amount of people that said Bruce Willis! I thought I would be the only one. What's kind of weird is he reminds me of my dad, so we won't even go there lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
LoL I already posted it. But someone HAS to agree. My mom does

Soooo sexy. I don't care how short he is

OMG I know! I wouldn't care if it was in the middle of a public street, i would shamelessly be ALL over that man if I saw him in person!

And for some reason, I have a major crush on Anderson Cooper. I don't even know why, lol. He pulls off the ol'Silver Fox look perfectly


Well-known member
I just LOVE Christian Bale!! I've loved him since American Psycho... he's just so freakin hot!

---Tasty Tasty!

American Psycho =


Well-known member
Already mentioned: Robert De Niro, Sean Connery, Christian Bale, Christopher Meloni, Johnny Depp, Anderson Cooper, Viggo Mortensen. Actually I'm slightly attracted to 95% of the men who have been posted, but these are the ones that stand out to me xD I almost feel like some are cheating since even at 21 I only really start considering men "older" at about 50, but damn. So much sexy in one thread.

Honourable mentions:

Ian McKellen
Christopher Lee
Mike Patton (oh GOD)
Jason Bateman
Jack Coleman


Well-known member
Jeremy Irons - I go to sleep imagining that I'm being spooned by him... I fantasize about meeting him somewhere and then him ditching his wife and marrying me...

I might be slightly delusional...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
I forgot about Josh Lucas, Dennis Quaid, Bruce Willis (esp in Die Hard...yum!!), Kiefer Sutherland and Denzel Washington...yeah!!

OMG IS IT TOTALLY WEIRD THAT I AGREE .. OMG Kiefer is amazing .. but he's have to put on his Jack persona for me the whole time<3 lol

ohh &&I also agree with Val Kilmer .. gorgeous.


Well-known member
Robert Downey Jr.
George Clooney
Brad Pitt

Yeah I know theyre like 40 but Im only 20 so for my age theyre a bit old.. lol


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Chris Noth.. aka Mr. Big.
He's in Law and order now... MMMmmmm ruff!
He was really pretty in the early Law and Order days too.


Active member
Sean Connery..especially when he could still talk properly (you know, the slight problem with pronouncing an "s" properly?! For the last 5 to 7 years it always sounds like "sh"..); I loove that rumbling accent. I swear he could read the phonebook to me..*melts*

I also loved Paul Newman very much. Perfect features and always with that twinkle in those gorgeous blue eyes. I cannot count how much I have seen "The Sting". *lol*

Hmm..the other "Hotties" haven´t reached their fifties yet, but: George Clooney (I love that he doesn´t take himself and his image too seriously), Javier Bardem and his secret twin brother J.D. Morgan, Johnny Depp (obviously), Alan Rickman (that accent...he´s sooo yummy when he plays the bad guy - all time fave: Sherriff of Nottingham.."You, in my room, 10 pm, you, 10:15 Pm...and bring a friend!")....Hugh Jackman, but he only just turned 40..
This list could go on and on..*lol*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by evah2003
Sean Connery..especially when he could still talk properly (you know, the slight problem with pronouncing an "s" properly?! For the last 5 to 7 years it always sounds like "sh"..); I loove that rumbling accent. I swear he could read the phonebook to me..*melts*

OMG, I was so going to say Sean Connery too!!

Ok, I was going to say Sean Connery, Sean Connery, and Sean Connery, but you get the point. I think that man is SOOOOOOOOO sexy and I will forever completely ignore the fact that he's old enough to be my grandfather. He could get it!