Are the lipglass pencils going to be skinny like the regular lipliners or fatter like that link to the sephora lipgloss pencils?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SandMantas
Most of these sounds positively amazing, but 3d sounds really disappointing to me from the descriptions. Maybe they'll be more exciting in person, but Algorithm is the only one I'm even slightly interested in. They could have promoted a few more darker colors too!


I bought WONDERSHINE today, it's beautiful.. they're all great, truly, and I don't get giddy about lip products usually.

The lipglass pencils are AWESOME. They're creamy and smooth and shiny, and have great color pay off. ROSEBOUND and PLUM MATE were my choices of the day but it was so hard to narrow it down to two. Will definitely be heading back later tonight! :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dianadisaster
Are the lipglass pencils going to be skinny like the regular lipliners or fatter like that link to the sephora lipgloss pencils?

They are the size of normal lip liners. I posted pictures in the In 3D swatches thread. They're great!

They handle of the 3D glasses resembles a CD if that makes any sense.. in the pictures, the flash will make it look like a huge rainbow of colors but in real life/without flash, it looks like the underside of a CD.

The color pay off is GREAT, so much better than I expected! I said it before.. I'll say it again... RACY 3D GLASS IS THE WAY OF THE FUTURE. Even me, Mrs. Neutral, is itching to get this.. can't believe I passed it up first time around. Will swatch it / post pictures when I get home tonight.

The orange one (can't remember the name..) is ORANGE. Love it! The pearl-ish one has beautiful color reflects.

I hope you guys love 'em.. I DO!


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Smoke Signals and Blue Storm - OMFG! I neeeeed them all.


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we also have fall trend bags comming out soon! they look like flat sacks with jacuard print all over in colors...a nice blue set too!


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This guy on youtube went to MAC Update and kinda talked about what 3D glass is...personally from his description and enthusiasm about it, I'm excited about it...but I'm excited about all the collections that are coming out. The only about the video is that it cut out right after he talked about 3D so he didn't get to post a video talking about everything. But anyhoo, here's the link to his video about it.

It figures I would click on this link and it's already been removed by the user. Guess the MAC men in Black got to him.


Well-known member
Got some bad news...According to the reviews on MUA, Painterly (the beige shade) doesn't last when used as a base. One reviewer said it lasted 5 hours on her before it started to crease, the other one said it creased after only 2 hours.

Looks like I'm sticking with the tube paints.


Well-known member
For those who've seen the paint pots, do you think they can double up as eyeliners, sort of like fluidlines? Especially the darker colours


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lian_qiu
Got some bad news...According to the reviews on MUA, Painterly (the beige shade) doesn't last when used as a base. One reviewer said it lasted 5 hours on her before it started to crease, the other one said it creased after only 2 hours.

Looks like I'm sticking with the tube paints.

I have to strongly disagree! I am a paint FANATIC and have gone through several tubes of both Bare Canvas and Untitled paint. The first day I used Painterly, I think I might have put it on a bit thick, and it was blotchy toward the end of the day (but only I could tell). I've started applying it with the 217 and haven't touched my paint tubes since. It never creases on me!


Well-known member
Agreed. Painterly doesn't budge on me either. I use it on my lids and paint/blend in a line under my brows (at the brow bone)to enhance a smoother brow line. I love it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lian_qiu
Got some bad news...According to the reviews on MUA, Painterly (the beige shade) doesn't last when used as a base. One reviewer said it lasted 5 hours on her before it started to crease, the other one said it creased after only 2 hours.

Looks like I'm sticking with the tube paints.

You can only truely know how well something works for you until YOU try it. Everyone's skin is so different.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
You can only truely know how well something works for you until YOU try it. Everyone's skin is so different.

I totally agree, because everyone kept saying how amazing Mac Bare Canvas paint is, so I bought it and never make my e/s last more than 3 hours!! Nothing beats my UDPP!!


Well-known member
Just noticed Painterly and In 3D are online @
The promo pic of Painterly is amazing!!