Please do not ever take nude photos for your


Well-known member
i did this stupid thing once while dating a monster in my early 20s and i was a fool. after i ended the relationship on a very bad note he threatened to leave the photo (yeah just one and that was enough) on the steps at my new appt. i told him his family would find him floating up Lake Erie if he did!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Yeah, a lot of people have secret cameras set up. It's really, really difficult to find them, unless you know to look and can practically rip apart a room

Yeah. I am wary about having sex at someone's house too. It's a shame you can't trust people anymore. You shouldn't have to worry about things like that.


Well-known member
Awful. When I was 15, yes 15, I was blackmailed and threatened into taking nudes. They ended up all over the internet and he still went through with his threats. Never, ever do it. I reported him for posting child porn and things of the like, but nobody ever did anything about it. The cops, child welfare websites.. nobody helped me! He even filed a report with CPS claiming I was being molested (AND I WASN'T), just to get my family investigated and me in trouble.

He was a real creep. He had done it to girls before me. Even got one girl to do things with a shampoo bottle to keep him from sending certain photos to her parents. He sent them anyway and got her kicked out of her home. He'd con people online out of thousands pretending to be girls. Would convince girls online to buy things for him. I mean, a real master at manipulation. It astounds me to this very day.

Just goes to show, you ever know what kind of person you're dealing with. When we first met, he was nice and charming.. and he turned out to be a real monster. At least I learned from it, I guess.


Well-known member
I'm guilty of this
but my bf and I use my camera, and ALWAYS delete the photos like 5 minutes later, if not sooner! They stay on the camera, never eveeeeer go on the computer.


Well-known member
I have no problems with these kind of photos but I would never take them because you never no where they will end up, and more than likely it will be in unwanted hands.


Well-known member
i'm guilty of this too and trust me, i do regret it! no face shots but still...i know that it's me and it sucks since we broke up and i was like, i want them back! but they were taken on a camera phone...UGH


Well-known member
Any photos/videos Ive taken with/for my man have been on my camera & remain in my computer. If we break up, those things come with me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Yeah. I am wary about having sex at someone's house too. It's a shame you can't trust people anymore. You shouldn't have to worry about things like that.

Yeh it's just too easy... I mean srsly... he could put his phone on a charger and just turn on record, and it would look totally innocent. One of the sad parts about technology. Just makes it easier for the creeps to be creepy.


Well-known member
That's terrible. To be honest, I've been tempted to do something along those lines but my brain is larger than the size of a pea & I have a conscience


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
That's terrible. To be honest, I've been tempted to do something along those lines but my brain is larger than the size of a pea & I have a conscience

tempted to do what? tape someone w/out their knowledge?


Well-known member
Wow! I cannot say how glad I am I never did any of that in the past. I am now married and I cannot even imagine what my ex would have done w/ them. I know his brother has pics of other girls and videos (actually they both do) and he told me that they sit around w/ the guys and watch the girls videos or pass around the photos and talk about them, their body parts, and call em sluts and stuff like that.

WOW. Had I not been wise, that could have been me.



Well-known member
A couple weeks before I left my ex-husb. I searched our apartment from floor to ceiling looking for pictures that had been taken 4 years prior. I destroyed the ones I didn't like and took the remaining ones. I gave my new husband the pictures I kept of me photographed by my ex when I was 20 in lacy black stockings, panties, & bustier. At least I know who's enjoying them now and if anything were to ever happen, the pictures aren't anything I'd be scared to be "out there".


Well-known member
you guys are really lucky that you don't have pictures and videos floating around. i'm almost positive I do. very dumb choices


Well-known member
well, i have loads of nude pics of me, taken by different men, and posted on the internet. but i made the choice in doing so, because i model in my freetime (i also sat for an artist class) and they are made for my personal use, and the use of the photographer (/artist) i like them and do not regret anything i did, but i have made arrangements to get me some control over the pics.

so my tip: if you want to have pictures of you naked, for yourself, boyfriend or whoever, get a contract. a contract that specifically states the rights to the pictures, so that whenever one of the pics does turn up in the wrong place, you are in full charge and can get them deleted ASAP.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
i didn't even know sites like this existed!

Sites like Specktra? =p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Sites like Specktra? =p

Yes, I post pictures like that all the time in the Specktra Gallery. Haven't you seen them?


Well-known member
This thread is sooo true. And it is so easy to get persuaded to do it because when you 'love' someone you don't think you are going to break up but the reality is shit happens you never know when you are going to break up. And then of course you get the "Well if we broke up I would delete them. I'd never show them to anyone I'm not that kinda person. I keep my word" Yeah right, tell me that after I break up with you and you hate me... moral of story.. NEVER do it.