Please hesitate before hate*...


Well-known member
I did my make-up properly for the first time in ages!
I'm thinking about lightening my brows - not full on bleaching, but just making them a bit paler. Yes or no ladies?
I'm over doing extreme brows for a while, and moving on to different ideas - which is why I haven't been doing a lot of make-up looks lately, I'm sort of in flux with what I want to do with my face...

I used Carbon and Crystal Avalanche E/S, Pink Opal Pigment, Myth lipstick, Young Thing lipgloss, Perfect Topping MSF as blush (Wow that some other vaguely pale people can use this as a highlighter, it comes out as a peachy blush on me!) #35 lashes, and Face & Body foundation in white, with Illamasqua foundation over it in 135.

Sorry I could get any closed eye/close up photos, the lighting wasn't working out well and they're all too blurry!...



Have a great day everyone!


Well-known member
You look awesome as usual. I love your FOTD's, they're a great inspiration

I think you shouldn't bleach/lighten your brows. They're perfect!


Well-known member
You and your makeup are FLAWLESS!!!! No don't you dare touch those brows!!! The grass is not always greener on the other side...


Well-known member
I like how you did your brows in this look - in some of your looks you do them very dark and dramatic, and your face doesn't need all the drama - it's so striking on it's own - but here they're just perfectly shaped and match your hair color perfectly. If you lighten them I would do it just a tad, I think they're fab
The makeup's gorgeous and I'm so stealing that jacket!


Well-known member
Im thinking of lightening my eyebrows too, but Im unsure of how to do it/where to get it done!
ITA on the Perfect Topping thing! Its a perfect blush for me

And btw, this is STUNNING, I love seeing your looks


Well-known member
Those pics are WONDERFUL!!!! Your eyebrows look good to me as does your makeup. And that RED HAIR!!!! LOVE IT!!!


Well-known member
Love those colors on you! Don't lighten your brows, they look perfect as they are.


Well-known member
Love this look, I agree..your brows look fab as is, I would not bleach them
btw, what camera are you using, your pix always look amazingly proff!


Well-known member
girl u better leave those brows alone!!
U are freaking gorgeous, and I'm secretly hating on ur hair, and the hair color

I'lm a sucker for red hair


Well-known member
Love everything about this

I sometimes use Perfect Topping as a highlighter, but I got one of the paler ones and it still gives me some color as well. I love the sheen it has though!

As for the brows, I don't think I would lighten them. They look great


Well-known member
soo jealous of your hair color & your makeup looks gorgeous. i'm not sure on the brows though, i like the coloring of them now.