Question for those who own more than 1 of the same brush


Well-known member
ooh super old thread but I'm bumping up.

I need another 224 brush and trying to talk myself out of it. Love that brush and recently saw it used as a concealer blender. Never thought of that!! So now I want another....


New member
I have two 217s but only because I thought I lost one once, went and bought another and then found it. I used to have two 150s. The rest of the dupes are from holiday sets, or special edition stuff like that

glammy girl

Well-known member
ooh super old thread but I'm bumping up. I need another 224 brush and trying to talk myself out of it.  Love that brush and recently saw it used as a concealer blender.  Never thought of that!!  So now I want another....:sigh:
I love the 224 for blending out my under eye concealer, it works beautifully! But I don't have a backup so that's annoying when I have eyeshadow all over it I can't use it for concealer so think I might also need another :)