Religious Extremists.


Well-known member
Ahh yes but, according to their professed religions the Catholics you speak of are going to spend eternity in damnation and the Muslims are Apostates.

Now I'm never going to go shove my religion down somebodys throat. I believe in leading by example. Flip side is I don't want your religion shoved down mine. I also do not care for being mocked because I have a belief system. Lastly if you tell me to convert or die well I'm going to take a few of you to paradise with me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
Ahh yes but, according to their professed religions the Catholics you speak of are going to spend eternity in damnation and the Muslims are Apostates. if it doesn't bother them...


Well-known member
One of the requirements, if you will, of many faiths is professing that faith and spreading the message. Some religions take that more fanatically than others.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
BTW, just because a religion advocates spreading the message, don't necessarily assume the people are aggressive assholes. I knew a Jehovah's Witness in high school who was very nice and said she wished people would just say "No, thank you" and not be mean to her and her sister when she went door to door.

A college friend said that after being visited by a Mormon, she asked if the Mormon would engage her in conversation about Mormonism. My friend was a religion major and had no desire to convert to Mormon faith. The lady was perfectly pleasant about visiting my friend (I think this was weekly) and talking to her about the faith without trying to convert.


Well-known member
Truth. Additionally, people need to remember that Mormons and JWs are usually required by their local meeting house or Temple to visit 'non believers' within the community.
Mormon missionaries (the males) are also expected to travel all over the world at a fairly young age and help people.
Even if you're not Mormon, you can convince a male Mormon missionary to mow your yard for you, because it's part of his two years of service.


Well-known member
I guess you would say I am an odd ball, because I do believe in Christ. However, a lot of Christians would not approve of my beliefs.

I think people have the right to choose their own faith. I really get turned off when someone pushes a belief system on me, so I chose not force my beliefs on anyone else. I don't have all the answers to things and I am not going to pretend that I do.

I do believe that anything in an extreme is unhealthy. Also, there's a fine line between a religion and cult.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I don't like religion. It tends to manifest itself in bigotry, narrow-mindedness, ignorance, predjudice, fanaticism and violence.

Honestly, I don't see what good religion does at all.

Same here
I grew up with no religion around me, never really went to church except for my uncle's death. I'm baptised, but because it was popular to do that by then. My sister isnt.

To me, believing in someone or something that happened thousands years ago doesnt make sense. It's 2007 AFTER Jesus, can we move on? So when it comes to extremists, I get mad easily. Why do they still live like it's 1000 years ago?

Closed minded? Maybe.
Afraid? Also...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I believe dinosaurs roamed the earth, and that was who knows how long ago.

I don't think it's far to say that because something happened so long ago, it makes no sense to believe in it.


Well-known member
There has been scientific data proving that dinosaurs roamed the earth. What do me make of fossils?
What I've always wondered is how does the Bible explain dinosaurs's existence, considering Adam and Eve were the first living beings to roam the Earth, according to the Bible..


Well-known member
Extremists of any sort scare the piss out of me whether they are Christian, Muslim or atheist. Why can't people just leave each other alone?


Well-known member
Because they forget all the rules they learned in kindergarten?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Because they forget all the rules they learned in kindergarten?

I have always thought that the Golden Rule shouldn't be "treat others...' but rather "keep your hands (physical and metaphorical) to yourself"


Well-known member
I love that rule. My kids hate it because I'm constantly saying "no touchy!" when they start getting rough with each other, but the world would be a better place if everyone lived by it.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I've had people trying to convert me and I had this one person knocking on my door and at the time i was playing rock music (Highway To Hell) and the person's face changed and told me that i have no hope of going to heaven *rolls eyes* then she tried to convert me to Christianity. I said sorry, i'm not interested but thanks for trying then shut the door.

I have no issues at all about people choosing religion, just dont try and make me have one (i dont have a religion). I even stopped going to the church services with my school from age of 10. I hate it to be honest. I like being rebellious with rock music haha
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
My personal view is that not every middle eastern person you see is going to blow us up or conspiring against us.

I just wanted to point out that only a small percentage of practicing Muslims actually live in the Middle East.

I also wanted to add that it's my opinion that everyone has a religion. It can pertain to a god, but you can also worship sex, science, money, sports, video games, makeup, Starbucks, whatever. So to say you have no religion is bunk in my book.

I think for a human to bash or disagree with something, you have to know what you're bashing or disagreeing with. That goes for extremists of God or extremists of "OMG RELIGION SUX!"

Originally Posted by Shimmer
My kids hate it because I'm constantly saying "no touchy!"

After frowning at some of the replies in this thread, this one made me smile, haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I guess you would say I am an odd ball, because I do believe in Christ. However, a lot of Christians would not approve of my beliefs.

I think people have the right to choose their own faith. I really get turned off when someone pushes a belief system on me, so I chose not force my beliefs on anyone else. I don't have all the answers to things and I am not going to pretend that I do.

I do believe that anything in an extreme is unhealthy. Also, there's a fine line between a religion and cult.

I agree. I am a Christian and im very involved in my church. I do not like when people are too pushy and therefore do not push what I believe and force it upon anyone! If I can be a blessing for someone it trully makes my day. I am just like everyone else I have hopes, dreams, I laugh, cry my life is just centered around other things. I am no one to judge others or tell them they are wrong, everyone has the choice of believing on what they choose to believe in.
I applaud those who stand for what they believe in, no matter what others think!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Even if you're not Mormon, you can convince a male Mormon missionary to mow your yard for you, because it's part of his two years of service.

Why did I not know this earlier?! I could've convinced someone else to mow the lawn for me?