RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
No matter what time Mac releases the collection it's going to be a bad time for a large number of people. I can't imagine sitting around a computer waiting for a Nars or Urban Decay online release. It just doesn't happen. You just happen to notice when something new is on the website. The rush was fun for awhile, but it slowly starts to irritate.
there will never be a makeup product released that will warrant paying a 2-300% markup

and I gotta commend you guys that were into the stalking the website bit... the patience for that is unreal and I've never had that kind of patience. I can see how it can get annoying after a while


Well-known member
I'm on team "spend your money how you want to." Sorry but if I'm up all night stalking the MAC site for a collection while you're sleeping nice and cozy I deserve to buy as much as I want and I really do not give one single care that you missed out. That's your fault. Everyone has their own reasons for buying multiples, and they don't have to explain themselves to anyone except maybe their hubby if they happened to use his card to buy them lol
Hahahaha!!! I loveeeeee this!!! Seriously... You can't hear my applause but I'm clapping!!


Well-known member
I agree with theeverydaydiva it shouldn't be limited stock I don't get why they do that I would assume more purchases more money


Well-known member
And I think especially when MAC does their stupid waiting room, middle of the day release there are going to be a lot of people buying multiples cuz honestly you have to enlist someone to take the day Off and waste 4 hours placing orders for everyone who can't.


Well-known member
I had a girlfriend that just loves Chanel & MAC & she was telling me how much she wanted the pink MAC blush with the rose embossed on it (Blush of Youth) but she just lost her job & now she couldn't afford it. I went right to my stash & made her a big ol goodie bag with that blush & a bunch of Chanel samples & goodies. She cried so hard....what a great feeling I had that I was able able to do that.

Backups are good M'Kay
I have a friend who missed out on Heroine the first time it came around. Gave her a BU for Christmas along with some other things. She wore that bad boy down so much that when it was re-released she bought all that she could(like 8
). So yeah BU's are definitely good.


Active member
No matter what time Mac releases the collection it's going to be a bad time for a large number of people. I can't imagine sitting around a computer waiting for a Nars or Urban Decay online release. It just doesn't happen. You just happen to notice when something new is on the website. The rush was fun for awhile, but it slowly starts to irritate.
This is sooo true!! Why is mac the only brand clowning folks like that? Life isn't easy for a mac hoe :(


Well-known member
No matter what time Mac releases the collection it's going to be a bad time for a large number of people. I can't imagine sitting around a computer waiting for a Nars or Urban Decay online release. It just doesn't happen. You just happen to notice when something new is on the website. The rush was fun for awhile, but it slowly starts to irritate. This is sooo true!! Why is mac the only brand clowning folks like that? Life isn't easy for a mac HEAUX :(
Fixed that for ya!!

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
I went back to the Mac Times Square store last week (an unexpected trip b/c I actually hate going over there) and they still have 2 boxes of RRW. It's available online still, so whatever, but I wonder when they'll finally unload all of it or what they'll do if they can't. I bought four of them and I don't feel bad about it one bit.
I actually thought RRW was online only? If it's in store that makes it easier for some customers! Cool :)