Sex workers and strippers ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
no you just put them in the category with druggies and child abusers and i think that is what created the debate

*shrug* That's fine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Damn, y'all must know some strippers with some damn good seniority or who are in the minority....Every stripper I've "known" has to be high or drunk to hit the stage. It's not a glamorous life. And, they are degraded by dumb, ignorant fucks when they're not shaking hard or fast enough---for a damn dollar. The ones that do make good money have to bend over backwards and forward for it, be contortionists and work overtime. And even after that, they most times have to tip out all the people that helped make it possible---the bartender, the DJ, the bouncers, etc.....It's damn near like pimping.


It must be a glamorous life to have to worry about a man jabbing his finger in your asshole while licking your ear for a twenty while you grind your sweaty crotch on his thinly covered hard-on.

It's truly empowering to consistantly have men lick your breasts and bite your nipples...sometimes even so hard it bleeds!! OH WHAT A HAPPY DAY!

Oh, and then when you're giving them a lap-dance and they grab your hips and shove their cock into you through your gstring, that's a real joy right there.

What a glamorous job.

Stripping isn't fun and games folks, and the people who say it is are either lying or have been lucky or charmed and not had to deal with the reality of doing a line of coke so they can get the gumption to go onstage to dance for two or three songs then come off and hit men up for as much money as they're willing to spend.
They've obviously never had to deal with the reality of working up the nerve, so taking three or four shots of Cuervo, to get up there and work the thong, and work the platforms, and ride the pole.
They've obviously never had a manager of a club pull them aside and say "Hey, you're chunking up there fatty..." and inform them that if the weight's not lost they can go somewhere else.
They've obviously never dealt with their belongings being stolen, their pride being stolen, their dignity being given away...none of it. They've never dealt with the desperation of realizing it's been a shitty night, and they've got nothing to show for it. Or it's still 4 hours to go in the shift, and they haven't made where's the energy going to come from? I know! Lets smoke some meth to get the buzz going and ride that wave.

What a glam life. What a wonderful world *I* am missing out on.

Is it all like this? Hell no, it's not. But a lot...a vast vast vast majority of


Well-known member
Every stripper I've known stayed in it because there are not many jobs that offer that much money in such a small amout time without having to pay taxes. Simple as that. Even if they have to get trashed to do it, they had $ signs in their eyes.


Well-known member
Ok, when I was in college I went to a strip club a couple of times with my guy friends (waits for "hippocrite" to be thrown around after this is posted)...and as I understood it, touching was totally against the rules.

Shimmer said:
It's truly empowering to consistantly have men lick your breasts and bite your nipples...sometimes even so hard it bleeds!! OH WHAT A HAPPY DAY!

Oh, and then when you're giving them a lap-dance and they grab your hips and shove their cock into you through your gstring, that's a real joy right there.

Obviously there is a lot of illegal crap that goes on in strip clubs...but it seems like a dancer could and should press charges for a man touching her without her consent. And if he is "shoving his cock through her gstring", isn't that rape?? Oh well, maybe the police wouldn't care or something. Thats horrible!


Well-known member
Could/should she?
Will it do her any good? Probably not. Working in an environment like that isn't going to garner much respect from law enforcement officials. Unfortunate, but true.

Is it rape? She's the one grinding her ladybits on his cock...regardless of the "rules" of the club. She doesn't agree to it, but she doesn't really do much by her actions to dissuade from it.

Of course there are rules in clubs. And, depending on seniority and how blind an eye the bouncers turn, the rules are enforced. When you're in the champagne room though, those rules kind of fly out the window.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
And if he is "shoving his cock through her gstring", isn't that rape?

I'd say so, but police sometimes have questionable ethics. To some (and I'm not advocating this stance), the stripper was asking for it.

When I was talking about friends who've enjoyed stripping, they were doing private parties at colleges where the girls or guys were more giggly than touchy-feely. They made a ton of money for a bit of work.

What do people think about movements like Suicide Girls?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I'd say so, but police sometimes have questionable ethics. To some (and I'm not advocating this stance), the stripper was asking for it.

When I was talking about friends who've enjoyed stripping, they were doing private parties at colleges where the girls or guys were more giggly than touchy-feely. They made a ton of money for a bit of work.

What do people think about movements like Suicide Girls?

Huge market there. Unfortunately, the "pack" mentality has a potential to take over, and the girls can be at risk.
Usually though, it's good funds as far as gigs go.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

Is it rape? She's the one grinding her ladybits on his cock...regardless of the "rules" of the club. She doesn't agree to it, but she doesn't really do much by her actions to dissuade from it.

I understand what you're trying to say, but in no case do a woman's actions or dress justify or "invite" rape. In the case of strippers, yes they are in a state of undress and dancing erotically, but its pretty implicit in the rules of the strip club that the women are not there to have sex with the customers. If a customer misunderstands that and tries something, the blame is on his head for being a disgusting human being, not for the stripper for inciting him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
I understand what you're trying to say, but in no case do a woman's actions or dress justify or "invite" rape. In the case of strippers, yes they are in a state of undress and dancing erotically, but its pretty implicit in the rules of the strip club that the women are not there to have sex with the customers. If a customer misunderstands that and tries something, the blame is on his head for being a disgusting human being, not for the stripper for inciting him.

Rape's never justified.

However, the attitude of many (though certainly not all, by any stretch of the imagine) in LE positions is similar to "When you place yourself in that type of situation, you can't be surprised when something like that happens."

I don't agree with it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's there. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Rape's never justified.

However, the attitude of many (though certainly not all, by any stretch of the imagine) in LE positions is similar to "When you place yourself in that type of situation, you can't be surprised when something like that happens."

I don't agree with it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's there. :/

You're totally right. Unfortunately, that is the predominant attitude amongst law enforcement and society in general. And I've even heard it from women too, which surprised me - I mean I certainly understand that a woman isn't doing herself any favors by putting herself in certain situations (most of which include drug use and heavy drinking, esp around people she doesn't know well), but I hate how a woman's innocence or lack thereof still comes into question in the case of rape...but I digress from the original topic. I guess going into a profession (or "profession") like stripping a woman should be aware that she's losing a huge deal of credibility as a person (whether its fair or not) and is putting herself into the mix with some super shady and possibly violent characters.
On a kind of related note, do you guys think there is a difference between places like Scores in New York, which the Wall Street guys patronize, and the dive near the factory in the middle of nowhere? Or are places that cater to horny, piggish guys, no matter their income level, pretty much the same?

little teaser

Well-known member
first off a stripper isnt gonna get rape working in a club if she is stupid enough to leave with the guy yes anything could happen but any girl stripper or not is at risk in any bar anyone can slip something in your drink i wouldnt even trust the bartender if its a guy you just never know and to answer your question shimmer about types of titty bars yes all guys are horny creeps but the dive places have old strung out woman so the cliental is gonna be trash to where the more upscale places have better patrons like bussiness men musicans atlethes and there are rules that arent suppose to be broken which they do enforce cause if a undercover cop goes inthere and one girl fucks up everyone gets introuble and the club could lose there liquor license


Well-known member
I didn't ask any question regarding level of clientele.

I work under the premise (and history shows) that a creep with money is still a creep, he's just usually more pretentious in his creepiness, and possesses an attitude of untouchableness.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
And yes those views about those women to expect nothing less but rape or assault is so common that they dont get an unbiased jury when they have been assaulted.

But people feel that since thats a common view (even though they know its wrong) that they may aswell go with the flow cos its just not worth having a non-mainstream view as it takes too much effort to put their part of the argument across.

Several members keep saying its just the general view as if that justifies them not giving a damn and not having to give actual valid reasons for their prejudices.

most of the time a offender in any crime includeing sex has a past offense criminal history so that gonna hurt his credibility when trying to say she ask for it

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I didn't ask any question regarding level of clientele.

I work under the premise (and history shows) that a creep with money is still a creep, he's just usually more pretentious in his creepiness, and possesses an attitude of untouchableness.

yes mostly guys in the military the worst creeps ever with there attitudes and feelings of untouchableness