Sex workers and strippers ...


Well-known member
Because I smell bullshit.
I'll edit this to say that military men DO get out of hand. Military men CAN be cocks.
But I'll also point out that for a soldier, the civilian police are the least of their worries because should their unit get wind of misbehaviour of that nature and the individual(s) in question push the allegations hard enough, those soldiers are pretty much fucked for life, and most of them know it.

I'm not saying they don't push boundaries, because they do, but I'm definitely saying they've got a LOT more to lose than civilians do.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
Yes many sex offenders have stuck more than once. But have not always got charged for it.

And with an upscale clientele or a working class one. Its purely superficial social decoration ...take away their profession/status and they could be good/bad regardless of their job and which strip joint they can afford.

The benefit of the upscale joints is that they probably afford some sort of security and ive heard some have drivers to take the girls home afterwards. But still...eeek...

well you know whats more eeek in my opinion doctors that use to come in there on call in there fuckin scrubs high as a kite trying to ask around where he could get some drugs cardiologist that do open heart surgery that is eek


Well-known member
Such a healthy, functionaly, happy working environment, eh?

Full Stop
"You have a cigarette?" I ask.

I gave up. Three months ago. But it doesn't count in this place. Long as you say your mantras and read the Gita and keep pure during the day, what happens at night - who you are at night - is cancelled out.

"Take two. No take six baby,"

Zora's eyes are pinpricks. It happens. Frequently.

"I dumped my fuckin' boyfriend. I'm 22, I'm a single mother. I have two kids. And I can't call him. Every time is a bad time. He has a key to my fuckin' apartment. I buy him clothes. I cook for him. An' I can't fuckin' call him. So I dumped him."

"Well done."

I feign understanding. What I want is a cigarette, or two, or six, a drink. Some cash.

"Take another," she says, proffers a packet of Newports, pupils contracting like a virgin's cunt.

Inhale, drag, sink against the wall. A cockroach saunters past like a Japanese fucking tourist. I sit on a beer crate. My white wedding-cum-stripper dress envelops me, soft against pure white skin, black heart.

"You have something to pick me up?" I ask, all innocent.

Not for me. No, really. I had my unintentional amphetamine shot after 'looking after' a mini ziploc in my g-string which burst open, thereby enabling me to ingest Class-A's vaginally, a unique experience I don't wish to repeat. I didn't sleep for two days. This stuff is for the other sucker in the private room. Three weeks and I haven't taken my dress off. Sucker. Suckers.

"No, babe, not tonight. Hey, dat guy came back for you on your night off. You don't work Tuesday or Saturday right? Well, dat English guy came back. Remember the English guy? The nice one? He was so cute. He had like three drinks, left. Saturday. Was lookin' for you. I love dat guy."

"He give you money?"


I stub out the Newport. The last remnants of smoke drizzle down my throat like sand. Swig of Grey Goose and soda, soothes. Back to the room. More money.

"I hope he comes back. You were cute together, both tall and blonde. An' he spends. I remember his name."

She takes a long drag. Stares at me with pupils like periods. Smoke drifts out of her nostrils. Full stop.

"Yeah, me too."


little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Because I smell bullshit.
I'll edit this to say that military men DO get out of hand. Military men CAN be cocks.
But I'll also point out that for a soldier, the civilian police are the least of their worries because should their unit get wind of misbehaviour of that nature and the individual(s) in question push the allegations hard enough, those soldiers are pretty much fucked for life, and most of them know it.

I'm not saying they don't push boundaries, because they do, but I'm definitely saying they've got a LOT more to lose than civilians do.

what more do they have to loose there small paychecks and free houseing im sure when there drunk and dick is hard that not even on there mind

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
In my birth country chile its quite sad to see how the foreign soldiers treat the prostitutes /strippers there.

These are literally only girls...teenagers and these men publicly humiliate them and act like they own the place.

So it probably cant be said for all soldiers. But im thinking UN soliders in the balkands and how they are actually fuelling the sex trade of teenagers.

And across africa/latin america,east timor, and western soldiers abroad who are notorious for visit the local ladies of the night..

But yea cant be said for all...although from what ive seen/heard its very common. As it is with all men.

here in the us there are soldiers that are selling drugs and pimping girls

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
Well that proves my point about whatever profession comes to see the stripper or goes to a prostitute that they can be rats whatever their job.

yes i agree rats and scumbags come from all walks of life


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
what more do they have to loose there small paychecks and free houseing im sure when there drunk and dick is hard that not even on there mind

*shrug* I'm sure that's what you think.

Creeps come in all shapes, sizes, forms, professions, uniforms, colors, creeds, religions, beliefs, and nationalities. No one group is more prevalant than the other.
Putting oneself in the situation be surrounded by those creeps is rather silly though, regardless of the financial gain offered. If the financial gain is enough, then one assumes to take the bad with the good and keep going.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
here in the us there are soldiers that are selling drugs and pimping girls


little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
*shrug* I'm sure that's what you think.

Creeps come in all shapes, sizes, forms, professions, uniforms, colors, creeds, religions, beliefs, and nationalities. No one group is more prevalant than the other.
Putting oneself in the situation be surrounded by those creeps is rather silly though, regardless of the financial gain offered. If the financial gain is enough, then one assumes to take the bad with the good and keep going.

ok but what about the woman who live and married them and the people who work with them not just the girls who dance for them those people are surround by that creep everyday are they not


Well-known member
This will not turn into a soldier-bashing thread. If it does, I'll remove it from the forum.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
ok but what about the woman who live and married them and the people who work with them not just the girls who dance for them those people are surround by that creep everyday are they not

Your logic, as always, is unfailing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
first off a stripper isnt gonna get rape working in a club if she is stupid enough to leave with the guy yes anything could happen but any girl stripper or not is at risk in any bar anyone can slip something in your drink i wouldnt even trust the bartender if its a guy you just never know and to answer your question shimmer about types of titty bars yes all guys are horny creeps but the dive places have old strung out woman so the cliental is gonna be trash to where the more upscale places have better patrons like bussiness men musicans atlethes and there are rules that arent suppose to be broken which they do enforce cause if a undercover cop goes inthere and one girl fucks up everyone gets introuble and the club could lose there liquor license

I know this is the internet, and people are lax about it, but can you please use a period, comma, colon, something!??! I am running out of breath reading your posts and I still have no clue what you're saying.


Well-known member
first off a stripper isnt gonna get rape working in a club.

if she is stupid enough to leave with the guy yes anything could happen. but any girl stripper or not is at risk in any bar anyone can slip something in your drink. i wouldnt even trust the bartender if its a guy, you just never know.

and to answer your question, shimmer, about types of titty bars: yes all guys are horny creeps but the dive places have old strung out woman so the cliental is gonna be trash. to where the more upscale places have better patrons like bussiness men, musicans, atlethes, and there are rules that aren't suppose to be broken, which they do enforce.
cause if a undercover cop goes inthere and one girl fucks up, everyone gets in trouble. and the club could lose there liquor license

That help?


Well-known member
Thanks shimmer, lmao. I stopped reading her posts because they were too hard to comprehend sans punctuation.

Someone mentioned suicide girls earlier in the thread...aren't they just basically porn pics on the web?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
Someone mentioned suicide girls earlier in the thread...aren't they just basically porn pics on the web?

That's what I thought. Is there more to it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I know this is the internet, and people are lax about it, but can you please use a period, comma, colon, something!??! I am running out of breath reading your posts and I still have no clue what you're saying.

You don't understand gibberish?