Sigma Brushes

Visual Edge

Well-known member
I just ordered the full brush set and have been doing tons of make-up looks on friends to play with them. I can honestly say that they are all wonderful brushes, I have nothing to complain about with any of them. I was also sent a free blending brush (Which I adore!) and indian girl eyeshadow which is a dark frosty grey. It is pigmented and beautiful!

All of the brushes are dense, I have experienced minimal shedding, and they apply make-up like a charm. I haven't tried all their mac comparisons so I can't really say if they measure up but if you can't afford the high cost of mac brushes, I highly recommend them. <3

I don't understand how anyone is complaining about price when this is a privately owned company. They're still ridiculously cheap for the quality!


Well-known member

ETA: No, I dont work for Sigma, I didnt get any brushes free (ever) but I have wanted a 138 Brush sooo bad, and I cant afford the MAC one...cant wait to see the price.


Well-known member
I saw a YT Tiffany did tonight doing a Kim K look and she used a SS214 that she said wasnt out yet. Anyone know if this is coming out with the other face ones on the 22nd?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nichollecaren

ETA: No, I dont work for Sigma, I didnt get any brushes free (ever) but I have wanted a 138 Brush sooo bad, and I cant afford the MAC one...cant wait to see the price.

The new brushes look awesome.

I think I am on brush overload though. :p They make good stuff. I just ... I'm oversaturated. LOL


Well-known member
I'm excited about the new brushes too because I also wanted the 138 & 165 but couldn't see paying retail for them. The only thing is that these new brushes won't be available individually, only in a set.


Well-known member
Really? YOu can't buy them individually? that's going to stink because all i want are the ss138 and ss165.. Dang.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I'm excited about the new brushes too because I also wanted the 138 & 165 but couldn't see paying retail for them. The only thing is that these new brushes won't be available individually, only in a set.


oh maan

do u know the price?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarlaSinger
I completely agree, 100%. Is is really so hard to come up with a description for your OWN product and not rip off something as big as MAC? Come on!

You know what I thought was hilarious, a popular youtube blogger (I won't mention her name, people probably know who I am talking about) did a review on sigma brushes recently and said that sigma never claimed to be MAC. I almost spill my drink when I was watching that video, that is their whole marketing tactic, their brush names... they are trying to get people who perhaps can't afford MAC to get these 'equivalents' for cheaper.

I have been interested in sigma here and there, but honestly, the huge hype on youtube has killed sigma for me. Maybe the brushes are good, but I don't need every single blogger convincing me to buy them.


Well-known member
I actually thought the numbering system was a compliment to MAC---A way of saying, "Hey MAC you're industry standard! You're the best there is!" But what do I know. The fact is, most of the ppl who buy from Sigma, buy because they cant afford MAC. I think its pretty well established that MAC makes the best brushes, and this is underscored by the fact that Sigma has used their numbering system.

I truly see nothing wrong with offering an alternative product at a lower price.

IMO If we ignore the hype instead of get caught up in it, Sigma makes really good brushes. That I can say from my own experience.


Well-known member
Okay... I am going to have to disagree slightly. I CAN afford MAC brushes (retail) and there are many in my collection, including the more expensive ones (like the 182 and 187). I've also had the fortune of picking up MAC brushes at Estee Lauder warehouse sales where they retail for the same price as (or less than) Sigma brushes. I'm not convinced that EL would be selling these brushes at a loss just to clear product, especially brushes that are part of regular inventory...brushes can always be sold in stores. In saying that (and having worked retail), it should be clear that retail markup is a bitch.

I think it's important, as Nicholle said, to get away from the hype associated with the product. Personally I find the guru attention to Sigma to be thoroughly off-putting and I don't blame anybody for being turned off by that. I am also not sure whether any of us can truly know the motivation behind the company. Did they want to copy MAC out and out? Did they want to pay homage to the (purported) "industry standard"? Who knows. We can debate their numbering system til the cows come home (and have) but at the end of the day, none of that matters.

There are many non-gurus here (Nicholle and myself included) who have admitted our affection for Sigma brushes. Does that mean that everyone who buys from them will have a flawless experience? No, of course not. But not everyone who buys from MAC has a flawless experience either.

The problem is, everyone (myself included) is caught up in branding. If you ever have the opportunity to get to a warehouse sale, to see products being tossed around like dollar store makeup and to truly see the kind of markup you pay for in stores... I'm convinced MAC's shine would be taken off a bit. Then, perhaps, Sigma wouldn't seem so nefarious.


Well-known member
I have a large collection of MAC brushes that I've spent a serious amount of money on over the years, and I was VERY skeptical of ordering these brushes. To my pleasant surprise- I ended up loving my Sigma brushes... Every single one of them. So much, in fact, I recently purchased a second set for myself. I also have the individual brushes that don't come in the complete kit, and I have every intention of getting the new brushes they're releasing on the 22nd. I've had my first set of Sigma brushes almost a full year now, and I've used and washed them over and over... They're still just as soft as the day I got them in the mail! They've retained their shape and shedding has not been an issue. They have absolutely OUTSTANDING customer service. The SS209 in this last set had some bent bristles and when I contacted Sigma about it, they told me to send it back and they would refund my shipping costs and send me a new one. I sent it back Wednesday of last week, and Monday I got an email with the tracking # for the new brush and it will be here today. They also refunded my shipping on Monday.

I love MAC, and there are MAC brushes that in my eyes can never be duplicated (239, 219, 217!) but Sigma did a real good job make quality dupes that everyone can afford.


Well-known member
agreed malaviKat! I edited my post I stand corrected and I 100% agree...not everyone has a cost issue - some of us, just like options. And you make a strong point, much of what we pay, is branding.

I think Tiffany Wedding Rings are a classic example.

Speaking for myself, if product x & y both suit my needs, I will choose more economical one!

As an aside...I think Sigma is after my whole paycheck:



Well-known member
I got that email too. I'm very satisfied with my current set of Sigma brushes. They fit right in with my MAC brushes. I'm looking forward to that new ss226. I've been after the MAC version for a while now.


Well-known member
Yah I just saw the eye set and I feel the same way, Nicholle...LOL I own pretty much every Sigma brush they've made except for the 109 and the 188. I own duplicates of some because I love them so much... I bit the bullet and picked up the travel set (haven't tried it out yet) and the retractable kabuki as well and I've given Sigma brushes as gifts. I have always been pleased with their products (even their free eye shadow has been good) and I'm sure I'll end up with a few of the new brushes in spite of the fact that I own most of their MAC counterparts and am already set for life brush wise.

The ss182 could stand to be a bit more dense (it's very soft, but not as dense as MAC's) and, as I think I mentioned somewhere else, a couple of my brushes did tarnish on the ferrule, but that's the basic extent of my problems with these brushes.

To everybody, I simply say this... You don't have to buy into the hype, you don't have to buy into the gurus and you don't have to acknowledge my overzealous opinion of these brushes or anybody else on this board... But if you can buy a MAC lipstick, you can try a single brush for yourself and make your own decision. If you hate it, you hate it. If you love it, isn't that a good thing? Half of Specktra hates/can't wear MAC foundation but they made that decision based on experience, not hearsay. Why would you deny yourself an opportunity to save some money and experience a potentially good product on the basis of crappy marketing?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nichollecaren

oh maan

do u know the price?

Nope, not yet. Follow them on Twitter. They might have said....or just wait a few more days. It's almost the 22nd anyway.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Goat Goat Etc.
OMG! ss217 and ss222! *faints*

I just learned how to use the ss219 and made my freaking life!!! My smokey-eyed life!!!

(I just love the way you put that.)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Nope, not yet. Follow them on Twitter. They might have said....or just wait a few more days. It's almost the 22nd anyway.

I keep telling myself that, but the suspense!! lol

Originally Posted by malaviKat
Yah I just saw the eye set and I feel the same way, Nicholle...LOL I own pretty much every Sigma brush they've made except for the 109 and the 188. I own duplicates of some because I love them so much... I bit the bullet and picked up the travel set (haven't tried it out yet) and the retractable kabuki as well and I've given Sigma brushes as gifts. I have always been pleased with their products (even their free eye shadow has been good) and I'm sure I'll end up with a few of the new brushes in spite of the fact that I own most of their MAC counterparts and am already set for life brush wise.

The ss182 could stand to be a bit more dense (it's very soft, but not as dense as MAC's) and, as I think I mentioned somewhere else, a couple of my brushes did tarnish on the ferrule, but that's the basic extent of my problems with these brushes.

To everybody, I simply say this... You don't have to buy into the hype, you don't have to buy into the gurus and you don't have to acknowledge my overzealous opinion of these brushes or anybody else on this board... But if you can buy a MAC lipstick, you can try a single brush for yourself and make your own decision. If you hate it, you hate it. If you love it, isn't that a good thing? Half of Specktra hates/can't wear MAC foundation but they made that decision based on experience, not hearsay. Why would you deny yourself an opportunity to save some money and experience a potentially good product on the basis of crappy marketing?


I wanted to share something though - I have two SS150s I bought one on here, and one directly from Sigma (yep, loved it that much)

One has never shed, never bled...perfect...but the other?? CRAZY bleeding. I still wonder why it hasnt turned white. Its minor seeeing that I only use it with powdered products, but its alarming to me because it says their quality controls need a little tweaking. With all that said...bleeding or not, I still love that brush!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nichollecaren
I think its pretty well established that MAC makes the best brushes, and this is underscored by the fact that Sigma has used their numbering system.

I don't think MAC makes the best brushes. I think they make the best designed brushes a lot of the hairs that they use are scratchy as heck compared to NARS and Japonesque.