Soul Mates ---- do you believe?


Well-known member
Well, I think with the idea of soul mates... eventually almost everyone will find theirs. Because no one (I hope) would stay with someone they knew wasn't right for them, for the rest of their life. Thats why we go through the dating and the breaking up, from person to person until we find one that fits.

I don't think we're matched at birth. But I think every one will find theirs eventually, because who's waiting around miserable with the wrong men? (Granted, a lot of us hang around with the wrong men for periods of our lives, but not forever.)


Well-known member
I deffo believe in soulmates! And yes, that is my husband. I always wonder what would've happened if we hadn't met in the way we did (we lived next door to each other in college), and the weird thing is, there would have probably been other ways (we had mutual friends, unbeknownst to us!) and so I think it was just gonna happen no matter what. Even when we were dating we took a break for about 6 mos (it was long distance) and I remember thinking, every relationship I'd ever been in, when I broke up w/ that person, it ended up being something I was glad for, and I'd never date them again...but with him, I regretted it so much everyday, to the point where I left my nice comfy job in NYC to get together with him in Alaska, where I got paid half what I got in NYC. But it was so worth it, I've always known he was the one since the day I laid eyes on him.

And I do feel that it is kind of a "you just know" thing. Pretty much all I can describe it as. Sorry for being a bit mushy!


Well-known member
I Believe in Soul mates I believe when the time is right and that special someone comes into your life you just know it. There will be many people through out your life that you will love and have love for. These people will help you understand when the time comes and you meet your soul mate.


Well-known member
I believe in soul mates; for love and for friends. I think there are many that exist.

And, off topic, am I the only woman who hates Sex and the City...?


Well-known member
hee, i don't care for Sex and the City either. sings "yooou are not alloooooone!"

I don't really subscribe to "soul mates". I lean more toward a "soul family".

I think that people come into and out of your life for a reason and to either teach you something, or for you to teach them something. You will react strongly to some and not others, but I don't think there is anything "mystical" about it. Just something that happens.


Well-known member
yes i do believe. i've never been a single girl dating different guys though. i met my current bf and we've been together 4ever. hes mt 1st everything and i really do believe we were made 4 each other.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chikky
I believe in soul mates; for love and for friends. I think there are many that exist.

And, off topic, am I the only woman who hates Sex and the City...?

Originally Posted by mtrimier
hee, i don't care for Sex and the City either. sings "yooou are not alloooooone!"

I don't really subscribe to "soul mates". I lean more toward a "soul family".

I think that people come into and out of your life for a reason and to either teach you something, or for you to teach them something. You will react strongly to some and not others, but I don't think there is anything "mystical" about it. Just something that happens.

I also thought I was a loner here for that! Well I don't hate the show...I watched an episode and just wasn't into it at all. I didn't get the "hype" that surrounding this show.

I had a gay guyfriend freak out in surprise cause I told him I didn't watch the show lmfao. This was after he told me that he went with his mom to see the movie in theatres when it had come out several times and loved it and that I had to go see it too haha.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I believe in falling in love with the person that's right for you (based on many different factors). I do not believe in "love at first sight" or "soul mates". There are definitely more than one perfect match per person.

Falling in love takes time and maintaining the love takes work from both sides. I don't think ppl should believe in the fact that they found their soul mates and leave it at that. It will set them for a lot of disappointment.

I'm happily married btw for 2 years and we've been together nearly 7
I would say that my husband is the love of my life but I wouldn't say he's my soul mate since I don't believe in that.


Well-known member
shadowy lady get out of my mind !! Lol...yeah I second what she said.

"soul mates" is too fairy tale for is a bitch...not a fairy tale.


Well-known member
Shaowy Lady said it perfectly. Life doesn't work out like a fairy book. The concept of soul mates is depressing to me.

So many things can screw it up, the finality of it being death. And I just hate to believe that because someone died their partner will never find love again. Or morbidly thinking if there is only soul mates, what if mine died before I ever met him. Its just to sad to think its true. And I just can't think that way.


Well-known member
In my opinion, I DO NOT believe in soul mates b/c every individual you date was your soul mate for that time you were together. You had some sort of connection that put you guys together.

And for the "love of my life" belief. I don't believe in that either b/c you haven't lived your whole life to look back and evaluate your previous significant others.


Well-known member
I do believe in soul mates and I definitely think people get "loving someone" confused with actually being soul mates. I believe that people will love time and time again, but there is one person out there that was meant to be with you! I think I've found mine!


Well-known member
I personally hate the phrase "soul mate" as it takes an extremely complicated idea, that of a relationship between two people, and reduces it to Madison Avenue type jingoism. It's easy, doesn't require substantial investment and mocks the idea of people who struggle everyday to keep their relationships in good health, through difficult times. The best summation of what long term (and I'm talking decades, not years here) relationships are, was from a dear friend and recent widow. She summed up her marriage as wonderful, though there was a whole decade where her and her husband could barely stand each other. They loved each other deeply though, as was evidenced at his funeral, at which we all cried like the Missouri with her.

Really great relationships are never about the good times, they're about the difficult times and what you learn about each other during those periods. When a parent dies, when one of you loses a job, when one of you slips off your pedestal, these are when you find the true center of love. If you have weathered a really bad storm together and come out the other side and still see the person standing next to you as the most amazing person you've ever met, balding, fat or double-chinned, then you know what love is.
Soul mates is just a bunch of bull, put together to keep romance authors employed, in my opinion.
SMMY - who has been in 32 years of unwedded mostly bliss as of Sunday and wouldn't change a single day of it, even the bad times.


Well-known member
i believe in soulmates...but we have MORE than one. lol let me explain...

there are just some people who just FIT so well into your life that it really wouldnt be the same without them...and I have a boyfriend but I think it's way to early too call him a "soulmate" but i can garauntee you that my bestfriend India (thats really her name) is my soulmate. we have this unbelievable theyll be a night where I had a nightmare and I would call her 3 in the morning and she would be up...and i would be your up! and she said, I had a weird feeling you were going to call. or she just GETS me. I dont even have to explain anything and she knows exactly what Im thinking or feeling.
i can honestly say she is my soulmate, i cant see myself growing up without her!!!! and then theres my best guy friend who has been there for me even when we go months without talking, we pick up where we left off...i cant see myself without him either. he seriosly compliments my soul.
so i have more than one...but they are there.

i see a few qualities in my two soulmates found in my boyfriend and i think thats where i find comfort and trust in him--but i dont think were at the level I can say he's my soulmate. i think ill JUST KNOW when it comes around

haha and for kicks, me and my soulmate <3: my Best friend!

bahhh i love her! shes the sister i never had.


Well-known member
Maybe I sound hardened or jaded but my "soul mate" in life is my mother and my dog. These are the people I love unconditionally no matter what happens to me, to them or in life.

I suppose one needs to define the word "soul mate". I don't believe in it the romantic sense. I've been in crazy ass love before, more than once. At the time I felt sure and so strong about the love, and for one ex I still care and love him to some extent. But things didn't work out. I admit deep down inside I would welcome that belief, from all the touching stories you ladies have shared, who knew they've "found the one" and knew it was going to be for life. Because the idea of the fact that it exists but I have yet to experience it, is, well, makes me warm and fuzzy.

I think relationships are born(also die) largely out of timing and to keep it happy and long lasting takes a boat load of effort, compromise, committment and even then nothing is guaranteed.


Well-known member
I absolutely do.
I met my boyfriend when i was 16 (he was 20). I came along right after his mum passed away (i think that's a pretty significant time to meet someone you love). I knew I loved him from the moment i saw him. He has always told he he felt the same way. Due to difference in age, we didn't date right away. I gave up hope, and dated someone else (whom i loathed) for 8 months. Right after we broke up, Ray was there. He asked me out when i was 18. We've been dating since (4 and a half years).
The xmas after i met him, i had major surgery. I was depressed and alone on xmas, in my basement. He spent the entire night with me on msn keeping me company, because he knew i was sad. I think he was too, as it was his first xmas without him mum. We've always been there for each other.
I know he's my soul mate because no matter how bad my day has been he knows exactly what to do and say to make everything better.And if he doesn't he'll just hold me when i cry. Because i can't even day dream about other men, i start to feel bad, because if i were with... Robert Pattinson, that would mean Ray would be alone. I know, because.... i just know. I can;t explain it. There is no doubt in my mind (nor has there ever been) that we were meant for each other. I feel so freakin fortunate to have found him, and i think he feels the same way.
We don't fight, because, honestly, we agree on most major issues, and the rest isn't worth wasting energy on.
We have been talking about marriage for about 3 years. I cannot wait. I already know i'm going to spend the rest of my life with him... but you know, making it official will be so nice.
Oh my. This made me all blubbery.

p.s: this is all coming from a generally negative person. Seriously... i don't even LIKE anyone.


Well-known member
For me, no. Hell no. But it's weird because I would still class myself as a romantic type of girl. Not gushy, but I love love lol (lame). I suppose part of that magic for me is having to work at it...everybody would be in love if it was that easy as "oh hai, you're made for me and i'm made for you nothing can ever tear us apart".
But I would never dog someone's view if they believed in soul mates. If that's the way love goes for you, then i'm happy as long as you are!


Well-known member
I'm noticing a trend in this thread of a poster saying that they believe in soulmates, and then presenting a different definition. Ktinagapay, and I think there was someone else on the first page but I'm too lazy to go check because I should be reading for my exam this afternoon...

Sorry, can't change the definition. You can call it something else if you want, but the idea of soulmates, split aparts, whatever you want to call it, is pretty clearly defined as the romantic partner that you are/were/always will be destined to be with and love for the rest of your life. It's not just a special connection with people, it is not platonic, and you can only have one.

If you don't like that, use a different word.


Well-known member
sometime i do. sometimes i don't. so the answer is i don't know.

i believe that there are many people that can make you happy and that you can fall in love with. those who have had more than one bf or husband that you loved will agree. you have loved them all but you love them all differently. what i'm trying to say is that, i believe that there is more than one person out there that can make u fall in love with them but there is only one person that can make you feel all of that to it's maximum degree. i believe you can find that one person. i don't know if it should be classified as a "soul mate." I used to love my ex bf when we were together but now I love my current bf. My current bf and I found each other so randomly and at the perfect time. We're alike in so many ways but our differences make us truly unique and different from one another at the same time. I've had this "soul mate" discussion so many times with my best friend and I can't seem to figure out the answer. I'm always in the middle, i guess. That's my two cents on it.