special k 2 week challenge [kellogs]


Well-known member
Well tomorrow im starting the Special K 2 week challenge with my best friend.. shes done it before and lost 6lbs in less than 3 weeks so i wanna do it with her now. Anybody else done this? what do you think about it?

after 2 weeks ill tell you all how it went and if i lost any weight

Current weight: 139lbs/10 stone
First goal weight: 125lbs/9 stone
Total goal weight: 111lbs/8 stone

I hate how much i weight right now! im like 17 and weigh 10 stone but i dont look it, everyone assumes im like 8-9 but im bottom heavy and have horrible fat thighs so i think thats where all the extra weight is =( i remember last year i wanted to lose weight for prom well not just prom but for starting college and everything and i weight 11 stone [153lbs] so i thought "RIGHT IM GONNA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!" and i ate salads and healthy stuff for about 3 month [also ate junk like 1-2 times per week] and i worked out like hell doing my workout dvd and aerobics i also did the Paul McKenna 'i can make you thin' hypnotising CD and book and it helped loads but its hard to get back into that.. anyway i went down to 9 stone which was amazing because i weighed that when i was about 14. So now i wanna get back to 9 stone then go to 8 but i dont wanna go further as i dont wanna look like nicole richie [ewwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWW!] so yeh im gunna do this Special K diet for 2 weeks and go to the gym 3-4 times per week and tell you how i did.

anyway if any of you want to join me i start it tomorrow! [16 august] just go on the website http://www.specialk.com and follow the rules! wish me luck! ohh and i might post before and after pics if it goes well lol


Well-known member
Good luck!
Personally, eating cereal for two meals a day isn't my thing. I'll get serious cravings for junk food =D
I don't know what will happen after those two weeks are over. I'm pretty sure that once you're off the cereal, a couple of pounds will return.
Either way, you got really strong will power!


Well-known member
I've tried it but only lasted about a week. I just got sick of eating cereal and wanted more.

good luck
i'd love to know how your results!!


Well-known member
I just don't think you can get all the nutrients your body needs by following a plan like that. One thing I learned when I lost weight (80+ lbs) is that you have to eat, and you have to eat A LOT.

It might be a good way to kick-start a plan, but when you go off it, I think you would gain the weight back.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by choseck
I just don't think you can get all the nutrients your body needs by following a plan like that. One thing I learned when I lost weight (80+ lbs) is that you have to eat, and you have to eat A LOT.

It might be a good way to kick-start a plan, but when you go off it, I think you would gain the weight back.

i know it doesnt sound like a great diet but for my 3rd meal i eat really healthy like vegetables etc. and for snacks i eat fruit and nutri-breakfast bars


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i know it doesnt sound like a great diet but for my 3rd meal i eat really healthy like vegetables etc. and for snacks i eat fruit and nutri-breakfast bars

Yeah, make sure that you are eating in between meals and go more for fruits and vegetables. Truthfully, I don't know much about the diet or what exactly you're supposed to eat when you're on it - but I guess you could always add some vegetables or fruit with the cereal.

I just know that for myself, eating a bowl of cereal wouldn't be enough - my metabolism is too high, and when you don't eat enough it slows it way down which isn't going to help lose weight at all. People are constantly amazed at how much I eat! But its mainly 'clean' foods - I think thats a better 'diet' except that it isn't a diet, just eating what your body wants you to eat.


Well-known member
I've always wanted to try this! I've heard mixed things about it though. Personally for me I think it'd be easy since I like my cereal lol. I'm 10st 5lbs & 5ft 9' and really want to get to about 9 stone plus tone up a bit.

Let us know how it all goes.


Well-known member
if you look thin dont worry about weight! im a size 8 (american 4) and little and im 9 stone... then i have chubbier friends who weigh the same as me

its all about how much muscle and stuff you have...

i just go on wether my clothes fit well or not...


Well-known member
i only did like 2 days for it and i got really ill
[not because of the diet] but i was feeling weak, tired and had bad back ache for like 3 weeks. I did lose half a stone though because i ate less but i've probably put that back on by now lol.
However; im starting it properly again tomorrow because i start college and it will b easier for me to stick to as i wont be lazing around the house eating snacks when im bored.


Well-known member
OMG!!!! well 2 weeks ago today i started doin the special k for like 3 days and then i thought o god i cant live on 2 cereals n 1 meal so i just had the special k for breakfast and a healthy meal for lunch and dinner and upto 2 healthy snacks each day. I weighed myself yesterday and ive lost 7 pounds :| im soo gonna stick to doing this


Well-known member
Originally Posted by choseck
I just don't think you can get all the nutrients your body needs by following a plan like that. One thing I learned when I lost weight (80+ lbs) is that you have to eat, and you have to eat A LOT.

I second that! Because food is energy


Well-known member
I can wolf down 3 bowls of Special K with the strawberries. I could never diet with that cereal. It tastes too good to me.


Well-known member
111 is very thin. I am 5'-2-1/2". When I was 111 pounds, everyone thought I was ill. From your picture, you look slim. Be sure to be at weight that is healthy for you. Everyone is designed differently. Don't expect to be the weight you were at 14 when you are 17. You may be getting sexy woman curves now.


Well-known member
i tried this once but gave up after less than a day, i know some people who say they have seen slight results but thats only if you can stick to it and most people can't. If you're like me and look forward to meals you're quite dissapointed when it comes to lunchtime and it's just soggy cereal again x


Well-known member
Hey if i manage to go into town today and get some special k i might start tomorrow, im 17 my height is 5.3" and my weight is 130lbs, i wanna get down to 115 then 110, dont wanna go past 110 but im sure that will be a fight anyway!
Il try to get down to the gym on tuesday, ive broken my wrist so i have a cast on it, but i get it off on monday
(enless they put another one on!)
coco xx