special k 2 week challenge [kellogs]


Well-known member
in theory it sounds like a good idea and it might actually work for a while... but in reality the only way to lose weight and maintain that weight is to make healthy eating choices and excercise. The special k diet is too restrictive and a lose lose situation in any light. If you lose the weight it it'll come back once you start eating other things or the other option is that you'll get so sick of it and start craving everything and anything and then most likely crash and burn. Go online and find your bmi, or go to your doctor and have them show you the chart that says what your healthy weight range is for your height not your age. Once you figure that out you'll know about how many calories a day you are supposed to be eating subtract 500 calories from that number and then you'll have the magic number of calories you should be eating in order to drop weight. Try eating 3 balanced meals and 3 healthy snacks a day and trying to get in at least 30-45 minutes of cardio about 3 days a week . A diet like the GI diet is much more balanced and even has meals plans. Remember at 17 you're still a growing girl. Oh and FYI even after losing weight you may find you are still bottom heavy and you shouldn't be too worried about it. Women tend to carry mre weight in their hips and thighs genetically because it helps support child birth it's just the way our bodies are designed and it'll take a lot of working out to reduce it. Stop thinking about how you don't like your body and start focusing on being healthy and a couple months from now you'll reach your goal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xphoxbex
WOW that's very detailed. TY. For your diet, do you completely avoid breads, pastas, etc. Pasta is my favorite, and I'm gonna stop eating it for a while until I get my normal weight back. And are pretzels and goldfish okay? Oh yeah I also bought those 100 calorie snack packs.

I wouldn't say that I avoid breads or pastas, instead of bread, I use La Tortilla Factory tortillas, and basically make a 'sandwich' using that, and on Sundays I take a break from my usual breakfast and make a killer breakfast burrito using them. They are the best, the small size is only 50 calories w/ 8 grams of fiber and very low carbs. If I do eat pasta, it's whole wheat. The 100 calorie snack pack is great portion control
Ohhh please tell me if it works out good for you. I really want to try it but fear I might be sick of cereal! Plus I cant have milk. So I have to substitute for Soy.