special k 2 week challenge [kellogs]


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Originally Posted by cocolette
Hey if i manage to go into town today and get some special k i might start tomorrow, im 17 my height is 5.3" and my weight is 130lbs, i wanna get down to 115 then 110, dont wanna go past 110 but im sure that will be a fight anyway!
Il try to get down to the gym on tuesday, ive broken my wrist so i have a cast on it, but i get it off on monday
(enless they put another one on!)
coco xx

let us know how it works for you, i tried once but gave up but now ive got the urge to start again lol and stick to it this time! good luck xo


Well-known member
ive done it for the 2nd time.. last week i started it and lost half a stone in 5 days :| but the only down side is that once i go out and have a gr8 time during the weekend i eat loads of junk and put the weight back on! i can never stick to a cereal diet its just so boring. just gonna do the katie price diet when i get my cross trainer


Well-known member
I think its a poor diet - I would never try it, think about it, you're going to be eating cereal for two weeks and cutting out lots of food groups, food that is healthy for you, so with being limited to what you're eating obviously you're going to lose weight.

Then when you decide enough is enough, that weight isn't going to magically stay off just because you ate cereal. Its going to come back - thats why I think diets like these are pointless. It may take longer, but just eat sensibly and cut down on portions, and don't avoid certain food groups, they all work together to bring you optimal health.

I lost around 80lbs by eating right and exercising - it took a little over a year, and I've kept it off for a year and a half now. And trust me when I say, what you eat has a lot more to do with how you look than exercise.

Don't mean to step on a soapbox here, and I hope that someone will back me up on this, but it frustrates me when people say they do a diet and then don't realize why they can't keep the weight off. I'm just going to stop now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by choseck
I think its a poor diet - I would never try it, think about it, you're going to be eating cereal for two weeks and cutting out lots of food groups, food that is healthy for you, so with being limited to what you're eating obviously you're going to lose weight.

Then when you decide enough is enough, that weight isn't going to magically stay off just because you ate cereal. Its going to come back - thats why I think diets like these are pointless. It may take longer, but just eat sensibly and cut down on portions, and don't avoid certain food groups, they all work together to bring you optimal health.

I lost around 80lbs by eating right and exercising - it took a little over a year, and I've kept it off for a year and a half now. And trust me when I say, what you eat has a lot more to do with how you look than exercise.

Don't mean to step on a soapbox here, and I hope that someone will back me up on this, but it frustrates me when people say they do a diet and then don't realize why they can't keep the weight off. I'm just going to stop now.

last year i lost like 3 stone by eating right and exercising also but this special k sounded good and its not JUST cereal for christ sake lol!
its a bowl of it for breakfast [and most people eat cereal for breakky anyway] and a bowl for either lunch or dinner and have a healthy 3rd meal. and you HAVE to have at least 2 snacks [healthy ones] to keep your metabolism going. no fizzy drinks, no greasy foods etc.. are allowed on this diet. but when i did it i only ate the cereal for breakfast and had 2 normal meals and either 1 or 2 snacks and i still lost all the weight.
its not a bad diet at all. ever since i started it ive been eating less and less because i used to eat soo much and eating when i was bored and now i dont so im healthier than ive ever been.


Well-known member
I've done this before and its ok if you want to loose a little bit of weight before a big event or holiday or something but if you don't change the way you eat permanently you won't maintain the weight loss. (i lost 3 stone a few years ago and i am happy and proud to say i have kept it off


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
last year i lost like 3 stone by eating right and exercising also but this special k sounded good and its not JUST cereal for christ sake lol!
its a bowl of it for breakfast [and most people eat cereal for breakky anyway] and a bowl for either lunch or dinner and have a healthy 3rd meal. and you HAVE to have at least 2 snacks [healthy ones] to keep your metabolism going. no fizzy drinks, no greasy foods etc.. are allowed on this diet. but when i did it i only ate the cereal for breakfast and had 2 normal meals and either 1 or 2 snacks and i still lost all the weight.
its not a bad diet at all. ever since i started it ive been eating less and less because i used to eat soo much and eating when i was bored and now i dont so im healthier than ive ever been.

Thing is, you have to eat to lose weight - and I definitely agree with the snack ideas, I just don't think eating two bowls of cereal as two of your meals is going to get you the nutrition you need or the amount of calories you need. I know I could never survive on it, I would be starving a half hour after I ate! But everyone is different. I guess when it comes to eating good old fashioned just plain eating right is what I consider to be the best way to go - whats going to happen when you go back to eating a bigger lunch than just cereal? Thats where the weight starts coming back. Sorry, I'm just so passionate about nutrition, fitness and health in general - and it frustrates me when people do these diets and then complain that they gained the weight back.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by choseck
Thing is, you have to eat to lose weight - and I definitely agree with the snack ideas, I just don't think eating two bowls of cereal as two of your meals is going to get you the nutrition you need or the amount of calories you need. I know I could never survive on it, I would be starving a half hour after I ate! But everyone is different. I guess when it comes to eating good old fashioned just plain eating right is what I consider to be the best way to go - whats going to happen when you go back to eating a bigger lunch than just cereal? Thats where the weight starts coming back. Sorry, I'm just so passionate about nutrition, fitness and health in general - and it frustrates me when people do these diets and then complain that they gained the weight back.

i completely agree with you and i only do this diet a week/2 weeks before a big event.


Well-known member
choseck lol i completely agree with you...
i hate this advert so much grrr yes u can lose X amount of weight in 2 weeks because you basically don't eat

i hate cereal its SO unfilling i eat it and 10 mins later im hungry again...
also heard (can't remember where) that the cereal bars are full of total junk
im very anti diet anyway its just so silly to diet/excercise whatever then eat what you would usually and wonder why you put weight back on as choseck said


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
choseck lol i completely agree with you...
i hate this advert so much grrr yes u can lose X amount of weight in 2 weeks because you basically don't eat

i hate cereal its SO unfilling i eat it and 10 mins later im hungry again...
also heard (can't remember where) that the cereal bars are full of total junk
im very anti diet anyway its just so silly to diet/excercise whatever then eat what you would usually and wonder why you put weight back on as choseck said

thanks! i guess i look for a long term result, not something that isn't going to last


Well-known member
Special K is junk food-all sugar and refined, genetically engineered corn and bleached grains....how can that possibley create anything healthy???

Fad diets do not promote good eating habits. Go back to the old way of eating and go back to the old body.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
Special K is junk food-all sugar and refined, genetically engineered corn and bleached grains....how can that possibley create anything healthy???

Fad diets do not promote good eating habits. Go back to the old way of eating and go back to the old body.

yay! I like the way you think.


Well-known member
I want to try it soon, esp. now that they have the new chocolatey cerial options!

I want to start this after I go to the grocery store! 2 weeks of chocolate cerial? YES PLEASE!


Well-known member
Chosek, I have heard alot of people told me that you lose more weight by eating more. I have been excercising my ass off and I really don't see a difference. I am about 5'1" and I weigh 130 lbs. I gained 30 lbs. I use to be only 100. I feel so miserable about myself. I do about 50 -100 sit ups a dayto try to help make my stomach look better. I also jump rope alot because I kinda prefer that over running the treadmill (i think it's so boring). I don't eat every meal. I never eat breakfast since I don't have time to and also because I've been on break and I kinda sleep late.

It caught my attention when I read your post about losing 80 lbs.

Can you tell me how you did it and what did u eat and the portion size, the times etc. I really think I'm not doing this right. I really need to make a chart or find a chart somewhere to help me regulate what I eat. Thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xphoxbex
Chosek, I have heard alot of people told me that you lose more weight by eating more. I have been excercising my ass off and I really don't see a difference. I am about 5'1" and I weigh 130 lbs. I gained 30 lbs. I use to be only 100. I feel so miserable about myself. I do about 50 -100 sit ups a dayto try to help make my stomach look better. I also jump rope alot because I kinda prefer that over running the treadmill (i think it's so boring). I don't eat every meal. I never eat breakfast since I don't have time to and also because I've been on break and I kinda sleep late.

It caught my attention when I read your post about losing 80 lbs.

Can you tell me how you did it and what did u eat and the portion size, the times etc. I really think I'm not doing this right. I really need to make a chart or find a chart somewhere to help me regulate what I eat. Thanks!

I'm 5'3" and weigh 115, this is pretty much my schedule for eating

-1 cup DRIED oatmeal
-egg white omelet w/ peppers and onions

-La Tortilla Factory tortilla (small size) w/ hummus -or- yogurt

-usually left overs from the night before, like chicken, or else I make a turkey tortilla wrap or soup
-pear or clementine

-grapes, or other fruit
-gnu fiber bar, or kashi granola bar

-some sort of lean protein
-vegetable or a salad, or both - depends on what my 'main' course it
-sometimes a grain of some sort

Dessert/late night snack:
-2 apples w/ teaspoon of peanut butter, honey and cinnamon

I work out six days a week in the mornings, varying from just an hour to on saturdays I work out from 7am - 9:30am. I do some sort of cardio everyday - and lift weights five days a week, splitting up body parts/day.

I drink only water, and drink it throughout the day.

Breakfast is my biggest meal, and I'm never hungry - I know when I need to eat, I wake up STARVING in the morning, which is how you should wake up - and eating gets my metabolism going and gets me energized. I am pretty strict w/ myself, but I don't feel deprived, I'm so used to eating this way that I don't think I would change it for anything.

Umm.. I could probably add more, but not sure what. Hope this helps


Well-known member
Originally Posted by choseck
I'm 5'3" and weigh 115, this is pretty much my schedule for eating

-1 cup DRIED oatmeal
-egg white omelet w/ peppers and onions

-La Tortilla Factory tortilla (small size) w/ hummus -or- yogurt

-usually left overs from the night before, like chicken, or else I make a turkey tortilla wrap or soup
-pear or clementine

-grapes, or other fruit
-gnu fiber bar, or kashi granola bar

-some sort of lean protein
-vegetable or a salad, or both - depends on what my 'main' course it
-sometimes a grain of some sort

Dessert/late night snack:
-2 apples w/ teaspoon of peanut butter, honey and cinnamon

I work out six days a week in the mornings, varying from just an hour to on saturdays I work out from 7am - 9:30am. I do some sort of cardio everyday - and lift weights five days a week, splitting up body parts/day.

I drink only water, and drink it throughout the day.

Breakfast is my biggest meal, and I'm never hungry - I know when I need to eat, I wake up STARVING in the morning, which is how you should wake up - and eating gets my metabolism going and gets me energized. I am pretty strict w/ myself, but I don't feel deprived, I'm so used to eating this way that I don't think I would change it for anything.

Umm.. I could probably add more, but not sure what. Hope this helps

WOW that's very detailed. TY. For your diet, do you completely avoid breads, pastas, etc. Pasta is my favorite, and I'm gonna stop eating it for a while until I get my normal weight back. And are pretzels and goldfish okay? Oh yeah I also bought those 100 calorie snack packs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by choseck
I'm 5'3" and weigh 115, this is pretty much my schedule for eating

-1 cup DRIED oatmeal
-egg white omelet w/ peppers and onions

-La Tortilla Factory tortilla (small size) w/ hummus -or- yogurt

-usually left overs from the night before, like chicken, or else I make a turkey tortilla wrap or soup
-pear or clementine

-grapes, or other fruit
-gnu fiber bar, or kashi granola bar

-some sort of lean protein
-vegetable or a salad, or both - depends on what my 'main' course it
-sometimes a grain of some sort

Dessert/late night snack:
-2 apples w/ teaspoon of peanut butter, honey and cinnamon

I work out six days a week in the mornings, varying from just an hour to on saturdays I work out from 7am - 9:30am. I do some sort of cardio everyday - and lift weights five days a week, splitting up body parts/day.

I drink only water, and drink it throughout the day.

Breakfast is my biggest meal, and I'm never hungry - I know when I need to eat, I wake up STARVING in the morning, which is how you should wake up - and eating gets my metabolism going and gets me energized. I am pretty strict w/ myself, but I don't feel deprived, I'm so used to eating this way that I don't think I would change it for anything.

Umm.. I could probably add more, but not sure what. Hope this helps

This died contains all the macro nutrients, its balanced, has plenty of fiber. Its a plan someone can live with. See, with fad diets, you go back to your old diet and you go back to your old body. Eating frequent, small, balanced meals with plenty of fiber and water keeps the metabolism up.

Eating more-if it is above the calories you need-can lead to steady weight gain.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary
Forgive me (I'm Aussie) but what the heck is a goldfish?

They're like these fish shaped snacks. They're goood!