=#*Team Ten Pounds*#=


Well-known member
For the girls from the workout/diet buddy thread (and anyone else).....

Here is the deal:

At the beginning of the week post some goals, whether it be weight loss, number of workouts, water intake etc.

Everyone can check in everyday or not if they don't want to, share tips, share recipes and share stories

Hopefully it will be a fun way for us all to make progress AND to get to know each other!



Well-known member
I'll go first

Name: Liz
Age: 21
Longterm goals: To lose 9kg (not becase I feel I need to, but because the sport I am involved in is changing weight class), cut down on diet coke, increase water, feel better about myself, go to gym 3x week and one home workout.
Goals for this week: One diet soda per day, 1 litre of water, workout 3x, -0.5kg/1 pound.


Well-known member
So, Day 2 for me

Porridge made with water, half a banana and raisins
Muller Light vanilla yogurt
Wholemeal pitta with turkey slices, light cream cheese, a tomato. Diet coke
Wholemeal pasta mixed with a little pesto, creme fraiche and diced tomato.

No workout today.

I met my soda and water goal SO FAR hehehe.

I thought some of you might like this-



Well-known member
day 3:
so far breakfast:
half bagel with cream cheese
cup of milk
apple dippers from mcdonalds

goals for this week is to lose 1 pound I neeed to lose to get healthy and to feel good basically!
i will try to drink water mostly, milk, and coffee or tea with splenda!
walk and move around more than i ususally do as of right now i have no time to exercise so me an my pedometer will be best friends when i buy it!

my name is jeni i am 21 will be 22 on the 28th mac lover since christmas 06'. i will be getting married next august to the love of my life! i am really excited!


Well-known member
hey jeni! Hopefully we can help motivate each other

How much do you want to lose my next august? Because that is my goal date too!


Well-known member
Name: Aileen
Age: 23
Longterm goals: Lose 15 lbs, and become wonderfully hard-bodied. bwahaha

Goals for this week: Drink more water!!!! Get my bum to the gym at least 3x. Lose 2 lbs.

We should def. start some sort of support group, huh?


Well-known member
Hi Everyone!

Age: 40

Goals: I would like to tone up, loose 7 pounds, drink more H20, eat less chocolate, and use the treadmill four times/week.

We can do it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trojanpopcorn
hey jeni! Hopefully we can help motivate each other

How much do you want to lose my next august? Because that is my goal date too!

Yes! it would be great to be fit and beautiful by then!

lunch: half salad and vegetable soup
chcilate milk

dinner: pb&j
cup of milk

total glasses of water: 5 but the night is young!
points: 28


Well-known member
Day 4

I'm about to go to the gym with my boyfriend. Going to do 30 minutes treadmill, then 30 minutes lifting weights for lower body.

B Porridge with granola sprinkled in, 2 bites of homemade flapjack( couldn't resist!)

Thats all so far.

Jeni- How do you know how many points to have?

I ate stirfry yesterday for my dinner because my bf's family were having indian. It was delicious.... I don't know if they do this in America but in england you can buy stirfry packs for one with the veg and the sauce so its easy to whip up a portion


Well-known member
grape and apples with a little caramel sauce

snack - nectarine

whole grain pasta spaghetti and brown rice

ww ice cream bar

southwest chicken salad with llight italian dressing

starbucks tal coffee frappuccino light blended

water: 7 glasses today yey!

points: 24.5

Tip: Chewing food slowly get you fuller faster and food more satisfying!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trojanpopcorn
Day 4

I'm about to go to the gym with my boyfriend. Going to do 30 minutes treadmill, then 30 minutes lifting weights for lower body.

B Porridge with granola sprinkled in, 2 bites of homemade flapjack( couldn't resist!)

Thats all so far.

Jeni- How do you know how many points to have?

I ate stirfry yesterday for my dinner because my bf's family were having indian. It was delicious.... I don't know if they do this in America but in england you can buy stirfry packs for one with the veg and the sauce so its easy to whip up a portion

i joined weight watchers this week its a formula and actually online theres sites that can tell you. i wonder if theres weight watchers where you live? you live in England?


Well-known member
Yes, i should look!!! you can tell me if you think its good at the end of the wekk

that starbucks sounds delish!!!!! I am not hungry, am currently counting down to my interview which I am really nervous about


Well-known member
I had an interview for estee lauder and I got the job
So im happy.

Made such a good dinner last night....

tacos! but i made the taco 'shells' out of lettuce and everything I used was lean or low fat! you should try it!

On ww, do you feel like you aren't eating a lot?


Well-known member
Oh I feel completely satisfied! So far i'm liking it!
Congrats you Lucky girl one day i would like to be a makeup artist!

Friday Day 5:

TuNa Pasta with tomatoes, corn, onions, and lemon
salt and pepper
I made it up but it was good!

One chicken wing and like 1/4 slice of pizza I really wasnt hungry
Grande Coffee Frappuccino Light Blended - its yummy!

Eight Cups yey


Thanks Aileen for your support this week!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trojanpopcorn
I lost 3 pounds this week. WOW.

Jeni- How much do you want to lose in total?

i have lost 2 yey for us!