=#*Team Ten Pounds*#=


Well-known member
yall are dong great! I lost a whopping .5 on my WW this week lol. Better than gaining.


Well-known member
we are great!!!!! 0.5 is defo better than nothing, and you have been on ww for a while so it will slow down


Well-known member
I'm IN! This is like a free version of weight-watchers teehee

Goal: lose 10 lbs

What I've eaten so far: 1 rice krispies treat, 1 smart ones, 3 buffalo wings, 3 crazy breads ...aiming for a SALAD for dinner

Exercise: 45 mins on elliptical, weights

I've been working out for 45 mins everyday this week but I've been eatin' like a piggy... not no mo'! GOOD LUCK everyone!


Well-known member
Last night I was craving sweets...so for dinner i had cereal lol. I "punished" myself lol for not going to the gym for 3 days so I did the eliptical for55 mins for 30 mins of weights. I was pooped!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Last night I was craving sweets...so for dinner i had cereal lol. I "punished" myself lol for not going to the gym for 3 days so I did the eliptical for55 mins for 30 mins of weights. I was pooped!

have you had the ww ice cream its yummy i like the cookie dough one!


Well-known member
today i had:
apple dippers for breakfast

pasta and 1 breadstick (i was strong i love those things!)
and I only ate 1/2 the pasta
lots of salad no croutons!


Well-known member
Even if you cant go to the gym what i do sometimes is go up and down one step or march in place! Go up all my steps like 5 times in between commercials! You can also do squats as you watch T.V.


Well-known member
I haven't lost one pound. I am at the same weight.

I am on antidepressants and I just can't loose a pound. This is sooooooo frustrating. I just have to walk more. (((rolling my eyes up)))


Well-known member
How do you guys even get motivated to go to the gym? I don't know..sometimes I feel like the gym is...what's the word..scary. I feel like everyone is just going to watch me...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I haven't lost one pound. I am at the same weight.

I am on antidepressants and I just can't loose a pound. This is sooooooo frustrating. I just have to walk more. (((rolling my eyes up)))

How about you only drink water im sure thatll help some!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tropical_smiles
How do you guys even get motivated to go to the gym? I don't know..sometimes I feel like the gym is...what's the word..scary. I feel like everyone is just going to watch me...

Well I can totally understand what you are saying it is soo hard to go when you go by yourself so I guess the first tip would be try to get a buddy which you can try to look for in a chat room like in self.com or somewhere you feel comfortable bringing up that issue. Second tip is go to a gym to which theres maybe a womens area in which you will feel more comfortable , keep in mind that everyone there is there for most the same reasons as you! Last tip I can think of is try to join a class that you can look forward to that will give you a boost of motivation the more you get involved, the more likely you will find someone in there that if you miss a class wil say they missed you or let you know what a awesomw class you missed last week! Which is what im in the process of doing , im joining a water aerobics class. Hope I helped!


Well-known member
I drink a mix of diet drinks and water, but I will take your advice about just drinking water. I am firm, but the weight on the scale is scary. I am going to talk to my doctor about these pills. I am shaped different too. My butt is higher and arms are bigger. I do have a waist line. I do some free weights and use a ball for the abs. Hubby things it looks good. I am 125 at almost 5'-3".

Before the antidepressants, I weighed around 114 dressed. But, I didn't exercise and I could eat whatever I wanted all my life. Right after being put on these pills, I had to watch everything. I actually eat 1/2 as much and move more. The scale doesn't budge. These pills are a joke. They are good for your mind though. (((sigh)))


Well-known member
Let's see, since my post about oh 20 days ago, I'm still in my same weight range (125-127 lbs) -surprise surprise! I expect to lose a couple lbs because its my "period" week and im not going to be taking BC pills this week. I will aim for starting Weight Watchers this week and maybe squeeze in a 2 hr workout. Good luck to moi! *Updates in 2 weeks!*


Well-known member
Ok, I think i'm going ot check out the women's gym near my work on Wednesday. Are there any questions I should ask? I really don't know what to expect but after I gained 25 pounds since January this year. I've gotten very self conscious and unhappy about my weight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tropical_smiles
Ok, I think i'm going ot check out the women's gym near my work on Wednesday. Are there any questions I should ask? I really don't know what to expect but after I gained 25 pounds since January this year. I've gotten very self conscious and unhappy about my weight.

Well just make sure that you feel comfortble there and that the equipment looks up to date! You dont want to go to a place that looks like its falling apart! Look at everything like the locker room and showers to make sure they are sanitary and stuff! I dont really know what you may ask them to be honest but make sure you like it there and that you feel comfortable! Remember most all the women there will be there for the same reason you are! Dont feel bad it would be worse not to care. Best of Luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I drink a mix of diet drinks and water, but I will take your advice about just drinking water. I am firm, but the weight on the scale is scary. I am going to talk to my doctor about these pills. I am shaped different too. My butt is higher and arms are bigger. I do have a waist line. I do some free weights and use a ball for the abs. Hubby things it looks good. I am 125 at almost 5'-3".

Before the antidepressants, I weighed around 114 dressed. But, I didn't exercise and I could eat whatever I wanted all my life. Right after being put on these pills, I had to watch everything. I actually eat 1/2 as much and move more. The scale doesn't budge. These pills are a joke. They are good for your mind though. (((sigh)))

Oh Darling you are not that bad but it is important that you try to keep it there you sound pretty healthy for your size as a matter of fact I am just an inch taller than you and aim for about your weight! I have heard those pills make you gain weight. Just try to keep healthy both for you and your family and do not skip meals or starve yourself it is the worst mistake ever!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAKExMExUP
Let's see, since my post about oh 20 days ago, I'm still in my same weight range (125-127 lbs) -surprise surprise! I expect to lose a couple lbs because its my "period" week and im not going to be taking BC pills this week. I will aim for starting Weight Watchers this week and maybe squeeze in a 2 hr workout. Good luck to moi! *Updates in 2 weeks!*

Shopping makes me happy too!
Congrats on your decision just remember Go to the meeting faithfully! Good Luck keep us posted!


Well-known member
Tip: I learned today that in order to loose weight you must cut out 3500 calories a week from your normal routine= 500 calories less a day!


Well-known member
My hubby loves how I look. It's the scale and how I have had to buy bigger clothes that really angers me. But, I am toned. I mean does muscle weigh that much. I don't think so. I am seeing the doc tomorrow.