Twilight Saga - books & movies


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I still love Twilight, the awkardness in the beggining of a relationship,they surprised that really well and the rainy Forks


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I'm not really into Twilight, but a while ago a friend of mine convinced me to buy the first book and so I started reading it last night. I'm more than a little bothered by the fact that Jacob is being played by a white actor. I didn't realize that he was Native American until I started reading the book. And then I remembered a clip of the movie I'd seen on a talk show and that the other werewolves are played by Native American actors (or rather actors of color who could concievably be NA). Am I surprised? No, because that's Hollywood. But I am disheartened that considering how big the Twilight franchise has become, no one has seemed to take notice and no one has spoken out about it. I did a couple of Google searches to see if any articles would pop up and I didn't find anything but a facebook petition group. Shaking my head.


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^ Well, some things in the movie differ from the book, it`s normal it happens in every movie, I mean Robert Pat doesn`t look like a God, or Nikky like the most beautiful person in the world, they did the best with what they found, I read they interviewed hundreds of persons for this roles and I think Taylor did a pretty good job They didn`t film in Forks, lol even though it really exists

Makeup Emporium

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Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
I'm not really into Twilight, but a while ago a friend of mine convinced me to buy the first book and so I started reading it last night. I'm more than a little bothered by the fact that Jacob is being played by a white actor. I didn't realize that he was Native American until I started reading the book. And then I remembered a clip of the movie I'd seen on a talk show and that the other werewolves are played by Native American actors (or rather actors of color who could concievably be NA). Am I surprised? No, because that's Hollywood. But I am disheartened that considering how big the Twilight franchise has become, no one has seemed to take notice and no one has spoken out about it. I did a couple of Google searches to see if any articles would pop up and I didn't find anything but a facebook petition group. Shaking my head.

Actually Taylor Lautner states that he has some Native American background on his mother's side (Potawatomi and Ottawa Indian) and I don't think it's been proven either way whether that's true or not. Considering that this movie has characters who are played by actors and actresses of all different races I don't really see the big deal even if he did not have any Native American descent.

You mention that actors of colour played some of the other wolves and you seemed OK with that. So what you are saying is it's OK for "actors of colour" (your words) to play the Native Americans but not for a "white actor" (again your words) to play a Native American. To me that makes no sense. You can't argue that one is OK but not the other. Either it's OK for a person to be playing a different race or it's not. I personally have no problem with it either way as they are looking for the best PERSON for the job not the best PERSON OF A SPECIFIC RACE for the job.
After all...none of the vampires were played by real vampires...


Well-known member
My point is that there aren't tons of roles for actors of color, and so when a film is being adapted and the character is of color, I believe that within reason, an actor of color should be hired for the part. I also find it suspect that there are actors of color protraying the other werewolves with less screen time, but when it comes down to a significant character playing a major role in the film, he is a white actor. There's TONS of backlash to this practice in Hollywood (West Side Story's film adaptation springs to mind). The argument is multifaceted. For example, there was some criticism of Jennifer Lopez being casted as Selena because she is of Puerto Rican decent and not Mexican. Personally, I didn't have a problem with that casting descision although I respect those who did. I would however have been perplexed if a black, white, Asian, etc. actor had played the role. It was important that that role be played by an actress of Latina/Hispanic decent.

Anyway, I just think it's unfortunate that is happens so frequently, and that so few people even notice it. And you almost never see the reverse happening. Just my observations.

Originally Posted by Makeup Emporium
Actually Taylor Lautner states that he has some Native American background on his mother's side (Potawatomi and Ottawa Indian) and I don't think it's been proven either way whether that's true or not. Considering that this movie has characters who are played by actors and actresses of all different races I don't really see the big deal even if he did not have any Native American descent.

You mention that actors of colour played some of the other wolves and you seemed OK with that. So what you are saying is it's OK for "actors of colour" (your words) to play the Native Americans but not for a "white actor" (again your words) to play a Native American. To me that makes no sense. You can't argue that one is OK but not the other. Either it's OK for a person to be playing a different race or it's not. I personally have no problem with it either way as they are looking for the best PERSON for the job not the best PERSON OF A SPECIFIC RACE for the job.
After all...none of the vampires were played by real vampires...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
I'm not really into Twilight, but a while ago a friend of mine convinced me to buy the first book and so I started reading it last night. I'm more than a little bothered by the fact that Jacob is being played by a white actor. I didn't realize that he was Native American until I started reading the book. And then I remembered a clip of the movie I'd seen on a talk show and that the other werewolves are played by Native American actors (or rather actors of color who could concievably be NA). Am I surprised? No, because that's Hollywood. But I am disheartened that considering how big the Twilight franchise has become, no one has seemed to take notice and no one has spoken out about it. I did a couple of Google searches to see if any articles would pop up and I didn't find anything but a facebook petition group. Shaking my head.

They did the same thing with um, damn Speed Racer I think? IDK some Asian cartoon, and in the movie NO ONE is from Asia

But back on topic, if u guys are really into the whole vampire thing, I highly,HIGLY suggest u guys read this book called Fledgling by Octavia Butler.
It's a very well written book, and totally different from any vamp book I've written, and this was before I even liked Twilight...


Well-known member
Just saw New Moon. Totally dug it. It was a huge step up from twilight and was closer to the book then the first movie. This was my least favorite book of the series but I really enjoyed the movie. I would definately watch it again.


Well-known member
I thought Taylor Lutheran was part Native.... I think he looks the part.
When it comes down to it, you need to do whats best for the franchise. I mean, they have a Italien/ Dark skinned looking girl playing Rosalie. She is infact part Native, and we all know Rosalie is supposed to be very fair, slender, blond and angelicly perfect. Not to say she isnt, but her ethnic background doesnt lend to the role.

It goes both ways ya know?
I think it works in Jacob's case. He looks the part.

Now, i just saw the film. While it still wasnt a particularly good film, it was leaps and bounds better than the first. The acting has improved a lot too. And Jacob was rather charming. Bella even got better, which i was shocked at. Edward, however, remains constipated.


Well-known member
I've seen New Moon more than once and I can say that it is way better than the first Twilight movie. They did a much better job of following the book than the last movie, but at the same time I also think the movie is better than the book.

Half N Half

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
I'm not really into Twilight, but a while ago a friend of mine convinced me to buy the first book and so I started reading it last night. I'm more than a little bothered by the fact that Jacob is being played by a white actor. I didn't realize that he was Native American until I started reading the book. And then I remembered a clip of the movie I'd seen on a talk show and that the other werewolves are played by Native American actors (or rather actors of color who could concievably be NA). Am I surprised? No, because that's Hollywood. But I am disheartened that considering how big the Twilight franchise has become, no one has seemed to take notice and no one has spoken out about it. I did a couple of Google searches to see if any articles would pop up and I didn't find anything but a facebook petition group. Shaking my head.

I'm sorry, but I've never even considered Taylor Lautner a "white actor". He looks pretty damn brown to me! I really don't think it matters what race he is, he looks the part. He's a young, talented actor and I think he did a great job. If someone thinks he didn't deserve the part because he's not a REAL native I think that's pretty damn stupid! Honestly, I don't know what the kid's race is, but from what I've heard he has some native in him. I also saw an interview with the director that stated they wanted actors who were at least part native to portray the roles, so it sounds to me like they made an effort. Anyway, it's a MOVIE!! Actors of all different races play characters who are not their real race ALL THE TIME!


Well-known member
I fell in love with twilight saga reading the books. To me watching the movie, it made it come alive but what made this saga special were all the insight thoughts of the characters so well described in the books and only fractions of them in the movie.
When you read something you see it come to live in your mind, but we are all different and probably imagined the books in different way so in part this is what dissapointed in movie, it came alive how the director imagined the book.I would have had narrated everything from the book but that`s not possible
The soundtrack of the second installment didn`t impressed me at all, I still like the first one better
Any news about Breaking dawn?


Well-known member
I saw the first twilight movie not too long ago because my sister made me watch it (she's obsessed) and honestly.. i didn't care for it too much. I was a little bored. I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the mood to watch it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
My point is that there aren't tons of roles for actors of color, and so when a film is being adapted and the character is of color, I believe that within reason, an actor of color should be hired for the part. I also find it suspect that there are actors of color protraying the other werewolves with less screen time, but when it comes down to a significant character playing a major role in the film, he is a white actor. There's TONS of backlash to this practice in Hollywood (West Side Story's film adaptation springs to mind). The argument is multifaceted. For example, there was some criticism of Jennifer Lopez being casted as Selena because she is of Puerto Rican decent and not Mexican. Personally, I didn't have a problem with that casting descision although I respect those who did. I would however have been perplexed if a black, white, Asian, etc. actor had played the role. It was important that that role be played by an actress of Latina/Hispanic decent.

Anyway, I just think it's unfortunate that is happens so frequently, and that so few people even notice it. And you almost never see the reverse happening. Just my observations.

Honestly, it goes both ways, look at The Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman's character was a white irish man in the book, and he got the part because he was the best actor for the role. I can see what you are saying, but actually there is much more diversity now in Hollywood, slowly but surely. And its not a rule that a character in a book must be exactly the same in the movie, its up to the directors discretion.


Well-known member
I saw it the day it came out, and I was dissapointed. My fiance said he thought it was really good and better than twilight. I agree it was better, but to me it was such a dissapointment. I was waiting so long for this movie, and I couldn't stand how bad the acting was at times, and the cheesy lines were barftastic. Nothing compares to the books. I am seeing a pattern here though, the movies keep getting I know eclipse will be better...and breaking dawn will be the best of the saga, lol.


Well-known member
^ They almost kiss before the phone calls(when edward finds out) it `s very well described in the book, I think they almost kiss twice in the book


Well-known member
Originally Posted by romi79_2008
^ They almost kiss before the phone calls(when edward finds out) it `s very well described in the book, I think they almost kiss twice in the book

Really? I must not remember it then. It's just that when he kisses her forreal in eclipse, doesn't she punch him? Lol that just stuck in my head so much, and even before she finally realizes she loves him she always just saw him as her best friend. You're probably right though, I have a bad memory


Well-known member
Yeah, she doesn`t want to ,meaning she`s thinking something like please no I didn`t make that decision yet and the phone rand and saves her lol yep I read the book a few times
I read yesterday that they `ll make the fourth book in a movie for sure....yeay
The only decision they haven`t made yet if it`s gonna be one or two movies with so many things happening. two movies will cost more they say, especially the cast, will get big checks


Well-known member
Originally Posted by romi79_2008
Yeah, she doesn`t want to ,meaning she`s thinking something like please no I didn`t make that decision yet and the phone rand and saves her lol yep I read the book a few times
I read yesterday that they `ll make the fourth book in a movie for sure....yeay
The only decision they haven`t made yet if it`s gonna be one or two movies with so many things happening. two movies will cost more they say, especially the cast, will get big checks

Summit really needs to get their stuff together, with their measly budget and the amount of revenue the movies make, the actors should be getting bigger checks! They made SO much more w/ New moon than it actually cost to make. If they're smart, they will milk this cow till it runs dry and make two movies. They won't cost THAT much cus they don't really put much effort into them it seems because the budget increase wasnt that high.

Lets hope who ever makes BD makes a bad book into a good movie, either way I'll be watching. I know it, guilty pleasure! lol


Well-known member
Saw it yesterday for my birthday, it could still be improved on, but it was a massive improvement to the first movie IMHO.
Have since started falling for Jacob more than Edward