Twilight Saga - books & movies


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Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Originally Posted by yazerella
I hated the first movie. Liked the second one because of Jacob. I'm worried I'll hate Eclipse because I strongly dislike both Rob Pattinson (who wasn't really in the second movie much - hence why I enjoyed it more) and Kristen Stewart. Worst actors in the world IMO.

I love book Edward. Rob Pattinson is NOT Edward. Who chose these actors?!?! Actually - the entire Cullen family are not matched very well to their actor counterparts. And Kristen Stewart? I mean, really?!

I liked Kristen Stewart as Bella more in this movie than I did the first two movies.

I still prefer the books though.

But I did love Edwards line in the movie when he said to Bella about Jacob "Doesn't he own a shirt?"


Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I loved it, as usual. "Eclipse" was my favorite book, and I feel David Slade had all the crucial elements in the movie. I think Kristen has gotten better with the series as far as acting. I disagree with the comment in regards to Robert Pattinson being a horrific actor & not meeting the book Edward. I think he does a pretty damn good job of being Edward, and if you base his acting solely on this franchise than you should see some of his other work. I consider myself a pretty harsh critic in regards to acting, singing, entertaining. I think Robert is a pretty good actor. He's no Robert De Niro or Jack Nicholson, but he's only in his twenties. I hope he has a long, successful career.

I can't believe we have to wait 1.25 years for the next one!! AAAHHH!


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Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

im going to see it monday me thinks.
In response to Robert Pattinsons acting, i think hes a good actor. But i think that the way he approaches the character of edward is so bizzare. He always has that constipated face on, and he doesnt speak very clearly. If he and Bella are having an intimate moment, i find myself straining to hear.
We'll see... maybe this movie will change my mind.


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Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

i saw the movie today and freaking loved it!
it's my favourite book from the series and has been my favourite film so far also
also it made me chuckle in a few places which is always good!


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Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

watched this movie online. not good. don't waste your money on watching this movie. it's not worth it.


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Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
watched this movie online. not good. don't waste your money on watching this movie. it's not worth it.

well if you watched it online - i'm guessing for free it's not like you wasted money on it anyway!


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Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I WAS excited....totally tried to plan an outing with my co-workers (we're all fans), but alas, no one has the same days off as me and my bf wouldn't go.

I ended up finding a rip online that is pretty good quality, so I watched it there. I always end up buying the DVD when it comes out, so I justify it that way a little bit. Stephanie Meyer is rich enough lol.

I liked how it touched a bit into Bree Tanner though - leaves it open for the novella to be turned into a movie if they wanted to later on.

I really hate how we have to wait for Breaking Dawn Part 1 to come out in 501 days! LOL! Nevermind Part 2! Gah! I hope they atleast release that one the following March. I don't know if I can wait a full 2+ years just to see the ending.

I also agree that the acting got better this time around. Kristen Stewart especially - but then again, I watched The Runaways and noticed there as well that she was doing better. She can't argue for the life of her, but whatever. Jacob does the over-acting a bit, but it wasn't as bad as New Moon. The fighting scenes in the clearing were kinda cheesey - same with the fight with Edward, Riley and Victoria (especially when Victoria dies lol).

I love the passion Edward and Bella have though OMG! LOL they definately sound like two horny-ass teenagers lmao!

Oh, and Jacob is WAY more ripped this time around....*woooof* ahahaha!


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Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

I've never liked Twilight & everytime I see the trailer for Eclipse I laugh because I think the CGI looks pretty awful. The werewolves look like wolves you see at the zoo. Those vampires are like superhumans being able swing from trees like monkeys. Just bothers me ha and don't think Kristen Stewart is a good actress. She never has emotion, he facial expressions always stay the same. I'm not bashing people for liking them, this is just my opinion.


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Re: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

^ i actually thought he wolves were very good. They're not werewolves, they are shifters. They just shift into wolf forum. Big strong bad ass wolves.
I just came back form the film, and i must say, better than i thought! Kristin stewart is getting more natural with every film. Jacob is good, but he has his moments where he clearly likes to ham it up. Robert Pattinson is the weakest of the lot, and this is coming from someone who knows he can act! I dont get why he plays him so... boring! So sullen with every word he says. And that constipated face he does, yuck!!!
I will say that Rosalie looked a lot better in this movie. And acted more the part. I'm still not crazy about Alice's wig, and Jasper's hair colour could have been better. I really liked his acting, he so handsom outside of the films. Emmette, while hilarious looks awful with that stupid hair cut/style.
As for Victoria, i think they tried to o hard to make her look like Rachel. Bryce is STUNNING with perfect feline features. Her wig was way too full for her face, she was all hair. And i do not, for the life of me understand her costume in this movie (or the last). It's kinda swashbuckling meets shakespeare meets goth. In the first movie she looked like a Nomad rocker, which fit. A real wild woman.
Kristin stewarts wig was pretty good, but the first couple of scenes (when they did close ups) her hairline was way too full and close. it made her look hairy and weird. Later in the movie, i noticed that it looked a lot better. By the last scene, i was like " I want her hair!"
And speaking of the last scene, it was painful.

Dispite my complaining about him, i suppose im still on team edward. Jacob is way too 17 yr old beefcake for me. I like my mean pale and skinny.


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Twilight - the books

How long have I said I would not read Twilight or watch the movies??

Now I have almost finished reading the first book - and I will read the rest as well!

And I just ordered the first movie on DVD - for a great night at home during my coming vacations

I love watching The Vampires' Diary and did not want to start with another Vampire story, but now I am glad I started. Great to relax.


Well-known member
Re: Twilight - the books

I think everyone went through that period of Twilight denial. I know I did. I said for the longest time "why would I want to read a book about vampires?" I read the first one and got hooked. I loved the books. I hate that I can't say the same about the movies.


Well-known member
Re: Twilight - the books

i really like the books! a couple of years ago i saw twilight in a supermarket and because i have always liked vampire stories (geek i know!) i picked it up. and i loved it! cheesey but in a good way
that following christmas nick bought me the other 3 books as a gift and i think i spent most of christmas day and boxing day reading them!


Well-known member
Re: Twilight - the books

I read Twilight around the same time New Moon came out. I couldn't believe all the hype and wondered what it could be all about. I picked up the book to have a look at it and I finished it in 2 days, the next 3 books followed just as quickly (I had to go out and buy them because I didn't want to finish one and not have the next one to go on with) I got to the end of Breaking Dawn and then started Twilight again.

I'd had a bit of a break from reading (5 years) as I have young children and there is always something to be done, but reading these books was like breaking down a wall because I am never without a book on the go now. My husband takes great delight in blaming the Twilight Books for any housework that hasn't been done.


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Re: Twilight - the books

I started reading the books when Breaking Dawn was released. I thought my co-workers were lame constantly squealing about these "vampire books" and some dude named Edward. LOL!

Little did I know that they'd con me into reading the first book. By the end of the first chapter I was absolutely HOOKED! I begged them for their copies of the following books and DEVOURED them! I absolutely bawled at the end of Breaking Dawn! I was so sad it was over. I scoured the internet for Midnight Sun (the unfinished book Stephanie Meyer wrote from Edward's narrative) and also read that. I also bought her novella, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

I've also read the entire series a second time. There's no doubt I'll do it again before the 3rd movie comes out.

I also work in a place that sells the movies. So literally, the day they went on sale, I bought the first copy. I'll do the same with Eclipse when that comes out (probably by October since movies seem to debut on DVD within 3 months of coming out in theatre - definately before Christmas though).

And now I heard that they're breaking up Breaking Dawn into 2 parts. The first won't be til Nov '11! I just really hope part 2 will atleast be released by June '12. If I have to wait over 2 years to see the ending, I'll scream.


Well-known member
I have almost finished reading the second book, New Moon, last night (I could not sleep because of the heat here) and will watch the first movie on DVD tonight

I must be prepared before I will watch the third one in the movies!

Half N Half

Well-known member
Originally Posted by JULIA
Can't stand this poorly written trash. The main actors can't act, either.

Wow, that's so sweet of you!

I just saw Eclipse this weekend & I loved it! It was actually pretty funny


Well-known member
I do try. I laughed when I saw it, too. It's a misogynistic series and the fact that such misogyny is being created by a woman is disgusting.