Venting Time!! Gym Pet Peeves!


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people that sweat THROUGH their sweatshirts and sit right in front of the fan...they just end up sharing the funk with everyone else. =(


Well-known member
I hate the gym when:

people wash there sweaty bodies in the sink

when the gym runs out of towels :twisted:

when it's so huimd in there I don't workout to my potential

when I have been going to the same two classes for over two years and the instructor has never onced asked me my name.

When instructors don't change the music after months of the same CD

I hate how my hair looks afterwords!!!


Well-known member
The cell phone yappers....ugh!

People who sweat all over the machines and don't wipe them off.

People whose sweat flies off of them while their on a cardio machine...there is this guy at my gym who does this (not that he can help it, but still!) and is completely oblivious to it...he could at least pick the machine at the very end of the's really gross!

Girls in full makeup...smoky eyes, red lips and all...there usually the girls who also show up with their boobs falling out of their tops...

The "personal trainers" who are too busy yapping with other people or staring at themselves in the mirror to notice that their clients are doing their exercises totally wrong.

People who hog the weight benches to have conversations instead of lifting...move along!!!

I actually go to the gym at an hour when there aren't too many people there, so it's not too bad...


Well-known member
my biggest complaint is that my gym turns into a big meat market from 5 - 8 pm. all the chicks are dressed skimpily and have packed on makeup trying to look hot for the guys.. all the guys walk around looking studly and try to chat up every girl there. even me. when im in the middle of an intense work out with my headphones on... and a guy tries to chat me up... umm HELLO!?!? don't you see im BUSY HERE?!?! ughhhh. this is not a club or a bar... i'm here to sweat and work out.. not to get pickedup! ugh losers!!!! i actually said 'i'm not here to make friends' to this guy who tired to pick me up. i felt like a right bitch, but i t had to be done!!! ughh.

and i cant stand it when i see ppl working out incorrectly. guys who are doing lat pulldowns with 160lbs of weight and are physically bending their whole body just to pull the bar down.... umm buddy? you're just working your lats.. not your whoel body... keep your back straight.. lean back.. pull down towards your chest... less weight there macho man. geez. no way am i a 'corrector' i just tense up when i see ppl working out incorrectly because they may be injuring themselves.


Well-known member
When i lived in washington, (mostly an old person town) our gym.. hah. ok the locker room door oped wide into the room and there would ALWAYS be naked 70 year old women just standing around near the door so when you opened the door. OOO MY there she all of her nude glory. I personally would change in the bathroom stall..but thats my preference.


Well-known member
When I was at the gym today there were 3 annoying kids there. Not so much kids, maybe 16 or so and they were all sitting on their own machine chatting, giggling and telling loud stories/jokes/whatever! They weren't even using the machines. Jerks. Haha. I go with my boyfriend and we chat quietly to help each other or make time pass quicker but we aren't there to socialize!


Boy, am I glad I do Bikram Yoga. Everyone is in skimpies, everyone gets nekkid in the shower (even 70 year olds), everyone sweats to where it's literally just streaming off of 'em and we all get along for what I've seen for 2 years. I guess it's all that focus that doesn't leave too much time for irritation


Well-known member
My top:

1) I really don't dig the egocentric exhibitionists ex. naked chicks that kick up a leg like a dog in front of mirror for everyone to blow dry their crotches.

2) People that pee in the pool.

3) People that never wash their sweaty gym clothes. They stink up to the Heavens. The moldy ones are the worst.

I like to exercise at home.

Girl about town

Well-known member
There is a girl in my gym who dances full on hip-hop style in the mirrors where the mats are for doing sit-ups!!!
She looks like a right nutter, i can't take my eyes off her she looks like such an exhibitionist twat!!
Why pay a gym membership to dance in the gym, dance in your own house ya nutter!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I dont like when the big meatheads drop their effin weights on the ground!!

Yes!! Especially when I'm listening to my ipod then I hear a loud boom and it scares the hell out of me.

Ok and what about the guys that aren't even working out, just walking around checking out all the girls? You pay $30/mo to walk around? Go to a bar or club, at least you can get some booze for your $$.

Everyone calls my gym the meat market because they're always having pool parties and a DJ on certain days lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I dont like when the big meatheads drop their effin weights on the ground!!

Yeah, either that or they have to do all that super loud grunting when they pick up some huge weight. I understand maybe a little moan but damn, do I have to hear all that crap?? My trainer always says, That's so unnecessary! lol


Well-known member
Everything everyones already said! lol

Let's see:
The tanorexic that's barely moving on the elliptical while wearing her platform flip flops!

How about the ex-bf you try to avoid at all costs and next thing you know, he's hopped onto the treatmill next to you and is trying to chat you up...ugh oh yeah and he doesn't care that you have your ipod on blasting! Nope, still talks...hah


Well-known member
Lol I don't have a gym pet peeve, I don't go to one cause I'm super afraid to! I'm sooo out of shape plus the thought of me working out in a room with other people freaks me out. I'd be so embarrassed by it lol.


Well-known member
HAH! I love this thread. Now I know other people share the same feelings as me about gym pet peeves. Mine are as follows:

- Creepy dudes checking me out in the mirror thinking I don't notice because they're not directly looking at me. Like, HELLO!?

- When girls put on dark, smokey makeup and act really girly and giggly when exercising.

- When people talk on their cell phones while on the treadmill. Waste of time, seriously.

- My school gym requires that you clean the machine after each use. I hate it when a sweaty dude uses it and when I want to use it next, there are massive sweat spots on it.

- When girls don't wear sport bras. Gross??

- Seeing guys with super muscular upper bodies and chicken legs show off and think they're the sh*t


Well-known member
Ok so you guys wouldn’t want me to train at your gyms there LOL

I train at a bodybuilding gym with 99% males and I block out the others. I go in and look at the floor, do my stuff and leave. But I do need help at times especially with the bench press and squats etc so I have to ask the guys to spot. And if it weren’t for the “correctors” I would have hurt myself along time ago. Sometimes we all need help with our form so I’m always grateful for constructive criticism. We call my gym the “birthing centre” because the guys grunt so loud it’s like their giving birth. I used to laugh at it but now I’m pushing hard I actually think it’s necessary ( to a point) I can lift more when I’m grunting so I’m sorry if I am loud, I can’t help it. Holding my breath is even worse than grunting too loud!

I don’t dress up to go to the gym but I go straight from work and sometimes I forget to take my earrings and watch off sometimes. I did take them off between sets one day and consequently lost them because I forgot to pick them up from the machine.

Guys will look at other girls, especially at mine because it’s a male dominated gym regardless of what I wear or don’t wear. I think people put too emphasis on what others think. Just go in, do your stuff and get out. It’s as simple as that. I don’t know, maybe because I’ve been at so many gyms in the last 10 years of training, I just have this don’t care attitude anymore. If I cared about everything I wouldn’t get anything done.

Perfume – my gym at times smells SO BAD. These guys inhale protein literally, they eat 80 egg whites a week and with protein shakes, let out the worst farts I have ever experienced. So I keep body spray in my bag, when one lets one rip I spray my wrist and inhale that or I leave the room but this doesn’t work all the time because it means I lose my minute rest session between sets.
I rather smell like perfume than farts or BO. But that’s just me.


Well-known member
One of the reasons I signed up for the gym 2 years ago because there is a sauna in the lady's changing room. There is a picture on the glass door showing what you can/can't bring in to the sauna. You go naked in the sauna but you must bring a towel to sit on.

What disgusts me are those ladies who go in naked, without a towel and sit their bare ass on the bench!

I didn't even do that in my own sauna, I was naked but sat on a towel (spent 18 months living in Finland where the sauna was invented and it's very common people have their own sauna in the bathroom).

What's wrong with these people??

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I could have sworn I already posted in but I guess not.

it seems like a lot of ppl are hating on folks with makeup at the gym. I work out with makeup because I go straight from work so my day makeup is still on. I wouldn't do my face just to go the gym (say on the weekend) but during the week I don't have time to go home, take off my face and then go to the gym.

I actually don't have a lot of gym pet peeve. I don't really notice what others do and don't coz I always have my ipod on and looking at other ppl would distract me from my own routine. I do hate it when ppl don't clean their sweat marks on the machines or the mates though...very annoying and discusting!