Weekly Challenge Chatter!


Well-known member
i won't be able to do this weeks as i have the flu.
.(last thing i want to do is put mu on my face).i was looking forward to it 2.i'm gonna watch dvds for the duration.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Repunzel
i won't be able to do this weeks as i have the flu.
.(last thing i want to do is put mu on my face).i was looking forward to it 2.i'm gonna watch dvds for the duration.

Hey Repunzel if you feel up to it you could just do an EOTD

If not, snuggle down in bed with a laptop (or at the PC with a quilt) and browse Specktra


Well-known member
pictureless photos are not much fun.(and i'n 2 lazy to get out of my chair).lol.so when u say entries finish sunday,does that mean u can still put them in on sunday?


Well-known member
well I'm getting excited about the purple theme...

Perhaps it's time to dig out my Mauvism paint and Royal Hue shadestick?

Lol... I have 3/4 a palette full of purple e/s.... now I've just got to pick what to use!!!

edit: just remembered that I have rave pearlglide... yeah baby!


Well-known member
I already have something in mind for purple! quite excitement!!
Can I suggest celebrity glamour, or something along those lines for one week? Like we all pick a different (or simmilar doesnt matter) celebrity (dead or alive) and immitate one of their looks? Or something inspired by them? I just thought maybe to get away from straight colours for a little bit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_bailey
I already have something in mind for purple! quite excitement!!
Can I suggest celebrity glamour, or something along those lines for one week? Like we all pick a different (or simmilar doesnt matter) celebrity (dead or alive) and immitate one of their looks? Or something inspired by them? I just thought maybe to get away from straight colours for a little bit.

Thats an awesome idea bailey! Ill add it to the list right now!


Well-known member
Can I just add this is a really awesome idea
i love colour challenges! It gets me using colours I normally don't use


Well-known member
So purple this week, ladies? I should have better luck with this colour!

Cheers to all those who entered in the pink challenge - very hot!

Who was the winner for the pink challenge?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CatsMeow
So purple this week, ladies? I should have better luck with this colour!

Cheers to all those who entered in the pink challenge - very hot!

Who was the winner for the pink challenge?

We decided we weren't going to have a winner each week, we were going to do it more as a personal challenge. Seems nicer this way


Well-known member
well my entry was in today, looks like it was the first one for the week lol...

I actually quite enjoyed it as I dont do smokey looks very often, but found it quite easy to do with the 226 brush, and the Inglot matte black e/s (which blends like butter!!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin26
^^ For someone who was sick this week you look pretty smokin hot in your pics!!

why thank you


Well-known member
Billy_cakes - can we please add 'Green challenge' and 'Gold challenge' to the challenge list if it's not on there already?

Thanks ya muchly!

Oooh the purple entries look so lovely - I'll have to pull my finger out and do one tonight. It's a shame that I only have 2 purples tho! D'oh! I'll improvise...


Well-known member
Oh can we also put a 60's mod one on the list too??? I'd love to have a crack at a Twiggy look and see what everyone else comes up with


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin26
Oh can we also put a 60's mod one on the list too??? I'd love to have a crack at a Twiggy look and see what everyone else comes up with

I second this motion!!!!!

Thick black eyeliner flicks = awesome.