What are your Obsessions?


Well-known member
Ladies & Gents, we all know we are all obsessed with MAC & makeup.
What are some of your Obsessions/OCD's

Mine are:
- Carmex lip balm - I have gone through a billion tubes of this stuff.
- Washing my hands a zillion times a day w/ anti bacterial soap (I also carry around wipes w/ me)
- I'm aways vacuuming (I love to see the lines in the carpet from the vacuum cleaner)
- I don't touch door knobs- ewww
- I don't use public bathrooms
- My food can't touch
- When I go out to dinner, I have to redo my settings (napkin on my right & then on to my lap, my 2 forks have to be side by side but can't touch & on my left, my knife & spoon, but they can't touch


Well-known member
  • I Never touch door knobs
  • I Never drink or eat behind anyone
  • No one is allowed to sleep on my pillow
  • No public restrooms unless I cannot avoid it
  • I have to have a straw if I am drinking out of a can
  • I have to sleep in complete darkness, cool room with a fan blowing


Well-known member
-I flush the toilet with my shoe..lol (not my bathroom though)
-Do not touch anything in public bathrooms unless I have a paper towel..yuck!!
-Makeup first, then hair...and only in that order! lol..
-Dishes on the counters DRIVE ME NUTS (even though I hate doing dishes)


Well-known member

- like stacylynne, my food can't be touching
- my bangs must be pinned back at night, otherwise i cannot fall asleep
- historical fictions - I'm a history major but I love reading about fake royal life and misbehaviour and knights and castles...*sigh*
- papermate medium blue pens or bic fine point black pens only. that's my ocd thing. I carry at least 4 pens with me everywhere.
- I carry tweezers with me just in case I notice a stray/rogue eyebrow hair in the fluorescent lit school bathrooms or wherever
- affair in red square opi nailpolish.


Well-known member
I have to have a regular light on while I sleep (I know it's bad but I'm pretty close to an insomniac).
My eyeshadows,foundations,and blushes can't have any excess powder around them or I freak.
I have to clean my MAC pencil sharpeners immediately.
Brushes must be clean,you can only imagine how many brush cleansers I go through.
My pictures in my binders must stay in place or I'll waste half of class fixing it.
I can't use the erasers on my pencils,I have to use a seperate one.
Oh and I have an insane obsession with clearing the history off my computer or I think some stalkers is going to watch me?
Wow I just noticed I have alot of problems...
Then again half of my family has OCD!


Well-known member
- I need light or no ice in my drinks
- I have to take my showers in a specific order or i feel unbalanced. Wash - face, exfoliate, shave, shampoo, condition+bodywash, rinse.
- I always need something on my lips, whether it be lip balm, gloss, or stick. My lips cannot be bare
- screens on phone/ipod cannot be smudgey
- My bag always has to be held on my right side. always.
- Cannot sleep without music/tv/etc
- Public bathrooms only in emergency situations
- Cannot was my hands in public bathrooms, need hand sanitizer.


Well-known member
I love paper. Whether it is scrapbook paper, pretty paper, or just plain white paper, I just get all happy seeing paper but can never bring myself to do anything with it because I feel like I might ruin the paper's greatness LOL so whenever I have to do things on paper, I make sure that I have 2 so I can still save the other if I mess up.

How's that for weird? hah
I also have a thing for pirates. Not the real ones that rob ships and stuff but things related to pirates like an anchor or skull and crossbones, this is because of the anime one piece, which is another obsession


Well-known member
-Not alot of ice in my drink.
-I always have to have my fan on.
-I don't use public bathrooms like the rest of you and I don't touch them either.
-All the light switches have to be the same way.
-When cooking my things need to be lined.
-When we are out to a resturant for dinner I eat in a certain order.
-I can't type if my keyboard isn't angled.
-My slippers have to be on a certain side of my bed.
-I can only get ready in one order.(wash face, makeup, hair, dressed) I've tried getting dressed first and I feel off. lol

I think that might be it, I am OCD.


Well-known member
-twirling my hair, especially when nervous/shy
-i don't like people standing closely behind me
-in a restaurant, i must always have view of the door
-i like to walk at least half a step slower than the person next to me, so i can see them first
-penmanship. if my lettering doesn't look right, i just can't stand looking it and have to start over. i also like fountain pens.


Well-known member
I've never understood the "food can't be touching" thing, could anyone explain that to me? I've always just slopped food onto a plate without any thought as to where it is.

- Drinking a pint of lemonade after any concert.
- Greggs haha.
- I don't like chord pull light switches for some reason, I have to wrap my sleeve over my hand before I touch them.
- Jewellery, I always wear something.
- Special Effects hair dyes, they're the only ones I'll use for bright colours.
- Baking. I love it.


Well-known member
-Compulsive handwasher
-I hover when I use a public bathroom
-I won't open a public bathroom door without a paper towel after I have washed my hands
-I check my car after I fill up to make sure my tires are full and that gas didn't drip down the side after filling up
-I can't just click my garage door opener and know that it will shut after I drive away... I sit and wait for it to completely shut
-My make up has to be clean, I go through and wipe it down and remove the pans from the palettes to get underneath
-I wonder how I haven't worn out my alarm from incessently checking it
-When I am stressed I do the three point count... okay, it's closed! okay, it's closed! okay, it's closed!!! I guess three is the lucky number in which it will not magically pop open when I leave


Well-known member
LOL.. I came here to see the shopping addictions
Thought I didn't have any OCDs, but I was wrong!

*Make list of everything (never go to MAC without it)
*Make table of everything (MAC pigment inventories in alphabetical order etc)
*Label everything (Labeling machine is my best friend)
*Avoid public bathroom too, if I can help it.
*When I have to use the public toilet, I stuff it with paper to avoid splashback
*Hangers in my wardrobe have to face one way and they are all the same hangers!
*If I go to Asian restaurants, I need to wipe all my cutleries


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127

  • I have to sleep in complete darkness, cool room with a fan blowing

me too, as you know.

Originally Posted by jaclynashley
Brushes must be clean,you can only imagine how many brush cleansers I go through.

I am fanatical about clean brushes as well.

Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
-I wonder how I haven't worn out my alarm from incessently checking it

Me too!!!

Other random things:

I must have plain white paper towels in my home. Printed ones make me angry. I can't explain this, it's just the way it is.

My lips are never chapped, as I am particular about always having something on them, whether it be balm, gloss, or lipstick.

This thread is fun.


Well-known member
~ If I'm not wearing lipstick/gloss, it has to be Vanilla Lip Smackers
~ The volume on things that are numbered (car stereo, TV, etc.) has to be set at an even number or I will change it
~ There should be NO crumbs in the butter or I can't use it


Well-known member
I like the rest of you have certain issues that bother me.

Public bathrooms never a good experience..
Cannot begin my shift at work if the place is a mess..must organize to my liking.
Wash my hands way too much
I absolutely go insane when people pick up my eyeshadows and start sticking their fingers in them or open my lipglosses and start rubbing them on their hands.

oh dear this could go on but for fear of sounding coo coo I will quit LOL


Well-known member
OMG seriously, im not sure if i can list them all or if im aware about alot of them. lol

-if im handwriting something, and ive written almost a whole list/page of something, if i mess up one letter, i have to start over
-i ALWAYS make lists. Its so weird. I have lists all over my desk at work including makeup i want, from what site, what color, and it HAS to be in order. again, if i run out of room or mess it up, i have to rewrite it all!
-I HAVE to do my makeup before my hair. I know most people do it the other way, but once my hair is done, i dont like to clip it out of my face, in fear of a dent mark.
-i have to sleep with my hair up, if its down, i will toss and turn ALL night.
-no baggy clothes to sleep, especially pants, socks, or baggy shirts. i hate getting wrapped up in them at night.
-I am such a freak when it comes to the dark. When im alone, even in the veneing, EVERY light has to be one! if im in my car at night, i look in my backseat like every minute to make sure no one is in my car. i wont get in my car if i cant see under it, im afraid someone is under it. I wont drive on dark roads at night because im afraid someone will jump out in front of my car. When i sleep, i HAVE TO face the door so if someone comes in at night i can see them in time to wake up and run! (yes, my SO thinks im a freak lol) I wont go NEAR our new basement because its so dark and the switch is so far from the door. me and SO just bought our new house, so im still afraid being in it alone lol.

Um seriously, so many more, i WILL be adding to this! lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by uh_oh_disco
I've never understood the "food can't be touching" thing, could anyone explain that to me? I've always just slopped food onto a plate without any thought as to where it is.

For me, my food can't be touching because I am an insanely picky eater. I eat probably less than 30 things because flavours are too strong or the texture is wrong, etc.

An example of this would be when I'm out for dinner and I get a steak and fries, the fries that touched the steak have some of the steak flavour on them and they get soggy, so the texture is wrong (wet fries) and the flavour is wrong (spicy fries). If there's not enough room on my plate, I'll make a barrier of fries that I won't eat that can touch the steak. If the food flavour or texture is non-transferable like, chicken fingers and fries, then it's not that big of a deal.

i ALWAYS make lists. Its so weird. I have lists all over my desk at work including makeup i want, from what site, what color, and it HAS to be in order. again, if i run out of room or mess it up, i have to rewrite it all!

I make lists too RoseyPosey! I bought myself a clipboard to keep them all on though, I was getting disorganized with them

Miss Virtue

Well-known member
- The gate to my house must always be shut
- I can't eat unless I wipe my cutlery with a tissue
- I park my car outside my house facing in a particular direction
- My car must be parked infront of my mum's outside my house
- I too get washed in a particular order
- My wardobe & dresser are organised by type then by colour and hung in the same direction
- My CDs are organised alphebetically then by release date
- If I buy anything I must be the first to use it! It bugs me when people read my magazine before me! It's almost as if the magazine becomes tainted by their eyes! LOL
- When I wake up I must check my blackberry for messages
- If I stand at a shelf in a supermarket for too long, I must make the labels face the front
- I have to either put 3 squirts of soap on my hands or rinse my hands 3 times if I use a public restroom

The list goes on and on, I basically suffer from OCD!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss Virtue
- If I buy anything I must be the first to use it! It bugs me when people read my magazine before me! It's almost as if the magazine becomes tainted by their eyes! LOL

hahahaha i'm the same way!! why is that? i think my issue stems from a certain younger cousin stealing all my clothes and makeup.......a friend used to make fun of me and say you always ''mine mine mine'' because i didnt like to share....

her roomate has recently been stealing all her stuff and expensive ed hardy christian audigier hoodies......she is tripping out and i told her ''welcome to my world'' i think we all have a little bit of OCD in us!!!