What are your Obsessions?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Penn
I love paper. Whether it is scrapbook paper, pretty paper, or just plain white paper, I just get all happy seeing paper but can never bring myself to do anything with it because I feel like I might ruin the paper's greatness LOL so whenever I have to do things on paper, I make sure that I have 2 so I can still save the other if I mess up.

Haha, i love this post!

Mine would be..

  • Handbag on right side always as well
  • Must have indigestion tablets with me AT ALL TIMES. (personally like Rennie, and i'm addicted to Gaviscon
  • I too make lots of lists, and i have to calculate the total of everything together, then i revise the list and if there's anything i don't really need/want i have to re-do the entire list. Repeat entire process until i'm satisfied with it. This process can take me hours
  • Showering in a particular order.
  • I used to be an extremely fussy eater, like some have said, my food couldn't touch. I'd even go as far as having different foods on different plates.. i'm not that fussy anymore though, i don't mind my food touching too much, but i am still picky about what i eat. It has to look nice, taste nice (not too spicy, salty, sweet, strong..) and the texture has to be right. And i HATE mixing savoury foods with sweet ones - ew
  • If i don't wash my hands with 3 pumps of soap i won't feel clean.
  • I have to close the toilet seat lid when i flush, in fear that it will splash and go on me..
  • I despise crumbs on me, my clothes, my bed.
  • I have an obsession with time
Can't think of more right now but i'm sure there are lol


Well-known member
Yay! This is fun

1. Showering order: Shampoo & rinse, take off eye makeup, wash face, Conditioner, body wash & shave armpits (I wax everything else) then rinse out conditioner. Also, after I turn off the shower I grab my towel off the curtain rod, put it over my face and inhale deeply. Then I exhale slowly. Then I can dry myself off.

2. I LOVE pens. The have to be very fine and I prefer Ball Point. Grand & Toy has great ones. I like the Pilot G-Tec-C4 too. I have one in every colour and I bring my own pens to work.

3. I REFUSE to use yellow highlighters. They are so effing boring.

4. In my wardrobe my jeans are on one shelf, shirts on another, pajamas separate, etc. They are all organized by colour and have the biggest item on the bottom. Hanging clothes are by colour too and all my rods match. They are white and teal.

5. I can tell if ANYTHING is moved in my house. My bf gets angry with me because I always ask him why he moved something by an inch.

6. I have pretty magnets on my fridge and I HATE it when people touch them. They never put them back properly. Argghhh!

7. I hate the way people fold towels. I never want to see an edge the isn't rounded.

8. Touching food is sick. It grosses me out.

9. When I'm at work I always put on hand sanitiser before I eat something.

10. All my CD's & DVD's are in alphabetical order. The DVD's are also spaced so that they are pleasant to the

11. I avoid public washrooms if I can. I also avoid going #2 at work.

12. All my MAC palettes are labeled & organized by colour. They are arranged to be pleasing to the eye.

13. I ALWAYS close the toliet seat lid before I flush.

14. I keep my toothbrush in a case so the poop particles that fly up from the toliet don't touch my toothbrush.

15. I try to organize everything I can.

16. I throw A LOT of shit out. If I don't use it, it's gone.

17. Crumbs in butter are the antichrist.

I'm sure I have more but I can't think of them.


Well-known member
All my clocks and watches have to be a half-hour in advance.

When eating out, I always turn my plate of food (especially when there's rice). Rice has to be front and center....

My clothes are hung in order of length and jeans are stacked according to shade.

My makeup collection is organized by brand (MAC has an organizer all by itself...

When I'm shopping, I tend to fix the items on the rack as if I'm an employee at that store...

My laundry has to be done in a certain order: (Blacks, Colors, Light Colors, Whites, socks, towels, jeans, blankets/sheets)

My morning routine (Shower, dress, makeup, hair) has to be done in exact order otherwise I feel off.

Will only use public restrooms if I absolutely cannot help it.

Items in my purse must be in specific places and if I can't find them there, I get anxious.

Purses and shoes are my fashion vices. Just call me the next Imelda Marcos.

I have a thing about personal space especially when standing in line...if I can feel you, smell you or downright see the pores on your face, please step away from me.
You won't like what will happen to you if you don't.

I didn't even realize I had so many obsessions...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fash10nista

My makeup collection is organized by brand (MAC has an organizer all by itself...

Will only use public restrooms if I absolutely cannot help it.

Purses are my fashion vices.

Thank you for posting some of my own obsessions

_I have germ phobia regarding hotel rooms and do not touch sinks, floors etc without tissues or shoes respectively

-I always start with my kitchen when cleaning the house

-Always wipe silverware with a napkin before eating (thanks mom and dad)

-If I'm going to be late somewhere, it makes me feel unsettled the rest of the day

-I will not buy a purse without a zipper check-if it goes "off" from one end to the other, it's not bought. The zippers have to be stitched at each end.


Well-known member
14. I keep my toothbrush in a case so the poop particles that fly up from the toliet don't touch my toothbrush

^ LOL, I am totally with you on this, I keep mine in a container under the sink so I am completely positive no particles get on it, hahahah

-when I buy a drink at a store, or anything that is arranged like that at stores I have the get like the 3rd one back, idk I don't like the thought of everyones hands on it

-i also never touch anything in a public restroom without a paper towel or something

-i have a weird habit of buying a shirt i like in every color

-my palettes also have to be pleasing to the eye

-i compulsively check the doors, windows before i go to sleep, even though my husband has already done it LOL

-i cannot type on a dirty keyboard, eeew

-i don't mind if my food touches, but i hate it when crumbs of stuff like that gets stuck in like gravy or butter

-i don't like anyone (my mom) help me clean my house, b/c then I have to tell her where everything goes-but I always say thanks but that's ok

that's all i can think of for now


Well-known member
yeah i have weird routine obsessions too!

in the shower i shampoo my hair, the put conditioner in and leave it while i shave my pitts, legs, bikini area then exfoliate my feet, legs, tummy, arms and then use shower gel all my body. the i brush my teeth, use face wash and then rinse my conditioner out. then i blow dry my hair and straighten it. the i have to lie with all my weight on my back so my hair is flat while i do my make up. then i straighten my hair again and lie on it for another 30 mins or so and then get dressed. then do one final starighten of my hair!! phew!

i also hate touching food and i even refuse food if it has mayo on it as i hate it so much!


Well-known member
i'm guessing none of you have ibs since you can't use public toilets haha

err.. i'm not that bad...

- bag on my right side otherwise i can't move properly
- i have to be first to get into my bed otherwise it pisses me off. seriously, i get so angry if my boyfriend gets into bed before me
- things have to be in their places in my room. but then you look in my cupboards and its complete shithole.. *will sort that out over xmas* (it wont happen)
- my bag is like a pharmacy... painkillers, immodium, indigestion tablets, 3 types of ibs tablets, my pill. if i don't have them on me i'm convinced everything bad will happen to me straight away
- i have to blow my nose before bed even if its not blocked?


Well-known member
i love this thread...lol!
-i only drink diet coke in a can COLD
-i clean my blackberry with alcohol wipes (i don't know how many times a day)
-i can't stand finger prints on my ipod
-i can't stand people to wear their shoes in my house
-my hangers has to be white
-i carry splenda in purse


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss Virtue
- The gate to my house must always be shut

I heard my doorbell and flipped! See my doorbell to myoutside gate is disabled, to get to my door you have to break and enter. So one morning I heard the bell and jumped out of bed and peered out my window to see the gate standing wide open!!!!
I immediately was throwing on clothes not knowing what I would face and then I heard this awful banging. As soon as I was done dressing I ran down stairs and peered through the blinds trying to see what to do and who was outside... Western Exterminator, oh boy was I livid, I flung open the door and told the ass to get off my property and that he broke and entered and was trespassing!!! He said, "well you asked for a service" he was being cocky and didn't want to leave. I said I would have him arrested and he repeated himself. I said "so how the hell did you get in here!?!?!?" He responded, "with a knife!!!!!" You have got to be kidding me. I started screaming at this point and he had no choice but to leave. I then called WE and told them what kind of employee they sent to my door


Well-known member
Im a very disorganised, desperate and "rushy" person so I guess I dont have that much obesiions, though

Originally Posted by vocaltest
- my bag is like a pharmacy... painkillers, immodium, indigestion tablets, 3 types of ibs tablets, my pill. if i don't have them on me i'm convinced everything bad will happen to me straight away

Girl, thanks, I feel less wierd!
I always carry a travel pharmacy kit, idk why, people even make fun. I have: - pills for stomachache, painkillers, 2 aspirine to put in the water in simple packaging, immodium, strepsils for sore throat and pills which prevent you from fainting and help when your head spins (i refuse to leave without them), patches, q-tip, cotton discs, and both kinds of "girly things".

Also always gotta have a little bit of extra money in cash with me in case I gotta get a taxi and run!

I was born ready and prepared lol!

Edit: just remembered - you have no idea how many times I came back home from a bus stop cause of a wierd feeling I didnt lock my door! I always come back and check if its closed!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinklips1207
-i clean my blackberry with alcohol wipes (i don't know how many times a day)

If I am in my house it is fine when I leave and come home the phone gets a wipe as soon as I pull it back out of the bag. No telling what you touch when you are out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fash10nista

When I'm shopping, I tend to fix the items on the rack as if I'm an employee at that store...

I do that too! It's a habit more than an obsession for me though


Well-known member
Okay so I thought of alot more and couldn't help but share again!
I can't leave the door to my room open.
I hate those little cotton ball things that develop on old shirts,whenever I see my friend has some I pick them off because they drive me nuts.
My mom washes every single grocery item unless it is cereal (she'll just take it out of the box) and it is starting to grow on me.
I can't just take a shower I have to take somewhat of a bubble bath by sitting on the bathtub floor and running the water for at least 2 or 3 minutes before I can shower.
I have alot more but I feel satisfied.
This is really helping me feel better!


Well-known member
Wow, you all are making me feel kind of normal!

As a child, I had tons of OCD tendencies, some of which I have grown out of.

I used to have to sleep with music & a nightlight on... not anymore although I do like to fall asleep with the TV on (with sleep timer)

Things that still bother me:
Stirrup pants/leggings (I HATE them!)
Any pants or skirts that sit on or above my bellybutton (they must be at least 1.5 inches below my bellybutton or I will feel really uncomfortable)
Foods touching (as someone else described - I hate soggy fries)

I'm obsessed with carrying my SIGG water bottle around with me always.
I always use a small fork or spoon (dessert/salad size) rather than regular size cutlery at home (It's a childhood habit that just stuck, plus I have a small mouth).
I'm obsessed with checking facebook & clearing any notifications or requests.

I can't remember anything else right now...


Well-known member
Heh.I've actually been diagnosed with OCD.=/

- My pillows have to be in a certain order,even if the pattern on the cases are upsidedown.

- My blankets have to be in a certain order.

- All my extra pillows and blankies have a special spot.

- The volume on the tv has to be a certain number or I will flip,and just leave the room if someone else is in there.

- I have a 'ritual' after I use my bathroom.

- I don't touch the handle on the toilet.

- I have heaps,and heaps of empty packets of Trident White Peppermint gum,because I just can't throw them away.

- My make-up boxes have to be in a certain order.

- People cannot look at my feet,or touch.

- I have to do my make-up in a certain order.

- I have to make sure our garage door is locked after I use it,and make sure the light is off.

- I have to sleep with the tv and fan on.

- I have to sleep with my bathroom light on because I'm afraid of the dark.

- My piercings have to be symmetrical;thus why I have a Madonna,Monroe,vertical labret,two in each nostril and my septum in my face.

- I don't drink pop.

- I only drink water,and if I'm drinking tea or something else I MUST have a straw.

- I eat ice like it's going out of style.

- I only paint one of my fingernails pink.

- I only use a certain pattern of fork and spoons at home.

- I only use a certain purple cup for my ice.

I could go on..


Well-known member
- i'm an orange juice junkie (also due to low blood sugar)
- cookie monster
- i have to sleep with the light on (unless i have company
- kissing my cat on the little area between her ears on the top of the head

That's all for starters


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
- kissing my cat on the little area between her ears on the top of the head

awe, Moxy that's so cute


Well-known member
Lists, I love lists! I like to make lists of things I want to buy, and even if I don't end up buying them it still makes me feel better.
Knitting, once I start I can't stop.
Orange juice, can't be from concentrate, has to be cold.
If someone says something like 'I haven't been sick in months' or 'it's not raining', I have to tap my head three times.
I salute magpies and say good luck to them.
At home I only drink out of cups and wine glasses.
My makeup has to be arranged in an colour order that makes perfect sense to me, but not to most other people.
Food in the fridge has got to have every inch covered or it'll taste like fridge and I can't eat it.
It drives me crazy when people touch my pillow.