What was inside your boxes?!


Well-known member
I was super spoiled this year...

From the hubby:
A baby blue sweater, it's so soft.
A cream sweater with hood.
A brown wool sweater with hood.
A red polo shirt with ruffles and pink polka dots.
A black coat, the nicest coat I've ever owned.
Pink Flannel PJs.
Pink patterned socks ( I seriously love socks. )
A pair of jeans.
Five milk chocolate macaroons from Godiva YUM!
The Stila lip glaze set.
Random stocking stuffers.

From my inlaws:
Philosophy Microexfoliating Face wash.
Philosophy Hope in a Bottle.
A $75 Nordstrom gift card.
MAC Wintersky eyeshadow.
The lashes from the Chill collection
Penultimate liner.

Also I got all the Secret Santa goodies:
Nine Medusa eyedusts.
Nine Medusa glitters.
New Moon

I feel super spoiled this year!


Well-known member
From Parents:
Sephora mini traincase (snake skin print)
large black traincase
$300 in MAC gift cards
Top Hat e/s

From Family:
$50 Old Navy gift card
$15 McDonald's " "
PJ bottoms
oh, my grandpa made me a silver bracelet cuff with a turquoise (sp?) stone

i think thats everything :)


Well-known member
From my mom:
Memory foam mattress pad
Photo frame/jewelry box
Crown necklace
A purse

From my boyfriend:
32gb iPod Touch
Black traincase
Logitech Alto laptop stand and keyboard
Wireless mouse
Car charger for the iPod
Screen protecter

From my grandma:
Vanity desk
A tall basket organizer
A lamp


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
And my engagement ring

aww, FINALLY! congrats!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Well, everybody in my family knows not to get me any makeup so I have nothing in that area to report.
However I did receive:
Big Love Season 1 on DVD
A purple iPod nano
A Sony digital camera
A new DVD player
A white gold star pendant
A picture frame with pictures of my niece and nephew
Bunches of iTunes cards
Best Buy gc
Imaginiff and Last Word boardgames (i LOVE games)

And my engagement ring

awwwwwwwww congrats on your ring


Well-known member
From my wonderful boyfriend this year I got;

Smokey Eyes palette from whatever offshoot of Red She Said
Warm Pigments set (ZOMG! Love it so much)
Impassioned l/s
Beauty Marked e/s
Bathing Beauty l/s from Australis (really pretty pink/coral colour)
DKNY Be Delicious perfume/body lotion set
Magnifying beauty mirror thing

Some pretty jewellery

We went crazy on gifts for each other this year, he got a 640g external hard drive, Dead Space for the XBox 360, Iron Man and Dark Knight special editions, new wallet, and plenty of candy and socks (a running joke).

From his parents we also got a real non-stick pan (big thing for us, ours are shit), and a George Forman grill! I also got a pretty necklace from them :]

For our Secret Santa with his family I got a nice photo frame (which is good... we have no photos anywhere- except in our room and those aren't exactly for public viewing, lol).

And I got $50 from Dad which we used to go see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (yeah, movie tickets + popcorn and one drink comes to $50).

And best of all, the bf and I got to see my mum who spent her Christmas gift money on flying down to see us for a few days (flights came to $450
She's in the same country and it's only an hour flight.... such a rip off). It was great, and she liked our Christmas dinner, haha! It was great this year.


Well-known member
awee my boyfriends grandma bought me a fake mac brush set! hahaha
She didn't know.
Shes a sweet lady, I didnt have the heart to break it to her that they weren't real. Some of them work well though!


Well-known member
I had a Secret Santa exchange with some girlfriends.
I got a toaster and various random stuff like..
a razor

a HIP metallic eyeshadow duo
antibacterial hand soap
a lipgloss
an aerie panty


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
awee my boyfriends grandma bought me a fake mac brush set! hahaha
She didn't know.
Shes a sweet lady, I didnt have the heart to break it to her that they weren't real. Some of them work well though!

Oh no! Bless her heart.


This is what i got for christmas/Yule:

- misc. makeup set from ulta. (A friend got me)
- 10$ ulta GC
- 25$ MAC GC (for Hello Kitty, From a friend)
- Blender (glows a cool blue)
- cannon Printer/Scanner
- glasses, cookie jar, egg timer, paring knife, tea(lots of tea) LOL!
- MAC Shadowy Lady Pallet
- MAC Royal Assets: 6 smokey eyes
- MAC Royal Assets: 5 Plushglasses
- MAC 3 LiquidLast Set(made in 05': in point black, blue herizon, and power plum)
- MAC Mineralize SF in Light Medium/Natural and Shimmer
- MAC Mineralize SF in Light Flush
- MAC ColorForums green Brush Set(5 brushes)

Thats what I got. This is My First MAC Stuffies!! I'm Sooo Happy Yay!
Happy New Year to All!


Well-known member
From Dad:
Baby blue Nintendo DS w/ Brain Age
$100 giftcard to Urban Outfitters
$30 Giftcard to F21
Gold earrings from Zales

Pandora bracelet
Calendar that I wanted
(kept it light because our 2 year anni is New Years Day and my birthday is Jan. 6)

A basket with scratch-offs (one of which won me 30,000)

what an xmas


Active member
Originally Posted by MACpro__*
A basket with scratch-offs (one of which won me 30,000)

Holy crap! Are you kidding me?! I'd take that x-mas present ANY time!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
awee my boyfriends grandma bought me a fake mac brush set! hahaha
She didn't know.
Shes a sweet lady, I didnt have the heart to break it to her that they weren't real. Some of them work well though!

Aw, haha... where did she get it though, Ebay??


From my husband I got a trip to Vegas for Valentine's weekend. Along with that tickets to see Puscifer. They are only doing 3 shows all of which are in Vegas that weekend. So we are going to the show on Valentine's day.

Then Saturday I went to MAC to get my make up done and got all the make up she used to do my eyes. I did not need new foundation, and already have the lipgloss. And the Smurfette Too Faced eye shadow.

Also got a camera from my parents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACLovin
Aw, haha... where did she get it though, Ebay??

She had a friend who was traveling bring one back from Beijing.
I got mostly money and clothes but Im saving most of it for the HK collection.

yesterday I got MAC a lip conditioner stick
clear lipglass
varicose violet nail varnish
steamy nail varnish
2 eyeshadows (aquadisiac & courdory)
rockout slimshine lipstick
reflects transparent teal glitter <333
penultimate eyeliner

~happy days


Well-known member
Whoo! So I was on the path of thanking everyone for posting so if I haven't on yours, here is an overall thanks for all the responses!!