My boyfriend just purchased the SPEEDY 40 for me. I have dreamed of calling this bag my own for the past 2 years. The bag was $993 after tax. It is not only iconic, but it is truly a piece of FASHION history.There is no other handbag in the world that has left its mark like the classic monogram. This bag will definitely retain it's value, seeing that the price for it continues to go up. I absolutely love how spacious the 40 is. If you like a nice sized bag that you can fit EVERYTHING in, the Speedy 40 is definitely for you! Also, there isn't a huge price difference between the 35 and the 40, so you might as well do it BIG! This bag looks great with any and everything! From a pencil dress and pumpss to cowgirl boots and jeans, even in running shoes and your gym attire! Go for it girl! I promise you won' be sorry.