Chanel Summer 2012


Well-known member
You sure should. Those Valentines gifts are a joke!!

Its really sad. Can you just imagine the sales if they would have had a limited edition Valentine lipstick - 1 pink, 1 red, 1 nude.


Well-known member
I think I'll be passing on the bronzers. I still have the one from last year and I just purchased a bronzer from Edward Bess. Unless the new Chanel one blows me away, I have enough to last me for a while.


Well-known member
Is anyone ordering from the new Glossimer collection Roses Ultimes de Chanel? It is up on and I saw a post on FB about it today. I wish I could see swatches to see how pigmented they are! The colors look gorgeous and I think today is the last day for free shipping.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
The bronzers look interesting but definitely not something I would buy w/o swtaching on my cheeks. Kinda worried about the purple stripe in the second one too. Are there only bronzers and glossimers in this collection? I'm kinda confused with mixed info....

I didn't end up getting anything from the Spring collection so now I'm waiting for this one. But so far nothing peaks my interest.


Well-known member
hm., I dont know, I am not so excited

why they went with the same packaging and stripes as last year?

I would like totally different design, pretty embossements and colors. This feels like it was already here, (yeah spoiled by Cruel Gardenia, Horizon Blush, Parure de nuit)


Well-known member
Just found out Nordstrom's is having a GWP and the Chanel counter there is having a gift at the end of March. I am making my purchases then.


Well-known member
Thanks for the info! Any idea what the GWP is? Will the summer collection be out then?

I will try to find out. I hope summer is out by then, the new brushes should be arriving any day now. The SA said the brushes were nice but, not any better than any other line.


Well-known member
Great QueenOfSnark, I have been looking forward to trying the Vitalumiere Hydra.