What do you think about Specktra's new look?


Well-known member
I love the new layout and change of colors.. it is a little bit refreshing, although it did take me a little while to get used to. Great job!!


Well-known member
i would love it if the width of everything was smaller. its spread apart way too far. but the designs are very nice


Well-known member
Thank you to everyone who has voted/commented so far.

Originally Posted by MzEmo
i would love it if the width of everything was smaller. its spread apart way too far. but the designs are very nice

There is a fixed width option of this style, but I can't figure out for the life of me why ya'll aren't able to switch your skin in your userCP or from the "Quick Style Chooser" at the bottom of the forum.


Well-known member
I like!

Ok, I have to admit that when I first logged on here today, I checked to make sure I was on the right website...it looks great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ambi
This one's way too wide and kinda clumsy, I also hate the ads in the first message of every thread, makes it look kind of cheap.

I agree. I don't mind the ads but the width is killing me. I've never seen a forum use 100% width and I know with my 17" widescreen macbookpro, it looks horrid.