Recent content by comeandtakeit

  1. comeandtakeit

    My First Red Lip!

    So, ladies and gents... I am a HUGE fan of bright color. I do my eyes up super bright on a regular basis, but color on the lips scares me. I finally forced myself to try a red lip the other day. I feel like everyone was staring at me because my lips were so ridiculous, but whatever. Haha...
  2. comeandtakeit

    Sub-Forum based on foundation color

    I think it would be really beneficial to have a sub-forum where we can get color suggestions based on a specific skin tone. I'd love to be able to easily access advice from other women with the same skin tone as myself or from artists who have worked with someone with the same skin tone. Also...
  3. comeandtakeit


    I hope this is the proper place for this question. I'm trying to get a proper vanity set up and am wondering what kind of lighting is best for applying makeup? I get tired of doing my face up and then going outside and realizing I look like a clown. I'd like to find something for personal...
  4. comeandtakeit

    Chrome Yellow and Electric Coral FOTD

    So, this is my first time to post a FOTD. I just recently joined. I'd LOVE any sort of constructive criticism from all of you ladies. I was totally inspired by the other yellow look I just saw on here (sorry, I can't remember who did it, but it was fab), so I hit the vanity and played around...
  5. comeandtakeit

    from the great state of Texas

    Hi, ladies and gents! I'm Abigail from North Dallas (originally from Austin). I have just recently realized how fabulous makeup is and have quickly become obsessed. I started putting together a MAC collection about six months ago and am totally hooked. Growing up, I was a total tom-boy and...