American Idol


Well-known member
Elliot has the nicest voice from the guys by far. His range is good.

I actually missed the girls performance so I'm not sure. *shrugs*

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Originally Posted by stacey
Elliot has the nicest voice from the guys by far. His range is good.

I actually missed the girls performance so I'm not sure. *shrugs*

I agree, I love Elliot's voice. He just has natural talent! However, sad to say and I hope I'm wrong, but he might get beat out simply b/c of the look factor. I know, it sucks! I personally think he's adorable, in a cute leprechaun kinda way


Well-known member
OMG, I am obsessed with this show! Top guys are Elliott, Taylor, and Chris. Ace is a total Constantine clone! He kind of skeezes me out with those deep looks into the camera. Top girls are Katharine, Paris, and Ayla. Lisa's a good singer but she just doesn't do it for me.

It would be awesome if Taylor won--he's unique and just has so much soul!
Chris is really good too (plus he seems like a good guy/husband/father) and contemporary like Simon said. And Elliott has an amazing voice. I guess he doesn't look like a typical pop star, but that just makes me like him even more!

I can't stand that crooner guy David!
I'm not a huge Frank Sinatra fan, but he just looks so smarmy when he's singing those songs. Simon was totally right when he said he was "playing the fool" last week during his song. And, while Will Makar is cute as a button (kind of reminds me of a young John Mayer), he is so blahhh, so what? I'm like Kenny Rogers, are you kidding me? Why do so many of them pick such old, unheard of, sappy songs! B-O-R-I-N-G! :sleep:

I also CANNOT stand Brenna! Remember when she blamed her partner for not doing a good job during Hollywood week. And then when Simon said they were going on, she just completely did a 180 and was like "Oh, I love you, sweetie!" She is obviously a huge bitch. :twisted:

Plus this week she was so catty after she sang the other night, talking back to the judges and all. And her smile gives me the willies *shivers*. She is just so phony, and kind of reminds me of that one girl w/the Nanny voice who sang Taylor Dane a couple seasons ago. Anyway, I really hope she gets voted off tonight!

Yeah, so as you can probably tell, I wasn't kidding when I said I am obsessed with this show. But it's nice to know I'm not alone. :roll:


New member
Originally Posted by MACBunny

I also CANNOT stand Brenna! Remember when she blamed her partner for not doing a good job during Hollywood week. And then when Simon said they were going on, she just completely did a 180 and was like "Oh, I love you, sweetie!" She is obviously a huge bitch. :twisted:

Plus this week she was so catty after she sang the other night, talking back to the judges and all. And her smile gives me the willies *shivers*. She is just so phony, and kind of reminds me of that one girl w/the Nanny voice who sang Taylor Dane a couple seasons ago. Anyway, I really hope she gets voted off tonight!

Yeah, so as you can probably tell, I wasn't kidding when I said I am obsessed with this show. But it's nice to know I'm not alone. :roll:

Woman, I have watched this show from season 1, so dont even worry about being obsessed!

ITA! I can't stand Brenna! When Ace tossed out his beanie it was obvious he was tossing it to Melissa and Brenna just jumped out in front of her. That girl just really gets under my skin. Her and those damn camera poses!! Get over yourself girlfriend!
I hope she gets voted off too!


Well-known member
YAY! We share Jenna hatred!

Lol, I know, she is such a poser! And with the whole beanie thing, it was like she didn't catch the bouquet but snatched it out of some poor, unsuspecting girl's hand.

DIE JENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe, it's all in good fun though, right?


Well-known member
i am so heartbroken sway got kicked off he did my 2 fav songs ..and had a lil rnb flava and the only other one who has that now is elliot..

as far as girls
paris lisa mandisa and katharine

guys as of now
elliot taylor chris and ace


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 'Nessa

ITA! I can't stand Brenna! Her and those damn camera poses!! Get over yourself girlfriend!
I hope she gets voted off too!

yeah i liked her for a second cuz at least she was being real with it but then the cockyness she showed the other night i was like no bitch!


Well-known member
Yes! Yes! Yes! Brenna is finally gone!

Yeah, right, I'll make sure NOT to look for your album, girl....

And the crooner guy is gone too, thank god! That song he sand was fingernails-on-a-chalkboard bad! I'm a happy AI fan.


New member
I think this season is going very well.
Although Sway was not my fave I don't think he should have left just yet but I also think he would have left in just a few weeks. A few guys should have left before him. He had a nice voice but I don't think he had the "like abitlity" factor. He for sure got cheated out of more time on the show.I think instead of Sway leaving it should have been Ace. Whoever, said he is a Constaine clone totally nailed. While he is easy on the eyes, his voice just doesn't do it for me.


Brenna is gone!!!!!!!!!

I'll drink to that!

OMG I just couldn't stop laughing at her stupid poses! The woman needs to pull herself away from the mirror! She is for sure a good laugh!

I feel a bit sorry for David but all in all he would not have made it far anyways. Poor guy was about to choke up right there on stage.

Ugh I thought Heather should have been last week so I am happy to see her go this week.

Can't wait until Tuesday!


Well-known member
Ace should have gone last night. Sway shouldn't have gone before him. And YES! Brenna is gone. What an itch with a B in front.


Well-known member
Wow, Mandisa totally kicked a$$ on "I'm Every Woman" last night. I got chills!

I also really liked Katharine McPhee and Kellie Pickler. Simon called Kellie "a naughty little minx" lol.
He SO wants to do her! But she is cute and I like her. Can't wait for the guys to perform tonight.


Well-known member
Did anyone else think Melissa McPhee's hair and make-up looked ghastly last night??? It was awful!!!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
Originally Posted by cletus2894
Did anyone else think Melissa McPhee's hair and make-up looked ghastly last night??? It was awful!!!

totally! her hair was just horrible!! eek!

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
Um...anyone else in total shock about the results? I didn't want Will to go. I thought Chicken Little and Bucky should have gone over Will and Gideon. And I am in total shock Ayla went over Melissa. wth.


Well-known member
Yeah, I was kinda surprised that Ayla was voted off over Melissa. I really liked her!
I knew Kevin wouldn't be voted off because there are just way too many people who vote for him and Clay Aiken clones. Uggh.

I was glad to see Will go though because he was just too much of a mama's boy. Plus he really couldn't sing that well. "How Sweet It Is to be Loved by You" was just unbearable this week. Oy! I won't be missing him. Taylor Hicks all the way, baby! 8) I am so rooting for him because he's cool and unique and virtually the only contestant who has any soul. But that's just my opinion. Sorry, I tend to get rather passionate when it comes to American Idol. I guess I am just a fanatic that way.


New member
I personally did not like Alya but I also don't think Melissa will last long. I also don't think if Alya would have lasted any longer than Melissa. There's too many better voices. Both of them have average voices and plenty of the other girls out sing them.

I agree Kevin should have went instead of Gideon.

Overall I am just happy that all my faves made it.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
It was a toss up last night, the first few performances sucked! then they picked up. I think I'm the only one who wasn't 100% thrilled with Chri's performance. I can't believe they didn't say his choice was "safe" Hello, it was totally safe! anyway, he did good, but I think his appeal is wearning down (for me). I still love Paris and Catherine is growing on me more. I do not like Kelly Pickler, never have. I love love love Mandisa, she looked gorgeous last night, she's so pretty. She was glowing!! I wonder what kind of makeup she had on


New member
Mandisa always seems to look great!

I agree about Chris. While he is a fave of mine he does tend to play it safe. However, I think he has a great rock voice and I still enjoyed him.

Geez When is Ace going to get the boot?

Am I the only one that thinks Kevin just doesn't cut it? He makes funny faces when he sings. He just gets on my nerves.


Well-known member
Wow.. Chris was soooooo original in doing a rocking version of Higher Ground. I suppose the fact that all he did was pretty much mimic the Red Hot Chili Pepper version meant squat. Damn those lame-os!