Are you often accused of "dressing up?"


Well-known member
i find my version of dressed up, is not enough
my mates and i go out to a bar or something 'dressed up' and i feel like a slob in comparison, but i think thats an esteem thing, cos no one ever says anything about it


Well-known member
I've never had someone right said I was dressing up or ask why I was dressed up, but I've had people ask why do I wear so much make up (However, this is coming from girls who don't wear any. So, lipgloss and mascara would be too much in their opinions). I also get asked a lot, depending on the time, do I have work (later) or did I came in from work? This is mainly from people I go to school with. I'll tell you they put no effort into themselves. The like "uniform" at my university is sweats, dirty hair thrown up into a bun type thing, no make up, and some of the girls don't even wear bras. So, it's not that hard to look dressed up compared to them.


Well-known member
yeah i get it a lot. especially in college..but i like to look nice you know? it does bother me because a lot of the time people say it in a rude way but i can't help it, i love dressing up so i'm not gonna stop just because other people disagree with it. I don't make comments about people being dressed down :S it makes me feel good so whatever.


Well-known member
My sister in laws family usually think I get too dressed up. :/
I just like feeling good about myself.

But my family doesn't really say anything. They like when I dress up. especially my dad. But this could be because I was a huge tomboy and they all like the fact that I'm becoming more and more feminine.


Well-known member
Somebody's always going to complain. You dress too casual, you dress too fancy, you dress too "normal" and it's boring. Whatever. When someone starts in on something I'm wearing (or my makeup), I smile sweetly and give them a few mintues to lay off. If they don't, I ask them to let me know when it's my turn. They'll usually say "...what" and then I say "let me know when it's my turn to give a critique of your outfit, makeup and hair... that's what we're doing, right?"

"I advocate glamour. Every day. Every minute." -Dita von Teese


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
Ever since I was a teen, I've fairly often had people say things to me like, "You're all dressed up!" even when I was just wearing jeans and a nice top.
And whenever my mother and I would be getting ready to go someplace such as a family gathering, and I'd wonder aloud what to wear, she'd immediately say, "Don't get all dressed up; just wear something comfortable!"
And my sister often complained to our mother that she didn't like to go places with me because I was "always dressed up."
As I explained earlier, it wasn't as if I were wearing a cocktail dress and diamonds to a football game; I'd wear jeans or cords, a nice casual top and yeah, coordinating shoes and makeup.
I *was* comfortable, though!
Has anyone else had the same sort of experience?

Been there done I still hear it and its quite funny now...I even hear "where you going?!" lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by toxaemia
That's my motto too!
At least it always makes a positive impression and I always feel good so I can tackle anything that comes my way !

I totally agree!


Well-known member
i know i replied in this thread before but it is so true!
same with make-up.. i wear about the same amount everyday but sometimes i wear lighter or darker colors, etc. when i wear darker shades i always get asked why so much make-up, am i going on a date, etc. but in reality it is the same amount of make-up just darker colors!


Well-known member
I don't get accused of overdressing by anyone except my bf, but I do spend a lot of quality time with my make up.

I find a lot of people make comments about lesbian dressing cliches on what I wear, lots of military style boots and scraped back ponytails. My favourite outfit is a rainbow fitted longsleeve tee with lowslung belted baggy jeans and really beaten up boots. My clothes are mostly low key but my eye make up has been called "brave" ahem...

I have also described as dressing childishly. My ultimate outfit NEED is Uhura's Star Trek uniform.


Well-known member
I dont think I've ever been accused of overdressing. I hate the feeling of being dressed up. At work I basically do the most boring simple outfits that I can get away with and usually am wearing some hobo-esque tank top underneath so I can change before I leave. Yuck....I wish our generation would change the workplace attire 'rules' so we can all just be comfortable! On my off time Im pretty much in sweats/tshirts/tanktops/hoodies. If I put on jeans - you know Im making an effort lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bubbleheart
I wish our generation would change the workplace attire 'rules' so we can all just be comfortable!

At 45, I'm probably one of the older Specktra members, and I can see a lot of change in what is deemed "acceptable to wear to work" now, compared to what was being worn when I was young.
I hated pantyhose as much as the next woman, but it's still possible to be put-together and be comfortable, at the same time.
In certain types of work, you almost have to wear tees, tanks, etc., but if you work in an office setting, I think it's important to present a good image to the public. I suspect that's the rationale behind the workplace dress rules.
Back to topic: Since becoming disabled, I still occasionally hear remarks about being "all dressed up," but they're more likely to be positive, along the lines of, "You always look so pretty!" or "I wish I could put on makeup as well as you do!" Maybe my disability makes me seem less threatening.

It makes me feel good to "doll up," so I continue to do it, though it is harder than it used to be.


Well-known member
Yeah - Im just in a very rebellious frame of mind when it comes to the 'rules' of the workplace....everyone I've ever talked to about this has pretty much said the same thing about presenting a positive appearance for the workplace - I just know that even wearing a blouse and dress pants and heels makes me tug at my clothes all day and cant wait to get them off....I understand being clean and presentable but I'd love to be able to wear yoga clothes (which I feel are actually quite sleek looking) to work or say flip flops - and not have this be so wildly inappropriate so long as I act professional and look clean and done up (not wearing stained or holey clothes - just less 'formal'.)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bubbleheart
I just know that even wearing a blouse and dress pants and heels makes me tug at my clothes all day and cant wait to get them off....

I completely "get" that!
I was a teacher, and as soon as I'd walk through the door when I got home every day, I'd kick off the dress shoes, strip off the pantyhose, and pad straight into my closet to pull on a tee shirt (or sweatshirt, depending on the weather) and shorts/sweats/jeans.
That said, some of my clothes were uncomfortable because I didn't pay as much attention to fit as I should have.
Make sure your clothes fit you well, so you can maximize comfort and present yourself as a competent person who considers her job important. You can even make changes that will make you feel more comfortable, but not compromise your professional appearance.
For example, there are lots of blouses/tops that are intended to be worn untucked; these still look polished and professional, but aren't as constraining.
As for shoes, there are tons of dressy flats out there.


Well-known member
I get told I dress up a lot too, which used to make me feel pretty insecure until I realized hey, it doesn't actually matter what they think because I feel nice wearing those sorts of clothes and that's really all that matters. It's definitely nice just being able to hang around in sweatpants at home, but when I'm out, even if it's just for classes or something, I like to try and make myself look as nice as possible.


Well-known member
i work in a pretty casual office but always wear a dress/skirt or nice pants, cute boots or flats, nice shirts, etc.
today i wore a hoodie and a pony tail and no make-up because i overslept. and an old friend came into my office. i felt like such a bum lol


Active member
HAHA yeah that would be me. Even to school. IDK I just don't flock to casual clothes. It's just not me. *shrugs*


Well-known member
I get it all the time, I don't feel comfortable in sweats and tees. I don't understand it, I think what I wear isn't "dressed up" just fashionable <3


Well-known member
All the time...I don't see the point of wasting the same amount of money when I can get something way cuter. That being said, most of my clothes are overly dressy, so then it becomes a disaster finding something casual to dress down. I feel comfortable in dresses, skirts, and heels. I feel comfortable in sweats and tees too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmietrinh
All the time...I don't see the point of wasting the same amount of money when I can get something way cuter.

I agree.
If you're going to spend your money, I think it makes sense to spend it on something that's going to make you look and feel great when you wear it.


Well-known member
I get this alllllllllllllllllllllll the time.

I work nights, but its summer right now and super hot. I dress for the weather as well as for myself. I took Fashion Marketing in college and always loved the trendy new stuff that came out every season, but didn't have the budget for it while in school. Now that I have a job and my personal style has changed (I used to be super gothic) I have fun shopping to evolve myself.

Its a bit more of a challenge because I'm plus-sized (an 18) but that doesn't stop me from digging and spending an entire day finding something that works. Just because my co-workers and friends make a big deal out of it, doesn't mean I won't wear it again - especially since I went to ALL THAT TROUBLE in the first place! Haha.

I walk into work all the time and people will say things to me. This one girl is always like, "Why do you come to work for nightshifts all dressed up when you only need to change again into your uniform?". Its because I don't like doing the walk of shame home in the morning in my pajamas! People always passed me on their way work in the morning and I looked like a slob. That was embarassing to me. I'd rather be stared at for being "over-dressed" than people judging me on how unkempt I look.

At one point I didn't make an effort, I didn't do my hair, I didn't put as much make-up on and didn't care at all. Now that I do, everyone is always commenting. Its annoying, but kinda nice at the same time.

This one guy that I work with (He's Thai) came up to me one day and was like, "Tiffany! You come to work so pretty. Before? No. No hair, no make-up, no care. Now you look beautiful"! I had to laugh at that