B2M - Read before posting questions about Back to MAC.


Well-known member
Yup, the sales girl at my counter told me that culturebloom lippies were exempt and I told her it was only the special packaging stuff that was exempt so she phoned corporate HQ and confirmed that it is only special packaging. I got my fresh buzz
I bet she wondered how I knew that
Damn, I love this place.


Well-known member
i just got a back to mac lipstick in florabundy from the culturebloom collection. it was also in a macys, but mine is the crossy county one in yonkers, ny.


Well-known member
do a livechat on maccosmetics.com and have them email it to you and print it out. Or have the counter call MAC and ask while you're there. And talk to the manager, they should make sure their staff knows the policy.


I got Florabundi & Fresh Buzz at two different counters, and they gladly took back the empties.

You definitely should call that counter again and kindly let them know that they made a mistake, since they could be doing this to other customers, which is not fair to you and to everyone else since it was a mistake on the MA's part.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
I did not have any problems getting the Poppy Hop with my containers. First, I called to make sure that they would B2M with Culturebloom. I drove about 30 mins, once I got there, I comfirmed once again to see if I can B2M for Culturebloom, they said "yeah, sure." I got my Poppy Hop, and all the MAs complimented me on my new haircut lol. That should tell you how much I am there lol. Plus I also got my hair cut because I thought it would look more professional rather than have my BLAH hair.


Well-known member
She is so wrong!! Call that counter up or go back and speak to the manager. I would! Don't let her think that what she's doing is right, cause other girls might experience the same thing as you. Tell the manager!


Well-known member
uughhh I am so pissed off! I once brought B2M and got push up plum which was LE so today I went to get my B2M and wanted to get sharp beige but the girl told me I could not get any of the LE through b2m. I thought It was a new policy so I didn't fight it. I got half and half instead. UGHHHHHHHHHHH. Reading this just made me so upset.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kannan
alumeze- sharp beige is in special packaging, so you can't get that with B2M.

Is it..
..hehe ok.. I feel kinda silly now



Well-known member
That's full of crap... they need to train their staff better! I B2M'ed today and got Culturebloom l/s; the MA specifically said anything not VG.


Well-known member
It's too bad that not everyone is on the same page about this. She was definitely wrong in not giving you Culturebloom lipsticks for B2M. I had 2 customers today choose Culturebloom for B2M. Like others have mentioned, it is just the specially packaged lipsticks that can't be chosen, eg. Viva Glams, Catherine Deneuve. That "paying customers" thing is just plain insulting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
which macy's did u go to? dadeland? if it was, they're notorious for doing that..

That's because I wasn't working there that day....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
That's because I wasn't working there that day....

I KNOW!!!!!!!!!! where are u giz? i miss u!!!
i'm all over bloomies since miss lea moved


Well-known member
Thats SO odd!! It must be " per store " cause I B2M Strawberry Blonde, Florabundi, Sharp Beige.. the only ones that they said was not B2M - is the Viva's - which I knew.

Hmm I can check for you if you don't have any luck if you like.


Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
Yep she was really wrong,.. on a thread here I posted an exact quote from Susan Sheridan,<---- Global Customer Service person,..in answer to that particular question,.. so long as the tubes have the silver and black casing,.. they are eligible for B2M,.. go kick some butt! Actually you could search that thread and print that out take it with you,.. LOL. I know I would be kickin some butt.

Any MAC Limited Edition packaging. Meaning any container that has different coloring (like gold ,blue etc.) will no longer be redeemable for B2M. Silver and black casing is our regular packaging. For all of you that recieved any items from Culturebloom...of course they are regular packaging.
Good luck kickin some butt! Due to some miscommunication...not all locations were informed immediately.


Well-known member
New Back2Mac Policy??

I went to a MAC counter today today to purchase a couple items and trade in my 6 empties for a lippie. When I gave the MA the empties, she told me that MAC no longer accepts eyeshadow/blush containers if they don't have the silver pan in them. I told her I had done this many times before and never had any problem, but she said it is a new MAC Policy that came down from corporate headquarters.
I'm REALLY hoping this is just a mix-up, because depotting is the only way I can do B2M, since I never use anything up. Has anybody else heard of this new policy?

On the plus side, I picked up the Inventive Eyes Quad and Sweet William Blushcreme.


New member
I've heard of SA's trying to say this was a policy.

I just recently went with a friend and she returned 12 empties with no pan inside. They can't even recycle the pan so there really makes no sense.

I personally have not heard of this policy but maybe someone else has...