Broken hearted and discouraged.


Well-known member
I'm having such a rough time right now. It seems that everything is going wrong all at once. My husband and I found out that I can't carry a pregnancy- I miscarred in December, and was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Type 1) which will keep me from ever carrying a pregnancy to term. I've been fighting the depression that came along with that. We've let our animals become like children; Frodo (my tomcat) has always been that for me- he and I will have been together 8 years on June 1st. He's so special to me- when I adopted him, the Humane Society asked me if I was sure- he had been hit by a car and was deaf and scarred and in bad shape. I was 18 years old, and living on my own for the first time, and suffering from horrible depression. Taking care of Frodo honestly kept me going. There were nights that I'd lay in bed, trying to figure out the best way to kill myself, and he would lay beside me and purr and I'd stop and realize I couldn't leave him because no one else would take care of him. He's been there through so much, and has given me enormous comfort. Last fall, one of my husband's idiot friends brought over some music equipment and dropped a metal rod on Fro. It went right under his ribcage and pierced the body cavity. He's had two surgeries so far, but because he is immune-suppressed from FIV, he hasn't been able to heal. He still acts normally, but the wound constantly opens up. This time, the vet has decided to treat it as a "long-term" open wound. We have to keep gauze on it, flush it once a day with iodine and peroxide, and give him antibiotics and pain killers. In about three months, if the vet thinks it's all right, we'll start sugar-packing it to draw out the infection. The scary part is that the wound is so deep, and it ends inside right next to his kidneys.

I don't want to lose my boy. He's acting like himself- eating, bossing the other cats around, yelling at the dog, cuddling with me- but I know that his situation is dangerous. I can't stand that he's hurt and I can't just fix it. I can't stop crying.

Thanks for listening.


Well-known member
Awwww MAJOR *HUGZ* babe, That sucks soooo bad. My cat is my life and I wouldn't know what I'd do if something So awful happened to her. Awwww I'm tearing up reading this.

Hopefully things will be better for you soon and *hugz* to Frodo too!


Well-known member
aww thats so sad. i really love my bird and he passed away from illness cuz i moved away for school and he wasnt being cared for properly. your poor dog
i hope things get better for him. its awesome that you are taking care of him so carefully. i have had some surgical procedures where they had to cut me open down the sternum and through my ribcage and it was incredibly painful for me. i also had an open hole in my stomach that had a wire go through and i had to get the gauze and bandages cleaned everyday. so this might sound weird, but i can somewhat understand how your dog feels. as long as he has you to love him, he will still have a reason to fight on. do you get to feed him painkillers?

good luck to you both


Well-known member
wow im so sorry hun..i hope frodo gets better...i have a cat also and i dont know what i would do if i was in your situation..i hope things get better hun **HUGSSS**


Well-known member
Wow,that's terrible going through that all that at once,I can't imagine.
My cat was my best friend,she was soo important to me and she helped me get through so much crap,so I can completely understand what your cat means to you.It sounds like you and Frodo are lucky to have each other. Iam so sorry that happened to him
I will be keeping the both of you in my prayers,and if you'd ever like to talk,please feel free to pm me.


Well-known member
seriously sweetie i can't even imagine what you are going rthough right now.
like yourself i treat my kitties like my children. so i feel so upset reading about Frodo
what a brave kitty he is though - i bet some cats would perhaps give up and get depressed if they had gone through so much, and continue to do so. But Frodo is still acting like normal which is a good thing. you need to stay strong hun because Frodo needs his mum right now

i'm also sorry to hear about your miscarriage and that you have some issues carrying a pregnancy. i can't imagine how that feels for you and your husband. again all i can say is try and stay strong, you have lots of friends on here and i'm sure in the real world too. so try and stay positive, things will get better for you and your family


Well-known member
Thank you all so much. I've received so much support and kindness here and from my friends IRL, and it amazes me. So many times people say things like "It's just a cat", but there are also people who realize what a pet can mean to someone. I'm incredibly grateful to all of you, more so than you can know.


Well-known member
I love my cat so much and I understand how you would want to do anything to help them. I will keep Frodo and you in my prayers. He sure sounds like a sweet and lively boy considering all that he has been through!


Well-known member

This is my boy in the dog sweater he has to wear! He won't leave his bandages alone, and he's pretty good at getting his E-Ring (head cone) off, so he gets to wear the sweater to protect the wound. Despite me shoving syringes of medicine down his throat, flushing the wound with peroxide, and putting a sweater on him, he still just wants to cuddle and stay with me. Best cat in the entire world - I tell my husband that Frodo isn't actually a cat, he's an angel that God is lending me for a while, and that he just chose a cat body.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley

This is my boy in the dog sweater he has to wear! He won't leave his bandages alone, and he's pretty good at getting his E-Ring (head cone) off, so he gets to wear the sweater to protect the wound. Despite me shoving syringes of medicine down his throat, flushing the wound with peroxide, and putting a sweater on him, he still just wants to cuddle and stay with me. Best cat in the entire world - I tell my husband that Frodo isn't actually a cat, he's an angel that God is lending me for a while, and that he just chose a cat body.

That made me tear up! It sounds like Frodo is just as lucky to have you as his mom.

He is so handsome!!


Well-known member
Awww what a cutie pie! I'm so sorry this is happening to him. I can only imagine how you feel. I have a cat that i am very verry attached to. She's like the other half of me. Anyone that says things like "its just a cat" is an insensitive asshole that obviously doesn't value your feelings or any animals life. They are not replaceable or disposable.
I wish you and Frodo the very best of luck. I will keep you both in my thoughts


Well-known member
I made my husband come look at Frodo in his sweater!

I'm so sorry for all you've been going through. Pets are definitely a great tether to the world... you have the responsibility of someone depending on you, but that little creature loves you no matter what and it's the best feeling.

All three of my cats were "special case" kitties that other people rejected


Well-known member
Many Hugs!

I really feel for you. Know that you are not alone. Many go through things that we simply just do not understand & are very painful experiences for us. You can overcome dear! Your kitty is so cute & needs you.
We lost our adorable dog (she suffered from diabetes for a while) the year our son left for college. It was really hard on us. But, we poured our emotion , hurt & heart into others that had need - it helps us heal.
You too, will become strong & be able to encourage yourself & become strong again! Yes, you will.


Well-known member
I just saw this thread. I am so sorry for what you have gone through, both with Frodo and your issues with pregnancy. I wish I could give you a giant real hug, but a virtual one will have to do.

Hang in there. I am hoping and praying that Frodo improves and that he is back to full health soon. I have 2 cats and like others have also shared, they are like my children. I have gone through some dark times in the last 2 years and I honestly do not know what I would have done if they had not been with me.

Big love to you.


Well-known member

Here's Frodo with "his" kitten. She was found in a ditch at 7 weeks old, and we were hand-feeding her. He became like a mommy to her- slept with her, bathed her, everything. He's so awesome.