Ever feel like a hot mess?


Well-known member
^^^ HAWT MESS... Thank you for sharing! U are such a good sport!

If I could give u multi-thanks, I would totally give u like 10 x thanks



Well-known member
I really don't find it embarrassing... But then again, all of my funny stories involve sex and I just think they're funny.


Well-known member
These stories are great. It's like a Specktra "Post-secret" hahaha.

So college walk of shame story #1....I was at this party in the dorms and had already had a long day when I look over and realize that a guy I had a huge crush on was making out with this random chick right in front of me. So instant retaliation?!?!? Drink an entire gallon of Carlo Rossi and make a total ass of myself! (I know, genius move, right!) Needless to say, an hour later, I lock myself in the bathroom with the sink and shower on until some notices that I'm flooding the apartment. Apparently a guy had to remove the door to find me laying on the floor, passed out drunk, soaking wet, and half naked.

I woke up the next morning in a twin bed with 5 other people, still trashed, puked, and gave someone directions to the Space Needle while still intoxicated!

Surprisingly enough, that guy just broke off a two year relationship with that girl and called to tell me he's always thought I was beautiful the other day. Hah!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VintageAqua
These stories are great. It's like a Specktra "Post-secret" hahaha.

So college walk of shame story #1....I was at this party in the dorms and had already had a long day when I look over and realize that a guy I had a huge crush on was making out with this random chick right in front of me. So instant retaliation?!?!? Drink an entire gallon of Carlo Rossi and make a total ass of myself! (I know, genius move, right!) Needless to say, an hour later, I lock myself in the bathroom with the sink and shower on until some notices that I'm flooding the apartment. Apparently a guy had to remove the door to find me laying on the floor, passed out drunk, soaking wet, and half naked.

I woke up the next morning in a twin bed with 5 other people, still trashed, puked, and gave someone directions to the Space Needle while still intoxicated!

Surprisingly enough, that guy just broke off a two year relationship with that girl and called to tell me he's always thought I was beautiful the other day. Hah!

This whole story made me smile


Well-known member
Ok, I've got another good one, from last year as well.

This is me and a few friends of mine both being hot messes together.

So one night me and a bunch of my floormates starting doing shots in our lounge, and we all wanted to prove that we could out drink each other so we ended up pretty trashed. Then some of them got the great idea to go down to the beach and go skinny dipping. Normally I love doing shit like that when I'm drunk, but we live on a cliff and there are hundreds of steep, narrow, slippery wooden stairs to get down to the beach. I decided that although I'd probably be able to make it down the stairs, I was far to drunk to get back up them. I didn't want to sleep on the beach, so I decided not to go. Two or three of my friends ended up going down to the beach, and the rest of us ended up going to bed.

I wake up in the middle of the night, still trashed, and needing to pee really bad. I go to grab my keys because my room locks itself and I'll need my keys to get back in after I go to the bathroom. I also decide not to take my glasses because... Well I was drunk and I didn't want to. Note that without my glasses I have trouble making out people's faces because I am so blind. And did I mention I'm drunk? When I get back from the bathroom I realise that instead of grabbing my keys, I grabbed my bra. So now I'm drunk, blind, locked out of my room, and holding a bra.

I stumble across to the commons block in my pjs, still holding a bra, blind, with no shoes. I realise that I can't see, and thus probably won't be able to sign out a spare key from the front desk. I'm about to pass out and sleep right there when I hear the voice of my RA. Cue me, "L! L! Help me! I'm drunk and locked out of my room!" She laughs at me, takes me to the front desk, gets me another key, and gets me back to my room, all the while mocking me for grabbing a bra instead of my keys. I go back to sleep. Hot mess number one.

You think this is the end of the story? Oh no, it gets better.

I wake up in the morning, hung over, and a little embarassed. So my friends and I meet up to discuss the night. Another friend of mine, K, decided she was going to be really responsible, and went to bed. She locked her door so no one could get in while she was drunk, set her alarm for the next day, got water... All things that are difficult to do when one is drunk. Unfortunately she set her alarm for 2 in the morning, and was so passed out that when it went off she didn't wake up. Her room is next to the RA's room, so the RA is worried about her. She ended up having to call the police to get into K's room to make sure she hadn't choked on her own vomit or something. They woke her up and made sure she was ok. So K wakes up in the morning pretty embarassed too. Hot mess number two.

But the story is still not done.

Of my friends who decided to go to the beach, two of them went skinny dipping. They take off their clothes and run naked into the ocean. Unfortunately when they come back onto the beach, they end up on the barnacle covered rocks. Did I mention that they were naked and drunk?

Those two friends now have barnacle puncture wounds in their hands, feet, legs, and one of them on her ass, all from slipping and falling on the rocks. Hot messes numbers three and four.

And now ladies, I'm done. *takes a bow*

That's one of my best stories, so y'all better be peeing yourselves laughing right now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Ok, I've got another good one, from last year as well.

This is me and a few friends of mine both being hot messes together.

So one night me and a bunch of my floormates starting doing shots in our lounge, and we all wanted to prove that we could out drink each other so we ended up pretty trashed. Then some of them got the great idea to go down to the beach and go skinny dipping. Normally I love doing shit like that when I'm drunk, but we live on a cliff and there are hundreds of steep, narrow, slippery wooden stairs to get down to the beach. I decided that although I'd probably be able to make it down the stairs, I was far to drunk to get back up them. I didn't want to sleep on the beach, so I decided not to go. Two or three of my friends ended up going down to the beach, and the rest of us ended up going to bed.

I wake up in the middle of the night, still trashed, and needing to pee really bad. I go to grab my keys because my room locks itself and I'll need my keys to get back in after I go to the bathroom. I also decide not to take my glasses because... Well I was drunk and I didn't want to. Note that without my glasses I have trouble making out people's faces because I am so blind. And did I mention I'm drunk? When I get back from the bathroom I realise that instead of grabbing my keys, I grabbed my bra. So now I'm drunk, blind, locked out of my room, and holding a bra.

I stumble across to the commons block in my pjs, still holding a bra, blind, with no shoes. I realise that I can't see, and thus probably won't be able to sign out a spare key from the front desk. I'm about to pass out and sleep right there when I hear the voice of my RA. Cue me, "L! L! Help me! I'm drunk and locked out of my room!" She laughs at me, takes me to the front desk, gets me another key, and gets me back to my room, all the while mocking me for grabbing a bra instead of my keys. I go back to sleep. Hot mess number one.

You think this is the end of the story? Oh no, it gets better.

I wake up in the morning, hung over, and a little embarassed. So my friends and I meet up to discuss the night. Another friend of mine, K, decided she was going to be really responsible, and went to bed. She locked her door so no one could get in while she was drunk, set her alarm for the next day, got water... All things that are difficult to do when one is drunk. Unfortunately she set her alarm for 2 in the morning, and was so passed out that when it went off she didn't wake up. Her room is next to the RA's room, so the RA is worried about her. She ended up having to call the police to get into K's room to make sure she hadn't choked on her own vomit or something. They woke her up and made sure she was ok. So K wakes up in the morning pretty embarassed too. Hot mess number two.

But the story is still not done.

Of my friends who decided to go to the beach, two of them went skinny dipping. They take off their clothes and run naked into the ocean. Unfortunately when they come back onto the beach, they end up on the barnacle covered rocks. Did I mention that they were naked and drunk?

Those two friends now have barnacle puncture wounds in their hands, feet, legs, and one of them on her ass, all from slipping and falling on the rocks. Hot messes numbers three and four.

And now ladies, I'm done. *takes a bow*

That's one of my best stories, so y'all better be peeing yourselves laughing right now.

hahahahahaha! holy crap that is hilarious!

I have many stories, i just cant remember them!


Well-known member
I went to a big midwestern university where football is the biggest thing ever. Well, the star quarterback-Kyle Orton- was like this quasi-famous wannabe celeb because he was making all these winning game shots. Well, I saw him on near the bars. I was sooo excited (and crunk) and I was like, "Omg it's Kyle Orton!! Can I touch you?" he said no. And was kinda snotty. Well me being the hotmess/drama queen, ran into the really popular, packed bar and yelled- KYLE ORTON HAS HERPES!! over and over again.

Now he is the quarterback for the Chicago bears lol.


Well-known member
OMG Nutmeg AND Hilly, that was hilarious!! I really did almost pee myself laughing.

OK, I have a story. Possibly two.

Back to the first year of college. (What the hell, that year was crazy!) My ex, his roommate, and a bunch of friends hotboxed their dorm room. It was about two hours after the fact and everyone was sitting around COMPLETELY out of it, eating Cheez-its and Clementine Cuties. And giggling. Then there's a knock at the door. It's Public Safety. (AKA P-Safe/Campus Po Po). I go to a Catholic college, so they actually are a bit more strict. My ex's roommate opens the door and there's the P-Safe officer. He looks in, sees everyone laying sprawled about the room giggling, and then, out of NOWHERE, the roomie's computer turns on and starts playing music from earlier in the night. THIS song.

YouTube - Tiny Tim

Everyone started giggling uncontrollably. The P-Safe officer smiled, looked at everyone, shook his head, and just said, "You guys have a good night." And left.

I think I'll just leave it at that.


Well-known member
lately im a hot mess... i dont have a job, nor money, so my social life is very boring, so... in my pijamas, watching television and surfing the net, sometimes tea or cola, but always a mess :p


Well-known member
Oh yeah hot mess today.
I got 2hrs sleep, watched simpsons till about 1pm then played video games till 7:30pm when I fell asleep sweating my butt off because I'm sick and have a swollen lymph node. I kept waking up in really weird positions too lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I went to a big midwestern university where football is the biggest thing ever. Well, the star quarterback-Kyle Orton- was like this quasi-famous wannabe celeb because he was making all these winning game shots. Well, I saw him on near the bars. I was sooo excited (and crunk) and I was like, "Omg it's Kyle Orton!! Can I touch you?" he said no. And was kinda snotty. Well me being the hotmess/drama queen, ran into the really popular, packed bar and yelled- KYLE ORTON HAS HERPES!! over and over again.

Now he is the quarterback for the Chicago bears lol.


OMG THAT ONE TAKES THE CAKE FOR ME...I don't know why but I was like laughing for at least a minute..


Well-known member
A beauty supply store/salon called Trade Secret. The same chain/family as Beauty First and Pure Beauty.
I hope I get the job!


Well-known member
Good luck! I've heard of that store before, I think they have it in my mall.

And enigma, lol, I had to look up that song cause the link was broken. It's so weird seeing people who are supposed to be "official" crack up or have human moments...they always make me smile


Well-known member
Hotmess this past friday night. I was eating BBQ sauce from the package with my fingers. Gross. And yes, this was after several drinks and a filet o fish!