Ever feel like a hot mess?


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I think we're gonna need a "Team Hot Mess" smiley now.


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Gawd...last Sunday after the big weekend of couples massages to celebrate Valentine's Day - they ALL wanted deep tissue. At the end of my shift, my face was shiny, HUGE circles under my eyes, hair sticking out everywhere. I said F** it when I went to the bathroom and didn't zip my fly OR tuck in my shirt.


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I was a hotmess this past weekend. I was taking my pants off to get ready for bed and i totally just toppled over. oops.


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Originally Posted by Hilly
I was a hotmess this past weekend. I was taking my pants off to get ready for bed and i totally just toppled over. oops.

I definitely do this atleast once a week.



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I'm the definition of a hot mess right now, sleeping until 2 every day because I'm up on makeup related sites all night. I obviously need a job haha.


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I was such a hot mess an hour ago. I had class/rehearsal early, then went to run errands, then when I got home I was in one of those OMG MY HOUSE IS A MESS NO CLEANCLEANCLEAN moods (I wasn't on speed, I swear), so I cleaned a LOT. Then I noticed the abandoned can of paint I bought for my bathroom about...6 months ago and never used. So I painted my bathroom. I painted my frickin' bathroom before I even showered. Very gross. Especially considering my habit of wiping my brow a lot, so my already lackluster eye makeup was like, "oh, let me go over HERE--on your nose."

hot mess fa sho. but I just took a bubble bath and made some cocoa. all better!
till tomorrow at least.


Well-known member
oh, I forgot to add...while i was painting my bathroom, i was definitely wearing booty shorts and singing along to my iPod....mariah carey, touch my body.

most sober-hot-mess moment of my life.


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Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
oh, I forgot to add...while i was painting my bathroom, i was definitely wearing booty shorts and singing along to my iPod....mariah carey, touch my body.

most sober-hot-mess moment of my life.

Oh man, I would probably count as the worst hot mess on earth if we were only taking singing and dancing in booty shorts into consideration.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo
I'm the definition of a hot mess right now, sleeping until 2 every day because I'm up on makeup related sites all night. I obviously need a job haha.

Me too. I've been in pjs, now with crazed liquid liner for a day and a half... lying in bed with my cats and waiting for the postie to bring my lil black box.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo
Oh man, I would probably count as the worst hot mess on earth if we were only taking singing and dancing in booty shorts into consideration.

Haha that right there is the story of my life. not to mention the fact that I cannot sing at all.

Give me about 40 years and I will be the crazy ass cat lady on the street singing loudly and swinging a sephora bag like it's full of crack. (which it is--makeup IS crack!!)


Well-known member
If i only knew how to flirt...*sigh*

and yes, when I was a freshman in college, and for half of my sophomore year (pretty much every day I was in college..) I felt like a hot mess walking to and from class. Not to mention office hours, and review sessions. Hot mess 24/7. Can we emphasize the mess, please.

(it's also great when you run into that cutie from Philosophy, while you look like you've just been run over by an 18-wheeler!!) JOY!

ME: waking up 5 minutes before class starts, rolling out of bed and changing from PJs to oversized, ill-fitting sweats (big improvement I know) while brushing my teeth, tying my nasty-ass hair up in a bun, and rushing out the door like a maniac. No washed face, no makeup, nothing. And imagine afterwards...it's like doing the walk of shame home...except this time I don't have a funny or exciting drunk story to tell people when I'm walking back to my dorm looking like crap. I seriously don't know how in the hell some girls can look so cute looking so low maintanance. Cause every time I've tried it, two words -


PS: And I always look so awesome after a good friday night party. I've had one too many walks home with smudgy eyeliner, a rats-nest excuse for hair and - best of all - a strictly-to-be-worn-at-night outfit and heels on while passing tons and tons of parents who are in town for the football game!


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I was a not-so-hot mess when I was a freshman/soph in college. I gained freshman 20 and didnt know how to dress myself! Nothing fit. It was horrible! I probably smelled too lol. And my makeup was dollar store white liner. On a lucky day so revlon red lipstick too. Yuck.

Then I discovered the tanning bed and turned myself ORANGE!!!!!


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Oh i was totally the same at uni, though I had to walk 30minutes to get to uni so i'd generally be all hot and sweaty... was awesome, no wonder i never dated lol. Though I do think so some cute guy liked me (in retrospect), he was in all my classes and I'd catch him looking at me lol... wow i'm lame :p


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Awww I think everyone in college feels like really awkward when they are freshman. I had horrible skin and had blue bangs. Clearly I wasn't a looker LOL


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^Totally true. I can't even count the number of times I did the walk of shame and had glitter ALL over my face and massive sweats on.

8 AM classes + late ass rehearsals = FUGLY HOT MESS. I remember one friday night last year I had a late, long rehearsal, then I got dressed up and went to this crazy party. well, the next morning I felt like crap but was STARVING. and the dining hall closed at 11 AM. (so ridiculous for a campus on top of a friggin' hill.) so I had to walk to get food in my sweats with my rats nest hair and glitter and old makeup all over my face. it is a REALLY small school, so I was trying to not pass any friends. I was just leaving when a friend stopped me and said,
"Oh...are you okay? What happened? You know, if you need someone to talk to...I mean, there are other ways to solve your problems."

I was like AWCRAP, hot mess.


Well-known member
Yay for all the college-time hot mess responses!

OMG...walk of shame stories. Seriously people, they are the WORST. I remember once avoiding doing the walk of shame home..I had passed out on this guy's bed (we didn't do anything, promise!) and I woke up at 6am feeling like a lightning bolt had jolted my side. I immediately knew I needed to barf like a mother. So I jumped out of his bed, tripped over his shit cause it was still dark, grabbed my jeans and purse and made a BREAK for it. It was like 40 degrees outside and god did I feel disgusting - I was wearning nothing but a tank, some really short shorts and some American Apparel knee socks and uggs! lol!!! And the minute I got outside I threw up in his bushes!! lol!! I also had to change in the street. Thank goodness I avoided that walk-of-shame look home though (not to mention him seeing me in the morning), cause when I got back to my place I epitomized hot mess.

And enigma....LOL at that story. Man, the worst is when you see somebody you know... cause for me they just usually shoot me a jarring comment like "had fun lat night?" while passing by and I can't really say anything in my defense. Oh well.


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And Hilly we had this Wing place on campus that I ate at all the time - my pant size definitely shot up thanks to all of the late night munchies I had!

And girllll I didn't know how to dress myself to save my life freshman/part of soph year. My closet consisted of sweats and cheap dresses with ugly mismatching heels (dressing for a party was a big challenge a lot of the time, cause I had no cute party clothes.) Luckily I have been buying some new clothes and when I return to college I think I'll look tons better!! I hope :/ gotta clear my skin and grow out my hair first...


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Ahh haha luvsic, I know exactly what you mean. I never hook up when I'm sloshed, but I DO fall asleep where I land LOL!

E.g. passing out in the room of the cuh-RAZY Honduran exchange student. with both my roommate and our friend. I kind of half woke up and was like, "what the..." and then realized I had class in half an hour. I like BOLTED across campus.

Another time I pulled an all nighter just hanging out with a small group of friends...except I swore not to sleep, as I had a friggin' BALLET class in the morning. I ended up passing out, woke up 5 mins before class, and ran to make it just in time. My legwarmers were mismatched, I forgot one of my shoes, and my hair was like something that would blow by in the desert.

oh, the shame.