Ever feel like a hot mess?


Well-known member
OH NO!! Not again!! Didn't you learn from yo last hangover????


Well-known member
Girl if I could...I would be over in a heartbeat. It seems like it's only the fun people that you know you would get along with, live in different states...booo


Well-known member
girl i know!!
i am rockin gouit to youtiube videos.,
that's pretty lame.
come to TX!!!


Well-known member
If I ever head out to TX, you know you will be my first, second & third stop. My aunt lives in Arlington, how far is that from you?


Well-known member
hello everyone
Hilly you are so funny with your cubed wine, well I'm feelin hot now but not a mess me and bf just had the hottest xxx ever gonna be smilin for a while!


Well-known member
Lol, I've got a fever and am feeling a little delerious but waiting for a booty call. Which may or may not happen. I think I'll just go to bed and hopefully there will be a naked man here when I wake up.


Well-known member
Can I just say that this thread made me smile? I've been having a rough couple weeks but this cheered me up. Thanks ladies, you girls are wonderful


Well-known member
I agree with Penn, that made for some very interesting reading lol.

I'm always a mess, not so much on the hot side. I've been procrastinating big time, in my pjs sleeping til 4pm woot. I suffer from depression and am just a MESS. I haven't been to MAC since Nov!!!
I need to get my HOT ASS out of bed, brave the train trip and go to the pro store to get myself some goodies. That and I want to get pierced too.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I'm a hot mess for sure.

Our car is out of commission right now, so we've basically all been stranded here at the house. It's been too cold to take the little one out for walks or to play at the park, so it really sucks. I'm up here in the same sweats and shirt that I wore yesterday, but I'll shower and dress soon. I just feel like a hot mess because I feel trapped in here! My skin is also on the fritz. It's weird because I rarely ever have skin troubles, it's been a long time. I'm getting whiteheads in the weirdest places, yuck!


Well-known member
Hot Mess:

When I stay up till 2am, get all made up, and take pictures.

Then too lazy to wash face after an hour of wearing foundation

It killllls my skin e_e


Well-known member
my biggest hot mess moment was at the work xmas party 2007! i'd only worked for the company a few weeks and it was my first time meeting other managers and because i was nervous i drunk wayyyy to much wine to relax me. suddly i turned into sleazey dancing queen - hair flipping and booby bouncing to the max!!! on the way home i claimed i was feeling car sick and jumped out of the car (with the rest of my staff) and chucked up in my hair and rolled around a random field while screaming that i wanted my hubby! teh next day when i went into work i was still drunk!!!! and every time i go to head office i say hello to people they reply 'oh yes you're the sexy dancer, i'd never forget you!' CRINGE!!!! if i had the body and looks of megan fox it wouldn't be so bad...