FOTD catch-up: 07/24 Smokey Blue/Teal eye


Well-known member
Cancer can be such a hard thing to go through, keep your head up and your mom's, it's amazing what a positive attitude can do for the healing of the body. I know someone who is a survivor, I know your mom will join their ranks.

You look beautiful as always, I'll pray for your family. God bless.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that about your mom. I hope things turn out well for her. I'll keep her in my prayers.

You look fabulous as always. Again, I am completely in love with your lips, always SO GORGEOUS and perfect.


Well-known member
i just love your fotds. i am praying for your mum right now!!!! Bless her family Lord!! Do your mighty will and give her family strength to fight this disease!!! in Jesus name amen!!


Well-known member
i'm sorry to hear about your mother.
if it's any consolation though, you look gorgeous!


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I will keep her and you in my prayers. Stay strong. She needs you now. We are here if you need us. Blues and greens look fabulous on you. Very pretty!


Well-known member
That's an amazing look, I love the blue with the purple liner!
I'm so sorry for you and your mum, I hope everything will turn out right! My aunt is also suffering from breast cancer and just had one of her breasts partly removed, we all hope that after the chemo she'll get well again.


Well-known member
i love your brows!!
great colors esp the purple on the waterline against the blue!

sorry to hear about your mom's cancer coming back. i will pray for you and your family. (((hugs)))


Well-known member
Love the look - especially the purple liner!

I understand what you're going through -- 13 yrs after his surgery, my dad's prostate cancer is back and he has abandoned "modern medicine." I will keep you and your mom in prayers.


Well-known member
Lovely :ilike:
So sorry to hear about your mother, hope you'll be strong for her and that everything will be alright.


Active member
I know what you're going through right now! (My dad is diagnosed with lung cancer since march of this year) It's not fair, right..
Wish you and you family strength for these hard times. And stay positive!

You are so pretty!