Freelancing for MAC

Hello everyone!
in need of help, trying to login my hours for the day i worked. Since i am a freelancer,
Estee lauder has this phone number you call to login your hours, however, i am having the worst time
figuring out my door number for the location i worked at in Manhattan NY.

how do you figure this out?


New member
Hey all!

I have my first job freelancing tommorrow and I am so nervous as well as excited to get started!!!!! I got hired offically in Septemeber and just got my employee number yesterday and I have already booked 2 jobs within one day just by calling around which was such a boost because I have heard so many stories of freelancers not working for months and months after getting hired but every region is different. Anywhos I just wanted to know if you guys have any tips that have helped some of you guys when you started freelancing. I will keep you posted after my first day which is Friday 10:30-5pm then I work again 12:00-8:30 on Saturday, ekkkkk!!!!


Also if any of you guys have questions about the interview process or anything else feel free, this site is so helpful and alot of the things ive learned has been on here or from word of mouth, we gotta stick together


New member
How did your first day go?? I'm so nervous! I had my 1st interview with mac for a freelancing position this past saturday, it was a demo. My 2nd interview which was verbal was today! I think I did good, I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I should be getting a call around Monday. Hopefully I get good news. I'm curious how your 1st day went though. I heard so many good things about freelancing in my region.

Hey all!

I have my first job freelancing tommorrow and I am so nervous as well as excited to get started!!!!! I got hired offically in Septemeber and just got my employee number yesterday and I have already booked 2 jobs within one day just by calling around which was such a boost because I have heard so many stories of freelancers not working for months and months after getting hired but every region is different. Anywhos I just wanted to know if you guys have any tips that have helped some of you guys when you started freelancing. I will keep you posted after my first day which is Friday 10:30-5pm then I work again 12:00-8:30 on Saturday, ekkkkk!!!!


Also if any of you guys have questions about the interview process or anything else feel free, this site is so helpful and alot of the things ive learned has been on here or from word of mouth, we gotta stick together


As was already stated, your kind of on your own as a freelancer. My first day working as a freelancer was two years ago on Halloween, and I had back to back appointments for that first day. But I'm sure you'll do fine. Watching the other artist do makeovers was especially helpful, because I was able to discover a lot more tips and uses for products that I normally don't use. You should also use your downtime to check out some of the products or read up on product info. Just be super nice, and sociable with the other artist, and everyone will take notice. I freelanced for two years because I was a stay at home mom, but because I was super cool with all the mangers and permanent artist, I was able to get a permanent position rather easy when I was ready to work more hours. Good luck!


Active member
Thanks for your help!

HEY! I know this is an old post
.....but i have also just been hired as a freelancer in the Orlando area!:yahoo:....honestly...i don't mind that we don't get gratis...i want to learn more about techniques and such and i just want to be known as an awesome artist...cheesy, but true lol! I am SO excited....i go and fill out paperwork tomorrow and i will be calling up MAC locations to let them know i really want to work.

I have a question as far as does this work? They only pay you for the hours you work right?...what if it takes forever to get a call? Should i quit my current miserable job now? LOL! I'm also in school so i just need to know if there is gonna be some decent income coming out of this.....i do want to become a permanent artist soon.


Active member took you 7 months before you started actually working?

So tell me you have a second job? gettin worried now. I want to WORK!


Well-known member
pay varies form region to region u can't work till your get a number which can take over a month mine took 2 months to get. as a freelancer u have to fight for hours. you are not trained in any way you are expected to know how to do makeup. u can ask for help and if artist are willing they will help you its a very sink or swim for freelancers remember there are others out there fighting for those hours. once a location finds someone they like they pretty much only stick with them. i know we do at the locations in my city. there can be months were u dont work because their aren't freelancing hours so have a back up


Active member

Soooo....i should go ahead and put in an app the the clothing store i was asked to work in as well? I just need some steady income. Also....any recommendations for a decent camera? I need to build on my portfolio as i do want to work outside of MAC (weddings, proms,i would even like to do video shoots).


Well-known member

Soooo....i should go ahead and put in an app the the clothing store i was asked to work in as well? I just need some steady income. Also....any recommendations for a decent camera? I need to build on my portfolio as i do want to work outside of MAC (weddings, proms,i would even like to do video shoots).
yes apply for other places you are guaranteed our hours that you are assigned. most of the time you need more income. as for a camera i dont have a recommendation. i work with professional photographers to have a portfolio. invest time working with real professionals you need to do work that reflects the kind of makeup you want to do. dont go crazy with stuff all over the face and all these bright colors and cut creases. those aren't gonna book you work. check out my link on my signature to see what i mean u can see how my port started and where it is now over the past year


Active member
Your website is E-mazing! Thanks for being so helpful!
I know how to do pretty much any kind of look...but im trying to perfect natural-looking makeup....i just love adding a dramatic effect to everything lol! So im working on that. But i can't wait to start and learn everything MAC has to offer. So far my experience with everyone i've met so far is good. I think i'll be w/MAC for a loooong time.

I wonder how long it'll take me to become permanent?


Well-known member
it can take a long time i know people who have freelanced for years b4 becoming permanent. even then u still have to interview all over again. its a long long process. as a freelancer lean all u can. you dont get the same training the rest of us get. your expected to already know it


Well-known member
Wow! I cannot believe that I started this thread in 2005. Been freelancing for MAC In Indianapolis for 6 years now then as a second hobby-Job. Well in all reality to support my MAC habit. This is funny because someone asked me how long I had been doing it the when I worked this past Sunday, neither the manager or I could remember it had been so long. Over the years I have been offered so many full time and part time positions that it's nuts but I make too much at my regular job which I do love too. Really the faster you become dependable and self motivated to do every thing around the store and not just the makeup sales the faster they offer you a position. (Like cleaning, schematicing displayers, taking out the trash, washing brushes, turning product lables, restocking high sale through items instead of standing around) So all the new gals that are doubting themselves, so long as you have good product and skin care knowledge, some natural talent, and are ready to do whatever you can to keep moving you will do great.

I am still learning new tricks all the time from my co-workers and share my own tricks too. Paparazziboy is 100% right,.. Learn all you can from your fellow freelancers too.


Active member
^^Thanks!! Wow you have been freelancing for a long time! So when u say you've been offered many full-time/part-time positions you mean from MAC or just other jobs?

And that whole not standing around and cleaning up everything thing is so totally me....i'm like a freaking squirrel! Lol! And i LOVE doing floorsets and setting up displays....seriously....its like doing a puzzle for me. So i am now pretty confident that i will be awesome at it. I hope they offer me a mor e permanent postiton soon supposed to start next week...i guess.

I'm just getting concerned bc i keep reading stories about ppl waiting WEEKS just to work. But then at the same time i wonder what area they live in. I live in Orlando and the malls near me are ALWAYS busy...esp MAC...i have never been in either MAC and its not crowded...its always jam im hoping that plays a part in me getting more hours bc of them needing Freelancers to help.

But i won't know until i get my employee number.


Well-known member
Each situation is different, so in the meantime continue to learn from your fellow artists and study product knowledge. ALWAYS be on time (early), consistent and have a positive attitude, and be willing to help in any capacity. I have been freelancing since July of this year, and was offered a permanent position this week.

It will happen for you girly! Don't be afraid to ask questions, this group is fantastic! Everyone is always helpful, and want to see you succeed!

Best wishes girly! Keep us posted.

^^Thanks!! Wow you have been freelancing for a long time! So when u say you've been offered many full-time/part-time positions you mean from MAC or just other jobs?

And that whole not standing around and cleaning up everything thing is so totally me....i'm like a freaking squirrel! Lol! And i LOVE doing floorsets and setting up displays....seriously....its like doing a puzzle for me. So i am now pretty confident that i will be awesome at it. I hope they offer me a mor e permanent postiton soon supposed to start next week...i guess.

I'm just getting concerned bc i keep reading stories about ppl waiting WEEKS just to work. But then at the same time i wonder what area they live in. I live in Orlando and the malls near me are ALWAYS busy...esp MAC...i have never been in either MAC and its not crowded...its always jam im hoping that plays a part in me getting more hours bc of them needing Freelancers to help.

But i won't know until i get my employee number.


Well-known member
I was offered permanent MAC positions and one at Shu Uemura before they closed their counter. Only NARS, Illamasqua, or Makeup Forever could lure me away but they don't have any true stores here,... Lady Gina is absolutely right about each situation being different. They may have plenty of hours approved for that counter or store that need covered and they work every freelancer or you may be competing against long time freelancers for a smaller pool of available hours. And yep,. never be afraid to ask if you don't know something. I love to help my fellow MAC Gals spread the love. :)


Active member
I freaking love this place (this thread)...i went to a party last nite actually (MAC) and had a blast! I can already tell i may be working for MAC for a very long time....i absolutely love the atmosphere and the philanthropy....its just amazing. The passion that comes with this art.

You all are SOOOOO helpful! I talked to the manager that i did my paperwork w/last nite (she is so cool) and she said they haven't sent my employee number yet but i should be getting it beyond excited!!! I know ppl speak so negatively about MAC but can't be any worse than working for Wal just can't be...bc that was straight up plantation slavery!

I think im gonna really enjoy working here.


Active member
Nice!^ congrats! I started this week! I love it! Still a lot to get used to. Everybody is really helpful. :) so far I've only been called in to one MAC counter. I'm thinking about calling other counters/stores to let them know I'm available. Or should I wait for them to call me?


Well-known member
I started this week! I love it! Still a lot to get used to. Everybody is really helpful.
so far I've only been called in to one MAC counter. I'm thinking about calling other counters/stores to let them know I'm available. Or should I wait for them to call me?

nope call them! those who dont ask for food dont get fed. you have to beat down the doors to get anywhere in MAC


New member
Hi everyone, I am new to this board. I'm 22, a bank teller, and I am a mark. Cosmetics Rep, and Traci Lynn Jewelry consultant. I am very interested in make-up and beginning a freelance, consulting business, since I have my hand in cosmetics and jewelry. When throwing mark. Parties, we do demos on guests. So I know this will be a great way to showcase my skills and promote my business. I want to do Robert Jones Beauty Academy to federal a foundation on the technical side of make-up. And I was thinking, to build my experience I should do freelance at a cosmetics company. I work 25 hours at the bank. Do you think I should apply for freelance or part time, maybe 10 hours a week?? I know part time will allow me for get more training. Any suggestions?? :)

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