How Long Does it Take You to Do Your Makeup - Full face? =)


Well-known member
If I really want to doll myself up, it takes me about half an hour.

Eyeliner and mascara usually take up a lot of that time (not to mention the actual eye makeup, of course!)...especially since I don't usually use falsies and I have the tiniest lashes EVER.


Well-known member
Forrrrrrever....LOL. It takes me about 10-15 on my brows alone. My foundation goes on pretty quickly. No problem there. Maybe about 5 min. When I have to figure out what shadow to use and how I am going to apply it time just gets away from me. Then the eyeliner, lip pencil and gloss and blah blah blah.


Well-known member
For school about 5 minutes i dust on some powder, put on 1 shade of eyeshadow, blush and vaseline on my lips.

For a full face to go on a date or night clubbin usually 30-45 minutes but thats b ecause i have to do my hair at the same time


Well-known member
If I don't do other things (like running back and forth to the computer, watching tv, dancing to my ipod LOL), I'd say it takes me about 20-25 minutes to do a full face. If I'm doing all those other things, it takes more like an hour. I actually prefer the latter, as I like being able to take my time and just relax.


Well-known member
If I don't have a time limit I can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, but if I have to be somewhere early in the morning I try and do it in about 15 minutes.


Well-known member
For a full on face (real hearty eye make up) usually takes about 40 minutes. My normal face with like, one lid colour, one crease and one highlight + liner will cut it down to 30 minutes all up. I have been known to take up to an hour just for make up.


Well-known member
If it's a weekday, I'm out the door a half hour after I roll out of bed - I shower and straighten my hair at night, and in the morning I just wash my face again, moisturize, use a powder foundation (sooo much faster than liquid), blush, concealer, one or two eyeshadows, and mascara (I love the look of eyeliner, but I usually skip it if I don't want to spend an extra 5 minutes trying to draw a straight line). If I'm going out and want a little extra something, it might add on another 10 minutes tops.


Well-known member
I'd say it takes me 25-30 minutes to do primer, foundation, concealer (this takes a bit as I have to use different colours and layers under the eyes, rawr), powder, blush, contour, highlight, multiple eyeshadows, liner, mascara and lips.

...with that much stuff, no wonder my boyfriend thinks I'm nuts.

I don't necessarily do that every day, though, and if I go all out on the eyes it can take a bit longer. For my glamourous job of cleaning hotel rooms (oh baby, oh baby), I don't bother with more than lip balm, concealer, eyeliner and mascara. So, about 5 minutes. Damned under eye circles. Also, no one is allowed to separate me from my fluidline. Ever.


Well-known member
If I go out to a special event or a club or something of that nature, it can take between 45 mins to an hour. If I am doing something super artistic though it can take over an hour, especially if I also have to apply false lashes.

On a daily basis my makeup takes like 10 mins.


Well-known member
if im doing a neutral look such as: foundation, powder, mascara, maybe add some eyshadow, brows, blush, lip balm/gloss = 10 mins sometimes less

if im adding abit more like keeping it as a day look but adding abit of colour and blending shadows etc. probably about 20-30 mins

and for a special occasion and going clubbing i can take about 45 mins as i like to go slow so i dont mess up lol


Well-known member
1 and half hour -2 hours that includes hair... maybe and outfit change, shoe change. I give myself a lot of time. I hate to be rushed and I love to look pretty... I love to do my makeup... make this a little smoker, highlight here. I can be done in no time but then I am self consious all day unless I am in the mood for less is more. I have no clue what I will do when I have kids... right now I am glad that I have a husband that loves makeup!!


Active member
if i already tweezed my eyebrows and did all my skin care stuff, only 20 mins for makeup, if i haven't gotten prepped up yet, 40 mins


Well-known member
On my easy makeup days (which now are few and far between now that I'm out of school
) would be under 10 minutes. That included foundation, eye liner, mascara, a bit of powder, and gloss.

Generally I take between 20 and 30 minutes depending on the eye shadow situation.


Well-known member
It take me between 20-30 min depending on my eye looks. I'm really trying to similfy my eyes (like only use on shadow) to shorten the time. I can't believe it take me so long to put my face on. It really doesn't seem like I'm spending that much time when I'm doing it, but I guess it really does...