I got dudded by a trusted seller


Well-known member
Originally Posted by figgy1982
What I will say is that Panda is one of the people who has mentioned her as a trusted seller, Panda clearly knows more than I ever will, so I am reluctant to state her name - giving her the benefit of the doubt until she responds, perhaps this is a one off for her.
Had I known that this thread would turn into this, I wouldn't have said anything, am not one for arguing on the net - or in real life.
Mods, delete this thread if you wish.

Spectra has always been a valuable source of info for me and my mates etc.I want to be informed about fakes so I know whom can i trust when i spend my well earned dosh ...no need for anybody to spit their dummy jus cos you don't like some of the posts... but you just have to mix the rough with the smooth same on the net -same in real life..

PS.Im not having a go at you ,more like advice that sometimes you really need to grow thicker skin and lol im not arguing...Im more of a lover than a fighter


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124

Panda I am crossing off all your trusted sellers from my list j/k


Originally Posted by figgy1982
What I will say is that Panda is one of the people who has mentioned her as a trusted seller, Panda clearly knows more than I ever will, so I am reluctant to state her name - giving her the benefit of the doubt until she responds, perhaps this is a one off for her.
Had I known that this thread would turn into this, I wouldn't have said anything, am not one for arguing on the net - or in real life.
Mods, delete this thread if you wish.

Its not beyond trusted sellers to sell an occassional fake - albeit deliberate or unknowingly. These sellers are named as a giude to sources that have previously been known to sell authentic goods. It doesnt mean that circumstances dont change and I cant be held responsible for that.

Last statement reminds me of the kid who packed up his bat and ball and went home....
Seriously, if people wish to open threads about specific sellers then do us all a favour and name them. The thread is of little help to anyone if all we are actually being helped with is avoiding an anonymous seller ~ Seems counterintuitive to me


Well-known member
I don't understand what "waiting for the seller to respond to give their name" means??? You mean if they respond with "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I will give you a refund." Which is most likely the response you'll get. Then you won't tell us??

That doesn't do anyone any good. Because that seller is NOT going to depot a bunch of eyeshadows to see which ones they can sell as authentic. They are going to keep selling regardless. That is why everyone keeps saying to give the name, that is what this forum is for. You've already proved its a fake. Just because the seller gives you a refund doesn't mean we don't need to know who it is. The couple fakes I got, I was also refunded. But they were still fakes! And I named the seller here for that reason.


Well-known member
Wouldnt it be easier to be like THIS SELLER MIGHT BE SELLING FAKES and then later confirm yes or no? I mean all of us could be bidding on this person's stuff right now when the original poster could have protected us for the time being!! Wtf!


Active member
Here goes. mediamagic_donna

I have received 2 emails from this person now, and will post them both. She has been really lovely, but not really willing to listen.

The first...I would never sell a MAC item that would ever not be genuine, My Business, My loyal Customers, and my reputation are far too important for me to even consider that. It wouldn't be worth it to me in absolutely any way.
All my MAC Items are bought from the biggest and most honourable MAC Supplier in the United States, That supplies not only America, but worldwide, They are far too Big of MAC Distributors, to even risk their licence selling fakes. All their items are Guaranteed FRESH AND AUTHENTIC.

I do not purchase from Asia, Off small sellers, as I am aware as you are how much Fake MAC is out there, and consider myself a pretty good judge of picking a fake in seconds, There are so many small ways to tell, and most are very obvious to an eye that knows what to look for, Sadly not a lot of people know what to look for, I have a couple of fake items here, that I show to my local customers, to show them against the real product on if they are going to buy from places like eBay etc, what to be extremely careful of.

I see fakes advertised so much and it makes me really angry that these people can actually get away with it.
I can assure you 100%, You will NEVER be sold ANYTHING fake from my site, or from ME, actually I just got another very big MAC order arrive today to list, of some beautiful items.
Please feel free to reply and have a beautiful night,

The second...
I dont think I can try to convince you in any way, I think the best thing you can do is take it in to a MAC store yourself for them to validate your eye-shadow for you, I have absolutely no doubt they will verify that it is the real thing for you.

Fake MAC eye-shadow wouldn't come as yours did

Real MAC shadows have the NAME of the shade on the box in a round sticker ( Fake shadows do not) They normally just have a number.

Real MAC shadows have the name underneath the shadow (Fake do not)
REAL MAC shadows will also have a sticker barcode on the box (Fake MAC will have the barcode printed directly on the box)

As on my ad, I cannot take returns on cosmetics due to hygienic reasons, which I am sure you wouldn't want any cosmetic that has been in somebody else hands either.

I have sold hundreds of MAC items to many different customers, This is the first time I have ever been suspected of trying to sell fakes or replica's, It is just something, that I would never even consider, as I said, My business, Reputation and customers are far to important to me. Please have it verified for your own peace of mind hon. I understand you must do that, but Im sure you will be very happy when you do.

I live 2 hours from a MAC store so no way I am going down there just to verify it. It's not worth the time or the money.

The base of the shadow is exactly that same as listed here M.A.C. Eyeshadow Comparison
The inside of the container is the same, the pan holder part is the same, and the pan is definitely not flat on the bottom, has a ring.
As for the box, the barcode is identical (with a couple of different numbers) as the fakes in this page http://www.specktra.net/forum/f257/e...-2008-a-95627/

It's basically a combination between all the fake stuff in those two threads.

Panda, I know that your suggestions come with no guarantees, I just wanted to give the seller benefit of the doubt before a newbie like me went around bagging a seller that you have suggested. I suggested to her that perhaps she has accidentally sold me one of the fakes that she keeps to show her customers, but she hasn't responded to it.

My intention was never to piss people here off, never realised that me holding out for an explanation from the seller would cause so much trouble!


Well-known member
^^Thank-you!!!! This is an aussie seller that IMHO has probably made an honest mistake. I have purchased from her several times previously and not only is she, and has she ever been, honest with me, but is a really beautiful person as well. She does source from a supplier, so she has to undertake that there may well be issues in that, but I do believe she is probably genuinely unaware that it is counterfeit.

On a side note, perhaps you could post a pic of the item in question with the indented pans?


Well-known member
I've never bought anything from her but I have heard that she is a good seller. Hopefully this is just an honest mistake. It'd be a good idea to post pictures of the eyeshadow, maybe its a new fake thats hard to identify.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by figgy1982
Here goes. mediamagic_donna

I have received 2 emails from this person now, and will post them both. She has been really lovely, but not really willing to listen.

The first...I would never sell a MAC item that would ever not be genuine, My Business, My loyal Customers, and my reputation are far too important for me to even consider that. It wouldn't be worth it to me in absolutely any way.
All my MAC Items are bought from the biggest and most honourable MAC Supplier in the United States, That supplies not only America, but worldwide, They are far too Big of MAC Distributors, to even risk their licence selling fakes. All their items are Guaranteed FRESH AND AUTHENTIC.

I do not purchase from Asia, Off small sellers, as I am aware as you are how much Fake MAC is out there, and consider myself a pretty good judge of picking a fake in seconds, There are so many small ways to tell, and most are very obvious to an eye that knows what to look for, Sadly not a lot of people know what to look for, I have a couple of fake items here, that I show to my local customers, to show them against the real product on if they are going to buy from places like eBay etc, what to be extremely careful of.

I see fakes advertised so much and it makes me really angry that these people can actually get away with it.
I can assure you 100%, You will NEVER be sold ANYTHING fake from my site, or from ME, actually I just got another very big MAC order arrive today to list, of some beautiful items.
Please feel free to reply and have a beautiful night,

The second...
I dont think I can try to convince you in any way, I think the best thing you can do is take it in to a MAC store yourself for them to validate your eye-shadow for you, I have absolutely no doubt they will verify that it is the real thing for you.

Fake MAC eye-shadow wouldn't come as yours did

Real MAC shadows have the NAME of the shade on the box in a round sticker ( Fake shadows do not) They normally just have a number.

Real MAC shadows have the name underneath the shadow (Fake do not)
REAL MAC shadows will also have a sticker barcode on the box (Fake MAC will have the barcode printed directly on the box)

As on my ad, I cannot take returns on cosmetics due to hygienic reasons, which I am sure you wouldn't want any cosmetic that has been in somebody else hands either.

I have sold hundreds of MAC items to many different customers, This is the first time I have ever been suspected of trying to sell fakes or replica's, It is just something, that I would never even consider, as I said, My business, Reputation and customers are far to important to me. Please have it verified for your own peace of mind hon. I understand you must do that, but Im sure you will be very happy when you do.

I live 2 hours from a MAC store so no way I am going down there just to verify it. It's not worth the time or the money.

The base of the shadow is exactly that same as listed here M.A.C. Eyeshadow Comparison
The inside of the container is the same, the pan holder part is the same, and the pan is definitely not flat on the bottom, has a ring.
As for the box, the barcode is identical (with a couple of different numbers) as the fakes in this page http://www.specktra.net/forum/f257/e...-2008-a-95627/

It's basically a combination between all the fake stuff in those two threads.

Panda, I know that your suggestions come with no guarantees, I just wanted to give the seller benefit of the doubt before a newbie like me went around bagging a seller that you have suggested. I suggested to her that perhaps she has accidentally sold me one of the fakes that she keeps to show her customers, but she hasn't responded to it.

My intention was never to piss people here off, never realised that me holding out for an explanation from the seller would cause so much trouble!

She got it from an honorable MAC supplier?? I wasn't aware that random people can purchase from an honorable MAC Supplier other than the MAC stores itself. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

"Real MAC shadows have the NAME of the shade on the box in a round sticker ( Fake shadows do not) They normally just have a number.

Real MAC shadows have the name underneath the shadow (Fake do not)
REAL MAC shadows will also have a sticker barcode on the box (Fake MAC will have the barcode printed directly on the box) "

Um obviously some really good fake MACs can simply print the "shade on the box in a round sticker" and "have the name underneath the shadow" and "have a sticker barcode on the box"

I don't know if they're fake or not cuz I haven't seen the pictures.

Fakes are getting so good that some little differences are hard to detect. Just get your money back from paypal if she's unwilling to give you a refund.


Active member
Originally Posted by panda0410
^^Thank-you!!!! This is an aussie seller that IMHO has probably made an honest mistake. I have purchased from her several times previously and not only is she, and has she ever been, honest with me, but is a really beautiful person as well. She does source from a supplier, so she has to undertake that there may well be issues in that, but I do believe she is probably genuinely unaware that it is counterfeit.

On a side note, perhaps you could post a pic of the item in question with the indented pans?

That's why I really wanted to give her a chance to explain before I said her name, because I really hoped that it was a genuine mistake. Like you said, she is so lovely. I am in Australia too, and there isn't much MAC on ebay around here, so I was really hoping for a good seller.
I have taken a pic with my iphone, flat batteries in the camera, hopefully it's clear enough, sorry it's a bit grainy.


Well-known member
Thanks hunny
She really is a sweet person, I hope you guys can sort it out, she has been one of the better sellers we have and I'd hate to lose her from AU ebay over an honest mistake

I have also PM you


Active member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Thanks hunny
She really is a sweet person, I hope you guys can sort it out, she has been one of the better sellers we have and I'd hate to lose her from AU ebay over an honest mistake

I have also PM you

Thanks for your help Panda.


Active member
Thanks girls, yeah when she said the supplier thing was about when I went "eeeeek!".
I am going to keep contacting her so I'll let you know how I go. She really is so lovely and I hope she can keep selling genuine stuff.


Active member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
Sellers can be updated to newer fakes and learn a lot from this site and I've seen it but there was never a need to get scared. I encountered panda right when I came on this site and she's never blown up on me nor gotten upset by anything I've ever posted. If it wasn't for her and TheCollector now, this section would be screwed on pigment verification but she's always level headed and you needn't be scared of her either. I've gotta go update the other thread but congrats on being brave. xD

Thanks Casadalinnis
He he, yeah not scared of Panda, she's lovely and helpful!!!


Well-known member
awwwwww i lurveeeeeeeeee SPECTRA and when there is happy conclusion

Let's have a group hug

Ciao for now
PS.I so miss my family in Australia


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
I call jinx due to posting a tweet this late at night or early in the day. J/K I noticed the supplier thing as well and was like whoa, wtf?! Supplier = scares the fu(k out of me. xD

I agree...Bought from a Supplier waves all sorts of red flags for me...MAC does not sell to suppliers so that is a instant "No Buy" for me...But the sad part is you usually don't hear about the "Supplier" until AFTER you realize you have a fake then it comes up....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
Sellers can be updated to newer fakes and learn a lot from this site and I've seen it but there was never a need to get scared. I encountered panda right when I came on this site and she's never blown up on me nor gotten upset by anything I've ever posted. If it wasn't for her and TheCollector now, this section would be screwed on pigment verification but she's always level headed and you needn't be scared of her either. I've gotta go update the other thread but congrats on being brave. xD

Originally Posted by figgy1982
I have taken a pic with my iphone, flat batteries in the camera, hopefully it's clear enough, sorry it's a bit grainy.

Have you referred her to this site, and specifically to the thread that clearly shows that indented pans are fake??
I think that would really prove to her that you received a fake. Then she might be more open to believing that yes, she is indeed selling fake(s).