I got dudded by a trusted seller


Active member
Hi all.
Have sent her an email with a couple of different links to threads here. Have also been speaking to Panda (who is brilliant) and gotten lots of info to send to her. I honestly think the seller is going to be completely freaked out when she reads it and realizes, because by her emails it really sounds like the honestly believes she is selling authentic (and hopefully the rest of it is, hopefully it's just me that got unlucky).
Panda has also offered to speak to the seller if the seller wants to, as she has dealt with her many times before (so might be a little bit more believing coming from her than from me, and Panda know a million times more than I do), so hopefully it's all covered. I emailed her last night (it's half past 8 in the morning here is Oz), haven't heard back yet, but will let you guys know as soon as I do.


Well-known member
^ yeah I would certainly let JanLee (panda) deal with her she is very good at these things and has a great sense of tact when it comes to dealing with counterfeit sellers and people in general for that matter....She is a great friend of mine and I adore her if you can't tell already!


Well-known member
glad ur getting it sorted out hun, told you everyone was nice here really,

i'm glad u saw it through to the end, and didnt delete your account like you told me you were thinking about



Well-known member
I'm glad you're getting this worked out. I hope you aren't put off coming to this site. Its a really good place and there are so many people here that are willing to help.


Active member
ThanksBanana1234 and Elle25, yeah it all seems to be working out, so fingers crossed. Hopefully this is a one for for the seller, cos sounds like she is really one of the good ones.


Well-known member
Someone needs to know that all new genuine MAC shadows have boxes where all information is printed, no stickers. If she thinks no stickers = fake then she is spreading misinformation already.


Well-known member
Thanks for informing us Figgy. I am glad you guys got it straightened out and hopefully this will help the seller and whoever her "supplier" is as well.

You guys totally read my mind about the "wholesaler" and "supplier" thing because whenever I see those on eBay, I am like WOAH STAY AWAY from those items! And then they of course either have a stock photo from MAC's website or some horrendeous fake


Well-known member
I just saw this thread and read through it all. Figgy we all were new here at one time so I know what you were feeling getting many different types of replys as we all do. It can be intimindating at times but you'll see the longer your here it's all done with love. Being new I understand why you didnt want to bring it up due to the sellers reputation but I'm glad you did, like people have mentioned, once the word "supplier" is said thats a big red flag. MAC has no "suppliers". I myself buy direct, if I'm looking for a old or rare color I always ask where they got it and if it's not direct then I don't buy. I also keep my receipts and feel any big/on-going seller should and should provide it if asked but thats me. Since I know my product very well I can spot fakes plus have original jars of all I sell. So even if they are lying I can compare it to a authentic. Plus I make it clear before buying a rare that if it's a fake I will be returning it and I keep there emails stating it's real. That way you can say their listing was false which voids out their terms. Some sellers will say anything, some will say they buy direct when they dont and unless they are highly recommended I know I'm taking a chance when I buy on ebay or anywhere for that matter unless it's direct.

There are great people here that know MAC well, me I know Pigments & Glitters inside and out but their other items not so well. So I'm greatful for the different people here that know different types of the line very well.

Sometimes good sellers get a fake. A seller I knew for years (a competitor) sent me a jar of a color I was low on and needed it fast, we had been friends for years. Well it was a fake and I was shocked! she went through all of her items after that and found 2 more and went back to the Pro card gal she had always used in the past. She changed gals cause she got a better price, was told she bought direct when in fact she was being sold fakes. Then I've seen other good trustworthy sellers turn and started selling fakes knowing it which is so sad to see but it does happen.

Thanks for letting us know and sticking in through out the thread. We all have to watch out for each other and we all know that any good seller can "turn" and sell fakes just like the many new sellers are. I know everyone who wrote in this topic and they are good hearted people, welcome to the group.


Well-known member
^^ Agreed

and I try to always go by the rule of thumb...reading what someone typed is always up to the readers interpretation...Most times we may read things unlike the way the person who typed it meant for it to be read...But that is the chance you take when you are not face to face with people... It's sometimes hard to know how a person speaks and if they are being cruel or just being blunt and straight to the point. I doubt that many of us here intentionally try to hurt anyones feelings...But we do like to hear the reasons why someone is being accused of something to make our own judgement out of fairness to the member or seller for that matter.

I do joke alot but most times I am just straight to the point when it comes to issues


Well-known member
Tish you are one of the most honest people I know ~ and love
I prefer your no BS approach, you are always to the point, but cordial, and I always know when I talk to you that I get it straight down the line. Thats something I really appreciate! Ya know I luv ya girl!!


Active member
Hi All
Have spoken to the seller on the phone, she has also been in contact with Panda on email. She is going to refund me, but at this point I couldn't care less about my refund, I am just more concerned that she doesn't get ripped off with anymore fakes, or ofcourse anyone else. I am sending the shadow on to Panda to have a look at, and I think the seller is going to use the info she gets from Panda to go to her supplier.
So with everyone's help it's all working out. Thankyou all!


Well-known member
I still honestly don't understand how those Chinese/Thai "suppliers" get away so easily with sending fakes to countries in Europe/US etc. As far as I know, if customs will find counterfeited items in a shipment, they will confiscate those and can even fine the person who had placed the order!
Is it that the customs people simply don't have a clue about what's real and what's not in regards to cosmetics, just like Ebay?


Well-known member
I think its basic logistics... not every single shipment into every single country is inspected by customs, there isnt the manpower or the $ to do it. In reality they probably DO find and seize counterfeits, but you need to think about just how much product is circulating the international market. What they do find is not likely to be even close to the actual volume currently escaping customs inspections.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Eleentje
I still honestly don't understand how those Chinese/Thai "suppliers" get away so easily with sending fakes to countries in Europe/US etc. As far as I know, if customs will find counterfeited items in a shipment, they will confiscate those and can even fine the person who had placed the order!
Is it that the customs people simply don't have a clue about what's real and what's not in regards to cosmetics, just like Ebay?

not every custom's officer knows the details of fake MAC. they might see it and think, "oh okay just makeup." i think they would look for drugs more than counterfeit mamkeup. JM2C


Unfortunately, counterfeit replicas are not listed as red-alert contraband goods that need to be seized on the spot.

Red alert items include prohibited drugs and substances; and sad to say, even those get around a lot. What more for illegal replicas then.

The counterfeit replica industry (yes, it is already an industry unto its own) is a multi-billion dollar business that provides easy money for so many. Of course, it is not one bit right. But it is condoned by many Customs officials and other guardians of the law since it gives them quick big bucks too.

Most illegal counterfeiters and fraudulent sellers don't even see that what they are doing is evil. I interviewed a number of people here who import name-brand bags that are hard to tell from the original. They believe that the original designers and companies already made a ton of bucks "anyway". The also believe that they are just making unaffordable items available to the general public. They claim that the rich will go on buying the real thing; while the poor, who could never afford it in the first place, get s taste of luxury. So no income lost to the distributors of the genuine, and everybody is happy.

This is of course the bullshit they want to believe, and that they all want the rest of us to believe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Aranetti
Hello. I do not wish to be in any argument. Objectively speaking...

1) Ganging up entails a larger group of people saying unnecessarily unsavoury things to one person. It also means that that one person had given no cause for an "attack", and was attacked anyway.

2) That being said, Tish posted a blunt, frank reply. There was no offensive language, no character assassination. It was just a simple, common-sensical question. The others offered sound advice. Those psots were certainly nowhere near ganging up.

3) Did Figgy post to help? If so, what sort of help would her post offer? There was no info of any kind. So perhaps Figgy wanted to "test the waters", and check out how the Specktra community would react.

Stating that a highly rated seller in eBay is not beyond reproach is a fact. It should not be taken lightly by people, especially online shoppers. However, it is not fair and certainly not moral to say that ALL sellers should be looked upon with suspicion and doubt. To NOT name the seller who ripped you off, and then claim that you are being a "good citizen" by warning people is the same as stating "Please cast doubt and suspicion to all sellers, except the one who I am accusing."

No one should apologize for pointing out how wrong it is to make a report and then withhold info about the complaint. None of you were rude. What was really rude and downright uncouth is to pretend to care by saying you are giving a warning, and then protecting the wrongdoer in the same vein.

Even if this seller refunds the victim, even if this seller may or may not have known if she sold fakes or not is not the point. Ignorance is not an excuse under the law. The point is, the seller has become a party, an accomplice to the chain of illegal trafficking of counterfeit replicas. Regardless of what the seller does, people must be warned.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing. Evil prevails twice over when good men say they want to do something, and then don't. Evil prevails thrice over when good men cast doubt upon those who do not deserve it, just to cover up for one who clearly has done wrong.

Figgy, do not apologize for "having bothered". In truth, you have not actually bothered to do anything decent about this so far. You said, "To be honest...", yet you were not at all being honest since you withheld vital info. Without that info, your claim is unsubstantiated. You do owe this community a big apology for making that unsupported, unsubstantiated claim. You got all of us good women riled up, ready to take action; and then prevent any good thing to be done. You are coddling this seller of fakes. And for as long as you do, you have no right to cry wolf (or cry mommy); and you have no right to ask for help. You have sunk to the same level as the fraudulent seller by condoning that seller's act. Yes, you have condoned it by letting that seller get away continuously with this since you refuse to name her.

Banana, this girl is not a poor girl to be pitied. If she cannot even make a stance, whatever people say to her in this post is in fact a lot nicer than she deserves.

er...okay... that's nice of u

did u read the rest of the thread? obviously not


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
It's revised now but thanks for giving me a chance to read the original....uncalled for in it's original state and you reacted nicer than I would have. Hope the counterfeit section doesn't start dripping sarcasm all the time but thanks for the mild checking over the tongue lashing it probably should have gotten.

i'm a lover not a fighter, what can i say?